After 8-year-old So-won narrowly survives a brutal sexual assault, her family labors to help her heal while coping with their own rage and grief.
Un pobre rodamón (Charles Chaplin) passa mil i un avatars per aconseguir diners i ajudar una pobra noia cega (Virginia Cherill) de la qual s'ha enamorat.
When a mysterious visitor appears, the life of Yong Cheng, owner of a store that stocks aphrodisiac products, changes dramatically. He becomes the exclusive selling agent of a cheap Indian generic drug against Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia in China. Not only does Yong Cheng see his profits skyrocket, but he is dubbed the god of medicine“ by his customers
Sun Wukong, aka the Monkey King, rebels against the Jade Emperor of Heaven as well as other gods who live there.
Pequín, 1908. Pu Yi, un nen de tres anys, és designat emperador i no podrà sortir de la ciutat prohibida on viurà rodejat d'una cort sumptuosa. Pu Yi té un preceptor, l'escocès Reginald Johnston, que arriba a ser el seu millor amic. El 1922 Pu Yi es casa amb Wang Jung i agafa una concubina. Al cap de dos anys, Beny Yu Hsiang pren el poder i expulsa Pu Yi de la ciutat prohibida. El 1932 accepta ser l'emperador titella de Manxukuo, ex-Manxúria, envaïda pels japonesos. Al final de la guerra és jutjat com a criminal de guerra.
Mr Yuen Tai-Yung (b. 1941) is a Chinese artist known for his creation of over 200 iconic Hong Kong movie posters - which include many films from the Bruce Lee, Hui Brothers, Stephen Chow, Jacky Chan and Sammo Hung's kung fu and comedy series. This documentary chronicles the director's quest to find the reclusive master and subsequent encounters with the man within a period of 12 months. It captures the life and art of the self-taught genius who single-handedly depicted the look and feel of what can be describe as the Golden Era of Hong Kong Cinema from 1975 to 1992. Western audiences might recognize some familiar faces from the prolific painter's recent works - undeniably breathtaking - such as the portraits of Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson, James Dean, John Lennon, Audrey Hepburn and Anne Hathaway.
A few years after the Anshi Rebellion, the Tibetan army invaded the southwest and the Tang dynasty military commander Gao Shi suffered a defeat in battle. Chang'an was in imminent danger. Gao Shi, who was trapped in the besieged city, recalled his past experiences with Li Bai to the eunuch who served as the military supervisor.
És l'any 2027 i la ciutat de Kyoto ha experimentat un immens avanç tecnològic. Allà hi viu en Naomi Katagaki, un tímid i indecís estudiant de secundària amant dels llibres. Un bon dia, a en Naomi se li apareix al davant un home que tan sols pot veure ell i que assegura que és el seu jo de deu anys en el futur. D'acord amb el Naomi del futur, d'aquí a tres mesos començarà a sortir amb la seva companya Ruri Ichigyo, però morirà en un tràgic accident. Així doncs, li demana que l'ajudi a salvar-la i d'allà en neix una curiosa camaraderia entre el Naomi del present i el del futur. De mica en mica, el Naomi del present anirà descobrint el fatal destí de la Ruri, el veritable propòsit del Naomi del futur i el gran secret ocult d'aquest món.
Wang Shicong, chairman of the famous group, died tragically at home. The prosecutor Liang Wenchao and his wife, Abang, learned during the investigation that the deceased’s long-term partner, Dr. Wan, and his ex-wife’s Son Wang Tianyou, young newlywed wife Li Yan, and even the dead ex-wife, each suspect has an intricate connection. As more clues gradually surfaced, they gradually discovered the rich. The amazing secret hidden behind the murder...
Ma Chenggang and Chunlan, who have "no oil in their soup and no money in their pockets", ride a donkey to work and have a poor family. Their son Ma Jiye is the only hope who can change their fate.
Madame Tang colludes and mediates between the government and the private businesses for the benefits of her all-female family. One case does not go according to plan, and an entire family close to Madame Tang fall victim to a gruesome murder. Ambition, desire and lust eventually change Tang's relationships with her own family forever.
Living in a traditional “four-sided courtyard” house, where historically multiple generations would live together in one complex, Wei Daxue slowly finds her few friends in the world slipping away — an artist living in the guesthouse leaves, a neighbor dies, and her dog runs away. Her daughter is physically distant, and a cross-generational tension between tradition and the expediencies of modern life keep their conversations short.
When an old collaborator gets severely injured, a veteran policeman tries to figure out the way to bring to justice the ultimately suspected aggressor, a spoiled young executive, heir to a mega corporation, who believes he is above the law.
Atrapat en un bucle temporal que repeteix constantment el dia del seu assassinat, un antic agent de les forces especials es troba atrapat en la repetició número 129 del mateix dia i en què ja ha mort 128 vegades. No sap per què li passa això, però sap que a les 12:47 algú el matarà i es despertarà altre cop el mateix matí i es repetirà tot de nou.
May 1960. Mount Everest, the second step under the cliff. The four members of the China Everest Climbing Commando are attacking the most difficult and most difficult "second step". This is their fifth assault. The first four failures have cost them too much physical strength - finally, the wind and snow stop the gap.
An experienced mountain rescue team is tasked with recovering crucial documents from Everest’s notorious death zone
Un ric empresari amb un càncer terminal es sotmet a un procediment mèdic radical, que consisteix a transferir la seva consciència a un cos sa i jove. Tot va bé fins que comença a descobrir que el cos que habita pertanyia a una persona, que el va vendre a canvi de diners per a la seva família. Amb aquest descobriment posarà la seva vida en perill, ja que en aquest lucratiu negoci no poden quedar caps per lligar.
Fiona visits Paris for the first time to assist her myopic Aunt Martha. Catastrophes ensue, mainly involving Dom, a homeless man who has yet to have an emotion or thought he was afraid of expressing.
Based on the novel "Kanojo no Jinsei wa Machigai ja Nai" (literal translation: Her life is not at fault) by Director Hiroki, it is a powerful story of survivors, who are all trying to find their own silver linings in life.