Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

A corrupt lawyer hires a killer to murder his client's divorced ex-wife. The start of a true love story.

自称平凡な小学3年生、高町なのはは助けを求める声に導かれ、不思議なフェレットが負傷し倒れているところを発見、保護する。その夜、再び声が響きフェレットを預かっている動物病院に向かうとそこで異形の怪物がフェレットと対峙する場面に出くわす。彼の正体は異世界ミッドチルダからやってきた少年ユーノ・スクライアだった。 彼がこの世界に来た理由。それは彼が発掘したロストロギア(異世界に存在した高度な魔法技術の遺産)「ジュエルシード」が散らばってしまったためであった。成り行きから事情を知ったなのはは、ユーノと共にジュエルシードを集め、封印する手伝いをすることになる。そして次第になのははユーノだけではなく、自分のために魔法の世界に関わっていく決意を固め、その秘めた力を開花させていく。

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.


Kasi and Suni are close friends who studied together in an engineering college. Assi, who comes to Kerala to study engineering under the North East quota falls in love with Kasi. Certain incidents that follow set Kasi and Suni on a road trip to Nagaland on two motorcycles. The incidents that happen during this road adventure forms the film.


Extreme Rules 2015 is a professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by WWE. It's the seventh event under the Extreme Rules chronology.

Tintin is out on a peaceful walk. But the comfortable atmosphere will not last long. When an aircraft with an engine failure lands, Tintin does his part to help, but he is shot and ends up in hospital.

Tintin is visited in India by a Chinese gentleman who brings him a message. Then, an unseen marksman throws a poisonous dart right into his neck. The only clue Tintin receives from the now mad messenger is that there are problems in Shanghai related to a man named Mitsuhirato.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

The untold and ultimately inspiring story of legendary singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the man poised to be the biggest R&B artist of all time until the tragic accident that changed his life forever at the age of only 31.

A female boxer 10 minutes before her final match gets into an emotional crisis and has to fight it. A fight before a fight.

副総監誘拐事件から5年後の2003年の3連休の初日11月22日、湾岸署管内で婦女暴行事件とスリ事件が発生する。さらに管内で会社役員の他殺体が発見され、警視庁捜査一課は湾岸署に捜査本部を設置する。本庁初の女性管理官=沖田仁美警視正が本部長として指揮をとり、室井慎次警視正がそのサポートをすることになった。それと同時に警視庁が湾岸署管内に秘密裏に設置した監視カメラシステム「C.A.R.A.S.(Criminal Activity Recognition Advanced System)」による捜査も開始され、青島や同僚の恩田すみれがその任務に就くが、その監視網をあざ笑うかのように第2の殺人事件が起きてしまい、室井はその責任を取って、監視ルームに実質軟禁されることになる。

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

Aranmanai is about a family that wants to sell their ancestral home. The supernatural elements they discover there in the aranmanai (palace) lead to some bone-chilling moments.

2010年3月28日。湾岸署は3日後の新湾岸署の開署にむけて、刑事課強行犯係の係長・警部補となった青島俊作の指揮の下、引越しの準備で騒然となっていた。 引っ越し作業の最中、管内でバスジャック事件とネットワークで管理された金庫がクラッキングでこじ開けられた銀行強盗事件が立て続けに発生。青島やすみれがそれぞれ現場に急行するが、どちらも「何も盗られていない」という妙な共通点があった。

A lawyer in his 30s named Danny still dreams about becoming a cowboy when his fiancée leaves him on the eve of their wedding ceremony. Fortunately, for him, not one, but two contrasting girls appear on his life to take her place: the bubbly Jo Jo and the more traditional Candice. But who will win out?

TV Special converting a Disney fan's house into their dream home.