サスペンスの巨匠アルフレッド・ヒッチコック監督の最高傑作のひとつ。美女の自殺の裏に隠された巧妙なトリックを、謎めいたロマンスとともに描いたミステリー。 とある悲惨な事件をきっかけに、高所恐怖症となり、警察を退職したジョンのもとに、旧友から情緒不安定な自分の妻マデリンを尾行してほしいとの依頼が入った。断り切れなかったジョンは、その日の夜から尾行を開始。やがてマデリンを愛するようになってしまったジョンの目の前で彼女は身を投げた…。失意に暮れるジョンは、町をさまよううちにマデリンそっくりの女性と出会う。


When principal Joe Clark takes over decaying Eastside High School, he's faced with students wearing gang colors and graffiti-covered walls. Determined to do anything he must to turn the school around, he expels suspected drug dealers, padlocks doors and demands effort and results from students, staff and parents. Autocratic to a fault, this real-life educator put it all on the line.

A tale of an inner city drug dealer who turns away from crime to pursue his passion, rap music.

Lake Tahoe, 1969. Seven strangers, each one with a secret to bury, meet at El Royale, a decadent motel with a dark past. In the course of a fateful night, everyone will have one last shot at redemption.

13-year-old Sinikka vanishes on a hot summer night. Her bicycle is found in the exact place where a girl was killed 23 years ago. The dramatic present forces those involved in the original case to face their past.


Convicted felon Jimmy gets early parole after serving twelve years for armed robbery. Upon his release, he vows to give Annie, his childhood love, now dying from cancer, the best last year of her life – unfortunately it’s not that simple.


30年来の親友同士、お互いを知り尽くすオードリーとモーガン。 彼氏のドリューから一方的に音信不通にされたオードリーのもとに、ある日イケメン青年が現れ、ドリューはCIAのスパイだと打ち明けられる。ドリューの正体に驚きを隠せないオードリーだが、荷物を取りに来たと突然ドリューが現れるも、「誰も信じるな」という言葉と記念トロフィーを残して射殺される。オードリーとモーガンはドリューの言葉を信じるも、迫りくる様々な追手が行く手を阻む。ドタバタ・スパイコメディの超話題作!

ボンドは中南米某国のトロ将軍に変装し、将軍が管理する高性能偵察機を破壊すべく侵入する。本物の将軍に見つかり一旦は拘束されるが、CIA女性アシスタントのビアンカの誘惑で敵兵を惑した隙に超小型ジェット機(通称:アクロスター)で逃走。地対空ミサイルに追尾されるものの、前述の偵察機の格納庫内をすり抜けた直後にミサイルが格納庫を直撃、結果的に任務に成功する。 その頃、東ベルリンでピエロに成りすましサーカス団に潜入していた009は『レディーの卵(ファベルジュの卵)』(ロシア皇帝献上品)を持ち出したのを見つかり、投擲ナイフを特技とする双子の兄弟ミーシカとグリーシカにやられ、ベルリン英国大使館公邸に『卵』を持ち込み死亡する。



Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.


A typical night for veterans at a VFW turns into an all-out battle for survival when a desperate teen runs into the bar with a bag of stolen drugs. When a gang of violent punks come looking for her, the vets use every weapon at their disposal to protect the girl and themselves from an unrelenting attack.

Stranded at the side of the road after a tire blowout, a group of friends become targets for an enigmatic sniper.

After learning that a brain aneurysm will kill him in about 90 minutes, a perpetually unhappy man struggles to come to terms with his fate and make amends with everyone he has ever hurt.

Billy Hill and Jack 'Spot' Comer were among the most notorious criminals in London up until the 1950s. Dramatising the violent reign of two of London's most notorious gangsters, Billy Hill (Leo Gregory) and Jack 'Spot' Comer (Terry Stone), ONCE UPON A TIME IN LONDON charts the legendary rise and fall of a nationwide criminal empire that lasted until the mid-fifties and which paved the way for the notorious Kray Twins and The Richardsons. This is the story of their rise and fall.

19-year-old Lola James is trying to work to save enough money to get her beloved little brother, Arlo, out of their toxic home. Until one tragic night, when her whole world gets uprooted. From that moment on, nothing will ever be the same.