A group of old friends have a tradition of going to a public bathing house on New Year's Eve. Occasionally too much vodka and beer makes two of them unconscious. The problem is that one of them (Sasha) has to go to Leningrad but another one (Zhenya) goes. Zhenya wakes up at Leningrad airport. Believing that he is still in Moscow he takes a taxi and goes home. The street name, building and even apartment number, the way an apartment complex looks the same and the key coincide completely - just typical Soviet-type 'economy' architecture. Imagine the surprise of Nadya when she enters her apartment and finds a man without trousers in her bed. What's more - Nadya's fiancé also finds him there...

A football coach afraid of commitment has to take care of his nephew with Asperger's Syndrome.

Charles és un home solter que en un casament coneix a la Carrie, de qui s'enamora a primera vista. Tot i passar la nit junts, no es tornen a veure fins al següent casament.

Al començament del segle XX, Joseph i els seus dos germans malviuen del cultiu d'unes terres propietat, com tota la comarca, del poderós senyor Christie. Quan el pare de Joseph mor en un accident provocat pels homes de Christie, el jove decideix venjar-se, però no ho aconsegueix. Poc després, per evitar un duel, emigra a Amèrica, i al vaixell coincideix amb Shannon, la bella filla de Christie. Només arribar als Estats Units, a Shannon li roben tots els seus diners; llavors Joseph decideix protegir-la fent-la passar per la seva germana.

Remake de la pel·lícula homònima que narra la història d'un poble on es prohibeix ballar rock&roll als joves. El motiu està relacionat amb una tragèdia ocorreguda alguns anys abans. A aquest poble arriba un noi apassionat pel ball, que farà que els joves del lloc es rebel·lin contra aquesta situació i reivindiquin el dret a gaudir de la vida.

George, a lonely and fatalistic teen who's made it all the way to his senior year without ever having done a real day of work, is befriended by Sally, a popular but complicated girl who recognizes in him a kindred spirit.

Two teenage girls discover that mermaids really do exist after a violent storm washes one ashore. The mermaid, a sassy creature named Aquamarine, is determined to prove to her father that real love exists, and enlists the girls' help in winning the heart of a handsome lifeguard.

Graced with a velvet voice, 21-year-old Violet Sanford heads to New York to pursue her dream of becoming a songwriter only to find her aspirations sidelined by the accolades and notoriety she receives at her "day" job as a barmaid at Coyote Ugly. The "Coyotes" as they are affectionately called tantalize customers and the media alike with their outrageous antics, making Coyote Ugly the watering hole for guys on the prowl.

Quatre persones es troben la nit de cap d'any en un dels edificis més alts de Londres. Tots quatre estan desesperats i tenen la intenció de suïcidar-se. Es tracta de Martin, un famós personatge de la televisió en hores baixes, Mauren, una mare soltera amb problemes, Jess, una adolescent rebel i JJ, un jove músic que ha de sobreviure repartint pizzes. Al final decideixen fer un pacte: no saltaran i es donaran un termini, fins el dia de Sant Valentí, per mirar de superar junts aquest moment tan difícil de llurs vides.

L'Emilia Greenleaf, llicenciada en Dret a Harvard, s'ha casat amb en Jack, un important advocat novaiorqués que era el seu cap i que ja estava casat quan ella va començar a treballar al seu bufet. La vida dels dos canvia inesperadament quan perden la seva filla recen nascuda.

La Marisa és una mare soltera treballadora, intel·ligent i decidida, que somia a aconseguir una vida millor. Mentre es deixa la pell treballant com a serventa en un hotel de primera classe, el Beresford Hotel de Manhattan, queda corpresa de Christopher, un polític en auge que, en veure-la, la confon per una més dels hostes d’alta societat de l’hotel. Enmig d’aquest enamorament, d’identitats equívoques i tafaneria de primera pàgina, Marisa i Christopher aprenen que com més ambiciosos siguin els teus somnis, més oportunitats tindràs de fer-los realitat.

A group of armed robbers fleeing the police head for the New Jersey Tunnel and run right into trucks transporting toxic waste. The spectacular explosion that follows results in both ends of the tunnel collapsing and the handful of people who survived the explosion are now in peril. Kit Latura is the only man with the skill and knowledge to lead the band of survivors out of the tunnel before the structure collapses.

Franck and Karine are offered a job on a cruise ship they can’t refuse. The only problem: their daughter Camille has to study for her finals but has other ideas of fun in mind instead… No problem! To straighten his daughter out and set her to work, Franck calls on his father André, a retired captain from the national police, hopelessly uptight and rigid. With military discipline, Camille’s finals will be a success! But this is the moment when the second grandfather Teddy, an eccentric and wild former nightclub manager and the total opposite of the strict André, chooses to return after many years abroad... Living together promises to be complicated…

Recent MIT grad Matt Franklin should be well on his way to a successful career at a Fortune 500 company, but instead he rebels against maturity by taking a job at a video store. Matt rethinks his position when his unrequited high-school crush, Tori, walks in and invites him to an end-of-summer party. With the help of his twin sister and his best friend, Matt hatches a plan to change the course of his life.

Després d'una carrera ajudant als devots a través de pregàries, el reverend evangelista Cotton Marcus convida a un equip de rodatge perquè el segueixin per així documentar els seus últims dies com a exorcista en una petita població meridional i rural de Louisiana. Però la seva fe aviat es veurà posada a prova quan es troba amb Nell, una adolescent amb una possessió demoníaca que farà que en Marcus s'hagi d'enfrontar cara a cara amb el mateix diable...

By day, Richard Haig is a successful and well-respected English professor at renowned Trinity College in Cambridge. By night, Richard indulges his own romantic fantasies with a steady stream of beautiful undergraduates. But Richard has grown tired of the game and is looking for something more meaningful and lasting. So when Kate, Richard’s tanned, athletic, 25-year-old American girlfriend tells him that she is pregnant, Richard is thrilled. He looks forward to having a family of his own, being a father his children could be proud of, not some sex-fueled bobcat. There is only one problem. Richard’s not in love with Kate. Richard is in love with Kate’s sister, Olivia. He had been in love with her ever since he first saw her.

Un gigoló ha de lluitar amb la perspectiva d'haver trobat el veritable amor.

Worried that he has gotten the free-spirited Mindy pregnant after an unprotected one-night stand, Fred feigns romantic interest and sticks by her side for twelve hours to make sure she takes both doses of the morning-after pill.

Ryden Malby has a master plan. Graduate college, get a great job, hang out with her best friend and find the perfect guy. But her plan spins hilariously out of control when she’s forced to move back home with her eccentric family.

A wealthy woman who's married to a successful architect welcomes her husband's alleged son into the family after he appears on their doorstep, but she soon discovers the mysterious teen is a dangerous sociopath with a grudge.