Thomas és un pastor protestant que celebra els oficis religiosos amb església gairebé buida. És un home solitari que pateix una profunda crisi espiritual i la vida de la qual no té sentit. Fins i tot l'amor que li professa la mestra Marta s'ha tornat per a ell una càrrega insuportable. La seva situació s'agreuja en veure's incapaç d'oferir cap ajuda a una parella de pagesos que hi acudeixen per demanar-li consell. Quan, poc després, el pagès se suïcida, Thomas es troba a la vora de l'abisme i ja res no podrà omplir el seu buit interior.

Després de la Segona Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), els soldats supervivents, alguns amb tares físiques, tornen als Estats Units. Encara que al principi se'ls tracta com a herois, poc temps després es comencen a veure marginats.

George i Martha són un matrimoni que es professa un odi salvatge. Tots dos tenen personalitats autodestructives, coneixen perfectament les debilitats de l'altre i saben com exasperar-ho. George és un professor d'història alcohòlic. Martha, la filla del director de la universitat on George fa classes, és una dona frustrada i vulnerable. Un dissabte a la nit, després d'una festa, conviden a casa seva un nou professor i la seva dona. La presència d'aquesta parella no evita que Martha i George s'humiliïn i es maltractin com de costum. A través d'aquest joc cruel surt a la llum la veritat tant sobre els amfitrions com sobre els convidats.

Dave Bannion és un policia honest que investiga el suïcidi d'un company. Bertha, la vídua, explica a Bannion que al seu marit li havien diagnosticat una greu malaltia. Però Lucy, l'amant del difunt, li explica que, en realitat, el policia havia descobert un complex entramat de corrupció al seu departament. Quan Lucy apareix brutalment assassinada, Bannion decideix acusar Lagana, el major mafiós de la ciutat. Al cap de poc temps, el cotxe de Bannion explota i mata la seva dona, fet que el portarà a iniciar una venjança salvatge.

A joinery instructor at a rehab center refuses to take a new teen as his apprentice, but then begins to follow the boy through the hallways and streets.

Traveling through an unnamed European country on the brink of war, sickly, intellectual Ester, her sister Anna and Anna's young son, Johan, check into a near-empty hotel. A basic inability to communicate among the three seems only to worsen during their stay. Anna provokes her sister by enjoying a dalliance with a local man, while the boy, left to himself, has a series of enigmatic encounters that heighten the growing air of isolation.

La Carol Ledoux és una noia bella i reprimida de Bèlgica que viu amb la seva germana en un apartament de Londres. La Carol experimenta sentiments simultanis i contradictoris d’atracció i repulsió envers els homes; per això li resulta tan incòmoda la relació que manté la seva germana amb un home casat. Un drama psicològic angoixant i un autèntic descens als inferns d’una ment malalta i desequilibrada.

Durant l'ocupació de París per les tropes alemanyes, un grup d'actors vol muntar una obra de teatre. Ningú sospita que al soterrani de l'edifici s'oculta el director de la companyia, un home d'origen jueu que a l'ombra pretén dirigir la representació a través de les indicacions que proporciona a la seva dona, protagonista de l'obra.

In the 1800s frontier, Missie Davis is a bright and beautiful schoolteacher whose love for the prairie is matched only by her passion for books. When Missie encounters Grant, a handsome New England railroad executive, she feels as though she's met a hero from one of her novels.

El psiquiatre Hal Raglen (Oliver Reed) inventa una teràpia especial per tractar psicòpates que consisteix en la somatització dels trastorns mentals del malalt. Quan sotmet una dona a aquest procés de curació, contra allò previst, es desferma la fúria de la pacient.

Having fathered an illegitimate child with his lover, Marie, feckless soldier Franz Woyzeck takes odd jobs around his small town to provide some extra money for them. One of them is volunteering for experiments conducted by a local doctor, who puts Woyzeck on a diet of peas. This serves to drive him close to madness, and the discovery that Marie is involved in an affair with the local drum major exacerbates the situation. Pushed too far, Woyzeck resorts to violence.

Master filmmaker Alexander Sokurov (Russian Ark) transforms a portrait of the world-renowned museum into a magisterial, centuries-spanning reflection on the relation between art, culture and power.

Els Baxter són un matrimoni de grangers que tenen un fill d'onze anys. Mentre que ell és un home bo i treballador que tracta afectuosament el seu fill, ella és una dona freda i distant que imposa a la seva família una estricta disciplina i no permet que res no alteri les normes. Un dia, anant de caça, el pare mata una gasela que acabava de parir i regala al seu fill el petit cérvol, que es convertirà en el seu company de jocs.

An intimate story of the enduring bond of friendship between two hard-living men, set against a sweeping backdrop: the American West, post-World War II, in its twilight. Pete and Big Boy are masters of the prairie, but ultimately face trickier terrain: the human heart.

Ultra Music Festival 2015. In the middle of the pouring rain. Dash Berlin wrote history surprising the crowd with one of the most emotional, powerful and energetic sets the festival has ever seen and proved to be right at home at the big main stage.

Nice Dreams - it rhymes with ice creams. And that's what Cheech and Chong are selling in this thoroughly wacky comedy. The outrageous, permanently spaced-out duo sells enough of their "specially mixed" ice cream to take the cash and realize their fondest dreams: new guitars, islands in the sun and beautiful women. But, of course, not everything goes as planned. While celebrating their wealth in a new wave Chinese restaurant, Cheech meets his long-lost love Donna, and promptly escorts her to her posh penthouse. He soon learns, however, that Donna's boyfriend, an ex-con named Animal, is on his way to her boudoir. Meanwhile, Chong has unwittingly exchanged all their money for a worthless bank check - and the only way to get it back is to escape into a nearby insane asylum.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

Haeil, wounded by his wife's words of 'premature ejaculation', goes to a urology department. But because the doctor is a woman, she is so surprised and embarrassed that she tries to go out. Then, a word from a woman doctor catches him. "How long will you live with premature ejaculation?". After that, after receiving special treatment, the beautiful female doctor Jeongyeon and glamor nurse Mijoo, Haeil gradually became a man loved by his wife.

Handlingen udspilles på et teater, hvor skuespilleren og teaterdirektøren Poul Bech (Preben Mahrt) bliver skudt ned af sin medspiller Eva Berthelsen (Susse Wold) midt under en premiere. Manuskriptet siger, at han skal skydes ned, men ikke at det skulle være med rigtige kugler! Alle på teatret har tilsynelandende en grund til at ønske ham død. Der skal dog endnu et drab til, inden det lykkes at finde morderen.

Every year, thousands of young men are summoned to undergo an education where completely different demands are made than in civilian life. The soldiers must be in perfect physical form and they must learn to deal with modern weapons.