The basic plot revolves around drug dealer Limeni and two men, Lemi and Kiza, who are trying to transport their dead grandfather for burial, until their car breaks down and they end up struggling to get him home onboard a train. This is when these two plots intersect and all hell breaks loose.

Dr. Bhaskar Bannerjee struggles with his patients' suffering and the darkness and poverty he confronts daily. He treats cancer patient Anand who upon learning of his impending death determines to use the time he has left to the absolute fullest.

Carlo is a doctor that has recently lost his wife. Affected by the loss, he is supported by his family and friends, and, above all, for the love he feels towards his little daughter. And then, one day, he meets Camille.

Exploring the rise and fall of the groundbreaking animated series ​Ren & Stimpy​ and its controversial creator, John Kricfalusi, through archival footage, show artwork and interviews with the artists, actors and executives behind the show.

The real story of the journalist Vesela Toteva (in the role is her daughter -Valentina Karoleva) searching for her own happiness during the dynamic and uncertain 90's in Bulgaria. A tale about drugs, fall, fear and redemption.

Der var engang en dreng ved navn Leo, der elskede en pige ved navn Alma. Han lovede at få hende til at le hele livet igennem. Men krigen skilte dem ad. Fra en polsk landsby i 1930'erne til nutidens New York i dag væves den smukke kærlighedshistorie mellem Leo, manden, der overlevede alt, og Alma, den mest elskede kvinde i verden. I nutiden møder vi en anden Alma, en teenager i New York, der er smittet med samme vidunderlige kærlighedsvirus og også vil være den mest elskede kvinde i verden. Intet synes at binde Leo til den unge Alma.

I 'Snabba Cash' studerer Johan, kaldet JW, økonomi på universitetet i Stockholm. Han mænger sig med overklassens gulddrenge og lyver om sin barndom som søn af en mindre velstillet familie. Med sit kønne ansigt og nydelige påklædning passer han perfekt ind i gruppen af de unge, rige og smukke, mens fritiden uden andres vidende står på taxakørsel for at tjene til bare marginalt at kunne følge med i de andres forbrugstempo. JW forelsker sig i den yndige Sophie, der i mange år har været kæreste med jetset-Carl, og pludselig synes behovet for hurtige penge endnu større. Fristelsen er derfor stor, da JW via taxaselskabet tilbydes en lukrativ deal med at hvidvaske sorte kokainpenge. 'Snabba Cash' er en svensk thriller, som snart får en amerikansk genindspilning.

Ilya Goryunov has spent seven years in prison on false charges of drug trafficking. When Ilya is free he realizes that the old life that he yearned for is no more. Although he did not intend to take revenge on the man who sent him to prison, now there is no other way out.

Two young English women go on a cycling tour of the French countryside. When one of them goes missing, the other begins to search for her. But who can she trust?

England, December 1926. Although her personal life is in tatters, the famous writer Agatha Christie decides to leave everything behind to help unravel an unsolved murder committed on a train six years ago, unable to imagine the disproportionate consequences that such a selfless act will cause.

A young woman wishes to fulfill her mother's dream of opening her own bakery in Notting Hill, London. To do this, she enlists the help of an old friend and her grandma.

New York i 1970'erne. Den unge assistent James arbejder for et galleri og bliver sat til at sørge for den besynderlige Salvador Dali. James bliver snart trukket ind i Dalis ukonventionelle verden og ender med at følge med mesteren til Spanien.

Ukraine in Flames is a documentary produced by Oliver Stone that reveals American and NATO participation in the 2014 coup d'état in Ukraine and its aftermath. The renowned American director, who in recent years has made several productions within the genre of political cinema, investigates the origins of the current conflict that currently keeps the entire European continent and the entire planet in suspense. In the film, Stone interviews, among others, the former president of Ukraine, Víktor Yanukovych; Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Ukrainian Interior Minister Vitali Zajarchenko.

Aurora's life suddenly gets complicated after her seven grandkids arrive to her house for vacation.

When 19-year-old Adam agrees to do a day's driving for his mum's gangster boyfriend Peter, it takes him on a 24-hour journey into a nightmarish world of murder, sex trafficking and revenge, in the company of aging hit man Roy.

Under en voldsom snestorm vender en drifter hjem til den blå krave i den afsidesliggende canadiske by, hvor han blev født. Når han tilbyder at afvikle en gammel gæld med en grizzlet bartender ved at fortælle ham en historie, spændes nattens begivenheder hurtigt ind i en mørk fortælling om fejlagtige identiteter, dobbeltkors og chokerende vold.

When a piece of the massive comet "Copernicus" collides with the Earth, it knocks the planet off of its axis and unleashes a disaster never before witnessed. Dr. James Mayfield and his highly trained research team are the only ones who can re-align the axis. With his wife and teenage son in mortal danger, Dr. James Mayfield calls on his crack research team to help realign the planet's axis before the effects of the catastrophe are irreversible.

The film follows the story of two couples in crisis who are about to break up but who, due to the Lockdown, imposed to stop the spread of the coronavirus, will instead be forced into a forced coexistence. The protagonists, through smartkworking, household chores and sports activities, will find themselves living under the same roof, giving life to a comedy full of laughter but also of reflections.