John T. Chance, xèrif de Rio Bravo, una petita ciutat fronterera texana, arresta Joe Burdette, que ha assassinat un home desarmat. Nathan, germà gran de Joe i el ramader més poderós de la regió, exigeix la llibertat del detingut, però Chance no ho vol. Aleshores, Nathan distribueix estratègicament els homes per què el xèrif no pugui treure de la ciutat l'acusat ni demanar ajuda. Al mateix temps, uns quants pistolers professionals al servei de Burdette vigilen Chance dia i nit. A favor seu, ell només té el seu ajudant, l'alcohòlic Dude.

The kingdom of Takicardie quakes under the rule of the tyrannical King Charles V-et-III-font-VIII-et-VIII-font-XVI, whose favourite pastime is shooting birds. His archenemy is a cheeky mockingbird, whose favourite pastime is thwarting the king’s attempts to shoot birds. One night, a portrait of the king comes to life and disposes of the real king, taking his place. The portrait king falls in love with a young shepherdess in another painting and intends to marry her. But, alas, the shepherdess has fallen in love with a chimneysweep and together they elope from the king’s palace. Enraged, the king sends his police to capture them and once they are within his power he forces the shepherdess to marry him. The mockingbird must use all his guile and courage to once more thwart the king and bring his evil reign to an end.

Alemanya, 1944. Una unitat d'assalt britànica encapçalada pel comandant Smith rep la missió de rescatar un general nord-americà capturat pels nazis abans que reveli els plans per al proper desembarcament dels aliats al front occidental. Per alliberar el presoner hauran d'infiltrar-se a l'inexpugnable Castell de les Àguiles, el quarter general dels serveis secrets alemanys al sud de Baviera. El comandant Smith descobrirà en el transcurs de l'operació que un misteriós agent doble treballa per impedir l'èxit de la missió.

Un rabí de Nova York es veurà embolicat en un terrible embolic entre terroristes àrabs i altres neuròtics personatges.

Antoine Marechal pateix un accident amb el seu cotxe just quan es passaria les vacances a Itàlia, el culpable, l'empresari Leopold Saroyan li promet reemplaçar-li el cotxe perquè no perdi les vacances, i així aprofitar el pobre Antoine perquè faci de "mula" " conduint un cadillac fins a Itàlia per passar per la frontera un carregament d'heroïna, or i diamants, sense que aquest ho sàpiga...

Arthur and Anatole are two little robbers. They want to rob money, money that will travel in a special train from Paris to Bruxelles. They don't know that other people have planned to do the same thing.

For generations, two rival French villages, Longueverne and Velrans, have been at war. But this is no ordinary conflict, for the on-going hostilities are between two armies of young schoolboys. When he is beaten by his father for having lost his buttons, the leader of the Longueverne army, Lebrac, has an idea which will give his side the advantage: next time, he and his brave soldiers will go in battle without their clothes...

Paris, Kingdom of France, August 18, 1572. To avoid the outbreak of a religious war, the Catholic princess Marguerite de Valois, sister of the feeble King Charles IX, marries the Huguenot King Henry III of Navarre.

Hapless orchestra player becomes an unwitting pawn of rival factions within the French secret service after he is chosen as a decoy by being identified as a super secret agent.

Jean-Paul i Marianne gaudeixen d'unes vacances tranquil·les en una vila propera a St. Tropez. Tot marxa a la perfecció fins que la Marianne convida la seva ex-amant Harry i la seva filla Penélope, a passar uns dies a la casa. Aviat la tensió començarà a créixer entre tots quatre i, sota una aparent cordialitat, es crearà un clima de gelosia i sospites.

El malvat criminal Fantomas, home de mil cares, capaç de transformar-se en qualsevol persona, descobreix que un periodista, Fandon, ha publicat una entrevista falsa amb ell. Decidit a prendre complerta venjança, Fantomas adopta els trets físics del periodista i comet un crim sensacional fent-se passar per ell. Fandon troba amb els seus ossos a la presó i ningú creu en la seva innocència. Tot i això, el famós comissari Juve creu reconèixer el segell de l'autor de Fantomas i està convençut que aquest es troba darrere de tot l'assumpte.

Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...

Kingdom of Goguryeo, ancient Korea, 645. The ruthless Emperor Taizong of Tang invades the country and leads his armies towards the capital, achieving one victory after another, but on his way is the stronghold of Ansi, protected by General Yang Man-chu, who will do everything possible to stop the invasion, even if his troops are outnumbered by thousands of enemies.

Fantomas torna a actuar extorsionant milionaris escocesos, als quals amenaça de mort si no li paguen. Quan el comissari Juve se n'assabenta, es trasllada a Escòcia a investigar el cas. S'allotja en un castell medieval per protegir el seu ric propietari i tractar de capturar Fantomas. Tanmateix, els problemes i la confusió que regna al castell no faciliten la feina del comissari.

After his young lover, Gitone, leaves him for another man, Encolpio decides to kill himself, but a sudden earthquake destroys his home before he has a chance to do so. Now wandering around Rome in the time of Nero, Encolpio encounters one bizarre and surreal scene after another.

An art dealer wants to buy a Modigliani, which is tattooed on the back of an old soldier.

L'Evans Evans és director de dansa, i amb el seu grup de ballarines és estricte pel que fa al nivell professional o al seu pes, però sobretot és molt estricte pel que fa a les relacions sentimentals amb els homes, ja que no permet que estiguin a prop seu. Quan una decideix casar-se, l'acomiada. I no dubtarà a utilitzar tots els seus estratagemes quan una altra noia planeja casar-se. La noia haurà de buscar-ne una de nova.

Nicolas has a happy existence, parents who love him, a great group of friends with whom he has great fun, and all he wants is that nothing changes. However, one day, he overhears a conversation that leads him to believe that his life might change forever, his mother is pregnant! He panics and envisions the worst.

Set in 50 B.C., Asterix and Obelix are living in a small but well-protected village in Gaul, where a magic potion concocted by Druids turns the townsfolk into mighty soldiers. When Roman troops carve a path through Gaul to reach the English Channel, Caesar and his aide de camp Detritus discover the secret elixir and capture the Druid leader who knows its formula, and Asterix and Obelix are sent off to rescue them.

Julie, a woman who is unlucky in love despite her bubbly demeanor. Her job at a bookstore takes an interesting twist when she discovers a book titled "Happiness Can Be Learned," and she sets out to fix her love life once and for all.