PROMISE ME ONE THING. DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND. A story of 2 lonely strangers meeting up together on one lonely night in Bangkok.

Un brot viral misteriós posa a Corea en estat d’emergència. En Sok-woo i la seva filla Soo-ahn pugen al KTX, un tren ràpid que uneix els 442 km que separen Seül de Busan, una ciutat que es defensa amb èxit de l’epidèmia. Però just al moment de la seva partida, l’estació és envaïda per zombis que maten el conductor del tren entre d’altres. Mentre el KTX aconsegueix la seva màxima velocitat sense conductor cap a Busan, els passatgers hauran de lluitar per les seves vides contra els zombis que han aconseguit pujar a bord.

Two apathetic police academy recruits who become best buddies through the tough training together witness a woman being abducted right before their very eyes. As they were taught in the academy, they quickly report the incident to the police, but the police are in no hurry to jump on the case. So the duo decide to take the matter into their own hands and rescue the woman.

Somiant una vida com a cowboy d'exhibició, el jove i ingenu texà Joe Buck s'encamina cap a la ciutat de Nova York per convertir-se en un gigoló, però aviat descobreix que aquest món no és com ell s'imaginava. Sense diners i sense amics, coneix Rico "Ratso" Rizzo, un estafador que el vol estafar.

A girl mysteriously receives advice from her future self and as a result her group of friends, along with a newly arrived, troubled classmate, learn how to be better friends and a better community.

Lee Hyeong is a talented songwriter. He happens to connect people who are not good with love. Those include Hyeong-Gyeong who wants to become a singer, but she suffers from stage fright. Scully is a high school student. She helps Lee Hyeong's spirit. Chan-Young is a colleague of Lee Hyeong and he likes Hyeong-Gyeong, but in vain.

Yong-ju, Gi-woong and Gi-taek used to be best friends in middle school, but in high school, Gi-woong becomes a member of the gang that bullies Gi-taek. As Yong-ju tries to fix this broken relationship, he realizes his special feeling toward Gi-woong.

When teenager Elle's first kiss leads to a forbidden romance with the hottest boy in high school, she risks her relationship with her best friend.

In 1951 ceasefire is declared, but two remaining armies fought their final battle on the front line Towards the end of the Korean War, a South Korean battalion is fiercely battling over a hill on the front line border against the North in order to capture a strategic point that would determine the new border between two nations. The ownership of this small patch of land would swap multiple times each day. Kang is dispatched to the front line in order to investigate the tacit case that’s been happening there.

Un experiment fallit projectat per solucionar el problema de l'escalfament global, gairebé ha destruït la vida sobre la Terra desencadenant una glaciació. Els únics supervivents són els passatgers del ferrocarril Snowpiercer, un tren que recorre el món impulsat per un motor de moviment etern. El tren està dividit en dues classes: a la part davantera hi va la classe acomodada i amb privilegis, i als vagons de cua, la classe obrera. Fastiguejats per les condicions infrahumanes en què viuen, els passatgers de cua decideixen organitzar una revolució per fer-se amb el control de la màquina.

A woman gets kidnapped in the middle of the day and is tortured in a psychiatric hospital. A Journalist gets on the trace of the case and tries to find out the truth.

In 1934, Frank Hamer and Manny Gault, two former Texas Rangers, are commissioned to put an end to the wave of vicious crimes perpetrated by Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, a notorious duo of infamous robbers and cold-blooded killers who nevertheless are worshiped by the public.

To save a girl in danger, a priest and deacon jump into a mysterious case.

Yukari Kawahara works at a drink manufacturer. She works hard and achieves recognition for her work. Yukari Kawahara is dating research doctor Kippei Koide. They have lived together for 5 years. One day, Kippei Koide collapses from a brain hemorrhage. Yukari Kawahara soon learns that everything she knew about her boyfriend was a lie. She hires private detective Takumi Kaibara to investigate Kippei Koide.

Four best friends, Yong-bi, Ji-gong, Sang-woo and Doo-man who just turned twenty and just came of age took the road to Pohang, a small city near the beach—since one of the friends, Sang-woo, is enlisting in the marine corps the day after. On the last day before Sang-woo goes off to the army, a life-changing incident dawns in front of them. The four best friends now face a situation beyond their control, and are forced through an irrevocable day.

After 8 years, Arif's old friend 216 from planet GORA pays a visit to Earth.Together they go on a quest where they'll be visiting 60's.

A young woman begins to live life to the fullest when she receives a diagnosis of cancer.

Mitsuo Ichikawa receives a phone call from Mitsuo Ichikawa. Their names are pronounced the same, but spelled differently using kanji. They also graduated from the same high school. Back in their high school days, Mitsuo Ichikawa was like a subordinate to Mitsuo Ichikawa. Mitsuo Ichikawa is now a hoodlum and tells the other Mitsuo that he killed a woman. They become accomplices and build a new relationship.

A kindly occupational therapist undergoes a new procedure to be shrunken to four inches tall so that he and his wife can help save the planet and afford a nice lifestyle at the same time.

When Kirby Lane's SUV breaks down in the middle of the desert, she must overcome the dehydration, coyotes, and lurking undead to find her way home.