David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström examine Earth's biodiversity collapse and how this crisis can still be averted.

The Frankenstein Complex takes a historical as well as a creative perspective, with a mix of fascinating scenes behind the camera, film clips, and dozens of interviews with all the big names in the industry. In addition to the many wonderful anecdotes, the film also offers a wealth of beautiful test material, while along the way showing how the art of filmmaking has changed over the years. An affectionate ode to monster makers throughout history.

Experience the events of September 11, 2001 through the eyes of President Bush and his closest advisors as they personally detail the crucial hours and key decisions from that historic day.

In a near-abandoned subdivision west of Houston, a wayward teen runs headlong into her equally willful and unforgiving neighbor, an aging bullfighter who's seen his best days in the arena; it's a collision that will change them both.

Basada en fets reals. Un dels casos criminals més misteriosos dels últims anys va ser l'acusació i el judici del baró Claus von Bülow, el 1980, acusat de provocar el coma de la seva milionària dona per una sobredosi d'insulina. A l'enigmàtic aristòcrata el defensarà un advocat prestigiós.

The coming-of-age tale of 16-year-old Lina Vilkas who is deported to Siberia amid Stalin's reign of terror in the Baltic region during WWII. An aspiring artist, she secretly documents her harrowing journey with her drawings.

Bernadette Fox (Cate Blanchett) és una dona de Seattle que ho té tot: un marit que l'adora i una filla brillant. Quan desapareix sense deixar rastre de manera inesperada, la família s'embarca en una aventura emocionant per resoldre el misteri d'on pot haver anat Bernadette. Adaptació del llibre homònim de Maria Semple.

Michael Armstrong és un físic que viatja a Copenhaguen per assistir a una conferència internacional. Michael intenta arribar fins al Berlín Oriental i oferir els seus serveis als comunistes. Sarah, la companya de Michael, el segueix per persuadir-lo que torni. En realitat, l'objectiu de Michael és descobrir tot el que sap el professor Lindt, que treballa per als comunistes, del projecte Gamma 5 i després escapar amb aquesta informació tan important.

Recovering from an attempted suicide, a man is selected to participate in a time travel experiment that has only been tested on mice. A malfunction in the experiment causes the man to experience moments from his past in a random order.

A college student unwittingly releases terrifying entities from her school's past via a Halloween-themed computer meme.

Frank Penny is a disgraced cop looking for a shot at redemption. When the police chief's 11-year-old daughter is abducted, Frank goes rogue to try and save her. But to find the girl, Frank will need the help of Ava Brooks, whose live-streaming news channel is broadcasting Frank's every move.

A woman is forced to go on the run after her husband betrays his partners, sending her and her baby on a dangerous journey.

Mike and Tony Petrakis are a Greek father and son team who dive for sponges off the coast of Florida. After they are robbed by crooks, Arnold and the Rhys brothers, Mike decides to take his men to the dangerous 12-mile reef to dive for more sponges. Mike suffers a fatal accident when he falls from the reef leaving Tony to carry on the business. But now he has a companion, Gwyneth Rhys.

On the eve of a Kate's 30th birthday, she agrees to let her two lifelong friends, Evie and Charlie, throw her a party. But what's supposed to be a simple celebration becomes a wild who's who of past and present, and things quickly spiral out of control.

After a long night at the office, an accountant stops to help an injured motorist and ends up becoming the target of two dangerous assassins.

La festa d'aniversari número 60 d'un multimilionari se celebra a un hotel exclusiu a l'illa grega de Mykonos.

Barely escaping an avalanche during a family ski vacation in the Alps, a married couple is thrown into disarray as they are forced to reevaluate their lives and how they feel about each other.

L'Anthony i la Rosemary són dos amants irlandesos les famílies dels quals estan embolicades en una enemistat per una parcel·la que separa les seves dues granges.

A teen must resort to extreme measures to protect her family from a supernatural entity.