L'Scooby-Doo i tota la colla emprenen un aterridor creuer cap a un dels llocs més misteriosos del món: el llegendari Triangle de les Bermudes. A alta mar, hauran de fer front a aparicions alienígenes i a espantosos pirates fantasmes que els encanta enfonsar creuers a canonades. Però les coses empitjoren encara més quan els pirates segresten els pares d'en Fred. Si l'Scooby-Doo, en Shaggy i companyia no poden resoldre aquest misteri marítim, els llançaran al mar i es convertiran en les següents víctimes del maleït Triangle. Atenció, navegants: pirates a la vista!
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017. In the urban jungle of Kinshasa, amid social and political chaos, an eclectic and bubbling street art scene is emerging.
Cao Cao, primer ministre de l'emperador Han, empeny aquest a atacar el Regne de Wu i el Regne de Shu. Cao Cao desitja apoderar-se del tron una vegada unificat l'imperi. Els dos regnes dirigits respectivament per Liu Bei i Sun Quan s'uneixen per la mediació de Zhuge Liang per defensar-se contra l'amenaça representada per Cao Cao. Aquest últim porta el seu atac a l'hivern de l'any 208 sobre el Yangzi Jiang. Els dos exèrcits s'enfronten en la Batalla del Penya-Segat vermell.
The picaresque and touching story of the politically incorrect, fully lived life of the impulsive, irascible and fearlessly blunt Barney Panofsky.
Once an architect, Frank Bannister now passes himself off as an exorcist of evil spirits. To bolster his facade, he claims his "special" gift is the result of a car accident that killed his wife. But what he does not count on is more people dying in the small town where he lives. As he tries to piece together the supernatural mystery of these killings, he falls in love with the wife of one of the victims and deals with a crazy FBI agent.
Myles and Brody are best friends with two very different ways of finding love. Displeased with their current love lives, they make a pact to be together if neither finds love in ten year’s time. Now two months shy of their deadline, both friends set off to do whatever it takes to avoid ending up as each other’s last resort.
Dos membres de la tripulació d'una nau espacial, el Tinent Payton (Dennis Quaid) i el Cap Bower (Ben Foster), es desperten a les càmeres d'hibernació sense recordar res del que ha passat: ni qui són, ni quina era la seva missió o per què, aparentment, són els únics supervivents. Conformi s'endinsin a les zones més profundes de la nau, descobriran que no estan sols, i desvetllaran el terrible misteri que envolta la desaparició de la resta de la tripulació i dels passatgers. Aviat s'adonaran que mantenir-se amb vida és molt més important del que es puguin imaginar: és l'única manera d'evitar l'extinció de la raça humana.
Estimat i de confiança per als seus homes, respectat com el capità de submarins amb més experiència de la Marina soviètica, el Capità Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson) és destituït del comandament del K-19 quan el lideratge soviètic decideix que no està preparant el seu submarí insígnia prou ràpid per a la seva primera travessia. Al seu lloc, el Capità Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford), un oficial estrictament "orientat a la missió" i amb una voluntat de ferro, aconsegueix treure el K-19 al mar exactament a l'hora programada 16.00 hores del dia 18 de Juny del 1961.
While flying a routine reconnaissance mission over Bosnia, fighter pilot Lt. Chris Burnett photographs something he wasn't supposed to see and gets shot down behind enemy lines, where he must outrun an army led by a ruthless Serbian general. With time running out and a deadly tracker on his trail, Burnett's commanding officer, Admiral Reigart, decides to risk his career and launch a renegade rescue mission to save his life.
Pot growers Ben and Chon face off against the Mexican drug cartel who kidnapped their shared girlfriend.
Seguint un programa altament secret, l'exèrcit està treballant amb cadàvers que transforma en soldats invencibles. Una parella de reporters s'aproxima a la base on es realitza l'experiment i fa fotografies del lloc.
The scientist father of a teenage girl and boy accidentally shrinks his and two other neighborhood teens to the size of insects. Now the teens must fight diminutive dangers as the father searches for them.
Astonished to find the Beast has a deep-seeded hatred for the Christmas season, Belle endeavors to change his mind on the matter.
Arnold Schwarzenegger protagonitza un policia encobert, que es fa passar per un mestre de guarderia per atrapar un perillós criminal. Després d'haver guanyat l'afecte dels nens i l'afecte d'una mestra preciosa, es prepara per al moment decisiu amb la presa desitjada en aquesta comèdia d'acció tan divertida del director Ivan Reitman.
As violence escalates in Los Angeles and heinous murders are committed, Steven Hardin, a young judge of the California Supreme Court, must struggle with his tortured conscience and growing despair as he watches helplessly as the ruthless criminals brought before his court go free because clever lawyers find obscure loopholes in the law.
Raymond Saxx Jr., a powerful record producer, wakes from a drug-induced blackout to find himself locked up and classified "K-11." Plunged into a nightmarish world ruled by a transsexual diva named Mousey, Raymond is truly a fish out of water. Complicating matters are a troubled young transgender named Butterfly, a predatory child molester and the ruthless Sheriff's Deputy, Lt. Johnson. Ray's struggle to contact the outside world and regain his freedom seems impossible, but he must learn to navigate this new power structure if he is ever going survive and be in control of his life again.
LAPD detective Mike Dooley and his dog, the German Shepherd Jerry Lee, have been successfully partnered for ten years, but Jerry’s advancing age has Dooley’s superiors suggesting retirement and they are forced to work with a younger K-9 team: female cop Sergeant Welles and her disciplined Doberman Zeus.
Pierre Gastié-Leroy is the son of a wealthy director of a factory of weapon manufacturing. Despite his parents, two generous uncles and a bishop godfather who try to inculcate him the rigid values of his social level, Pierre is a dreamer, antimilitaristic, social educator who dreams of saving three thugs, his "little guys" at the limit of delinquency. After several resounding failures that sent him to prison, Pierre is ordered by his father to join his factory to direct the social service. Tired of the venality of his father and the foolishness of the "little guys", Pierre hires them at the factory...
A group of friends head to a deserted Caribbean island for a surprise overnight bachelor party only to discover that the island isn't deserted. It's actually the home to a secret medical facility. Not only that, there's something wrong with the water surrounding the island...
When a well-known environmental researcher is murdered in the Amazon jungle, an arrogant photojournalist joins forces with a beautiful young activist to find out who is responsible. Along they way, they fall in love as they discover the men responsible for the killing would be more than willing to murder again if it will keep them quiet.