

SNL alumnus and subversive master of late-night Seth Meyers comes out from behind the desk to share some lighthearted stories from his own life.

A Shogun who grew paranoid as he became senile sent his ninjas to kill his samurai. They failed but did kill the samurai’s wife. The samurai swore to avenge the death of his wife and roams the countryside with his toddler son in search of vengeance.

After serving time, a defiant street thug is incensed to find his town overrun by two yakuza factions. He gathers his crew and takes them on.


Pan Xiao, a young lawyer, goes to a rural small village settled in the western desert lands of China to handle the case of a falcon poacher who has ran over a policeman. Pan wins the case through sophisticated reasoning and forces the poacher to give him his car as a reward. Then, he just drives back home, but the return will not be an easy one.

On a dark and rainy night, a historic and regal Taipei cinema sees its final film: 1967 martial arts feature "Dragon Inn". As the film plays, the lives of the theater's various employees and patrons intersect, and two ghostly actors arrive to mourn the passing of an era.

A struggling street photographer, pressured to marry by his grandmother, convinces a shy stranger to pose as his fiancée. The pair develops a connection that transforms them in ways that they could not expect.


A Faustian tale about an old woman who makes a pact with Mephisto to regain her youth, but in return she must stay away from love. After making the deal, she meets two brothers who fall in love with her.

Pilots Tae-in and Gyu-sik are set to fly to Gimpo. Under the guidance of flight attendant Ok-soon, passengers are busy boarding. However, shortly after takeoff, a homemade bomb explodes, turning the cabin into chaos.

アジアを代表するトップ男優アンディ・ラウがプロデューサーにも名を連ね、『プロテージ/偽りの絆』(07)以来の共演となる実力派ルイス・クーとガチ激突!義兄弟の2人が次第に宿敵となっていくドラマティックな展開から想像を絶するクライマックスに至るまで、エイジレスな肉体を駆使した渾身のアクションが炸裂!エンディングテーマ曲では2人による夢のデュエットが実現。さらにサム・リーやラム・カートンなど香港映画界のスターたちのサプライズ登場シーンにも要注目だ。『イップ・マン 誕生』『イップ・マン 最終章』の鬼才監督ハーマン・ヤウと撮影監督ジョー・チャンの名コンビが放つ、常識を覆すカーチェイスやラストに待ち受ける壮絶なガンアクションなど、アクション映画史を塗り替える衝撃の見せ場の連続に世界が震撼!中国興収2週連続No.1ヒット、中国公開の香港映画歴代最高興収を樹立する大ヒットを記録し、アカデミー賞国際長編映画賞の香港代表作品に選出、香港電影金像奨で視覚効果賞を受賞するなど様々な快挙を成し遂げた、香港ノワール・アクションの大傑作がついに日本上陸! 香港最大の裏組織「正興」には麻薬に手は出さないという鉄の掟があった。しかし、 部下の地蔵が掟を破り、義兄弟のティンは制裁として地蔵の指を切り落とす…。15年後、金融界で成功したティンは麻薬撲滅運動に力を注ぎ、一方の地蔵は香港麻薬四天王の座に上りつめていた。密売組織の襲撃事件が多発すると、ティンは「香港最大の麻薬密売人を殺した者に1億ドルの懸賞金を出す」と発表。かつて義兄弟だった2人は宿敵となり、香港全土を巻き込む壮絶バトルに突入する―!!


Troubled college freshman Luke suffers a violent family trauma and resurrects his childhood imaginary friend Daniel to help him cope. Charismatic and full of manic energy, Daniel helps Luke to achieve his dreams, before pushing him to the very edge of sanity and into a desperate struggle for control of his mind -- and his soul.

An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful town, but his own family come under threat as the death toll increases dramatically.

In Japanese-occupied Hong Kong, a school teacher and her would-be-fiancé link up with Chinese guerrilla fighters, forging their own path to freedom.

Painted Skin is based on one of Pu Songling's classic short stories in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Zhou Xun stars as Xiao Wei, a fox spirit that feasts on human hearts in order to maintain her lovely, youthful appearance. When General Wang Sheng (Chen Kun) 'rescues' her from a band of bandits and brings her home, trouble brews as the demon falls in love with the general.

On Jan. 22, 1965, the day before the Iranian prime minister is assassinated, a car drives up to a shipwreck. Inside the wreck, a banished political prisoner has hung himself and the walls are covered in diary entries, literary quotes, and strange symbols. Fifty years later, the evidence, including intelligence tape recordings, is found in a box. The contents attest to the fact that the inspector and his colleagues were arrested, but why?

The Humorist is a film about a week in the life of Boris Arkadiev, a fictional Soviet stand-up comedian. Boris is tormented not only by external oppression and censorship but also by his own insecurities that poison all his relationships.