A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Frusteret efter at blive fyret, forfalsker journalisten Ann Mitchell et brev fra en mand der vil begå selvmord nytårsaften, hvis Amerikas befolkning fortsætter deres hjertekolde, umenneskelige livsstil. Da folk begynder at fatte mistanke, hyrer hun en hjemløs til at spille rollen. Hurtigt bliver deres manifest manipuleret og korrumperet af en ambitiøs politiker, men ikke før John Doe indser, hvilken værdi, hans budskab har for det amerikanske folk.

In the third film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto volunteers to be tortured by Yakuza to save a prostitute and is hired by their leader to kill an evil chamberlain.

A group of messenger spirits led by Aniceto, including doctor André Luiz, are tasked with going to Earth to help rescue three proteges whose interconnected stories are about to fail.

Denne dokumentar følger Clarence Avant's liv som den ultimative mentor og mirakelmager i kulisserne for amerikansk musik, film, tv og politik.

Mark, a new and inexperienced rugby club member, finds himself drawn to Warren, a seasoned first team player. When a series of happenstances at an away fixture lead to a drunken encounter, Mark and Warren unwittingly embark on a romantic affair they struggle to hide from their partners and teammates.

One morning, Louise, 45, is suddenly unable to step out of her car. Sweats, anxieties, palpitations... she is having an inexplicable panic attack. She is tetanized and simply cannot set foot outside.

A police officer who while responding to a violent hostage call, kills the African American suspect only to later learn of his innocence. Sensing this was a set-up, and facing repercussions, he must track down the person responsible while examining his own accountability and the ingrained racism which brought him to this point.

Ean has a critical mission to return to the future to save everyone. However, she becomes trapped in the distant past while trying to prevent the escape of alien prisoners who are locked up in the bodies of humans. Meanwhile, Muruk, who helps Ean escape various predicaments, is unnerved when he begins sensing the presence of a strange being in his body. Traveling through the centuries, they are trying to prevent the explosion of the haava.

Paris, 1884. The lives of three orphaned children wandering the streets dominated by ruthless criminals change tragically when they carry out a daring robbery.

På en skole i det nordlige London opholder en gruppe elever og deres lærer sig efter lukketid. Byen har i den seneste tid været plaget af en gruppe hætteklædte drenge, som begår indbrud på skoler i ly af mørket, men dette ondskabsfulde angreb overrasker alle. Med ansigtet skjult er bandemedlemmerne de perfekte dræbere; Hurtige, lydløse og fremfor alt brutale, mens de bevæger sig fra rum til rum og myrder i flæng.

Alain and Diane have been together for 30 years. In his mind, Alain is still 30 years old. But the equation 30 years of routine feelings, empty nest (and incidentally a job where being 50 is like an incurable disease) creates a much less euphoric effect for Diane. She oscillates between depression and free fall - and the first one who says "hormonal" she smokes. Alain loves Diane like crazy and love is proof. He's going to do something crazy for her, something to make her feel vital again, to make her heart beat and youthfulness pulsate. The crazy thing? Leave her. The risk with electroshock ? Unknown: either it wakes up or it burns. They will take it, with their eyes closed.

A businessman wakes up beside an ancient grist mill situated in the center of an open-air prison cell with no idea how he got there. Forced to work as a beast of burden to stay alive, he must find a way to escape before the birth of his child.

Every parent's worst nightmare is just the beginning for Rachel's ordeal as in the aftermath of a tragic accident, she and her husband Anthony decide to move to the other side of the world to focus on their surviving twin son Elliot. What begins as a time of healing and isolation in the Finnish countryside turns into a desperate battle for the very soul of their son as an entity claiming to be his dead twin brother takes over Elliot — setting Rachel on a diabolical journey to unravel the horrible truth about her twin son.

As the Lino Vartan shelter, which takes orphans and seniors in, has to shut down for health issues, Milann has no choice but to accept the invitation of a retirement home in the south of France.

En uskyldig opdagelse af en velbevaret mumificeret kejser fra 200 f.Kr. i Kina genstarter et 2000-årigt mareridt - en hemmelighed, der burde have været forblevet begravet.

Two years into the pandemic, a group of friends throw an online party with a night of games, drinking and drugs. After taking an ecstasy pill, things go terribly wrong and the safety of their home becomes more terrifying than the raging chaos outside.

As a lone spaceship proceeds on its long voyage across space, the crew are surprised to encounter a strange pyramid form. Surprise turns to horror as one by one, they discover that their darkest nightmares are all starting to become real. The pyramid has to be behind it all somehow, but how can they save themselves from its influence?

Et chokerende angreb bliver inspiration til grusom vold, da en gruppe teenagere på campingtur et øde sted møder en pige fra deres skole.