Johan and Marianne are married and seem to have it all. Their happiness, however, is a façade for a troubled relationship, which becomes even rockier when Johan admits that he's having an affair. Before long, the spouses separate and move towards finalizing their divorce, but they make attempts at reconciling. Even as they pursue other relationships, Johan and Marianne realize that they have a significant bond, but also many issues that hinder that connection.

Seks professionelle, barske forbrydere hyres til et diamant kup i den større kaliber. Planlægning og koldt overblik er afgørende, og ikke alle gruppens medlemmer er lige gode til at beherske sig. Det lykkes politiet at få placeret en agent i gruppen, men da planerne for røveriet holdes hemmeligt, kan de først rykke ud i sidste øjeblik. Det må ende galt. Tarantinos debutfilm.

En omvandrende sulten samurai, ankommer til en lille by, der er splittet mellem to rivaliserende købmænd. Han øjner chancen for at spille de to grupper ud mod hinanden for at tjene penge. Pludselig dukker en bror til en af rivalerne op. Han er bevæbnet med en revolver men op imod samuraiens sværd er den intet værd.

Antoine Doinel (spillet af Jean-Pierre Léaud) er François Truffauts alterego, hvis "eventyr" skildres på semi-dokumentarisk vis i fem af Truffauts berømte film. I den første og mest kendte, The 400 Blows fra 1959, er Antoine en blot 14-årig knægt, hvis forældre ikke viser særlig meget interesse for ham. Han pjækker fra skole for at gå i biffen eller lege med sine venner. Han opdager, at moderen har en elsker, hvilket ikke gør livet nemmere for den unge teenager.

A story set in the 90s and in the outskirts of Rome to Ostia. A world where money, luxury cars, night clubs, cocaine and synthetic drugs are easy to run. A world in which Vittorio and Cesare, in their early twenties, act in search of their success.

Rupert Pupkin vil være komikerstjerne. Og for at blive det, vil han optræde i Jerry Langfords talk show. En mulighed åbner sig, da Rupert hjælper Jerry med at slippe af med en forelsket fan. Men lige meget hjælper det. For at speede tingene lidt op kidnapper Rupert Jerry og kræver tv-tid i løsepenge, og så begynder der at komme skred i tingene.

‘Finding Fanon’ is the first part in a series of works by artists Larry Achiampong and David Blandy; inspired by the lost plays of Frantz Fanon, (1925-1961) a politically radical humanist whose practice dealt with the psychopathology of colonisation and the social and cultural consequences of decolonisation. In the film, the two artists negotiate Fanon’s ideas, examining the politics of race, racism and the post-colonial, and how these societal issues affect their relationship. Their conflict is played out through a script that melds found texts and personal testimony, transposing their drama to a junkyard houseboat at an unspecified time in the future. Navigating the past, present and future, Achiampong and Blandy question the promise of globalisation, recognising its impact on their own heritage.

With his family mired in financial troubles, Domenico moves to Milan, Italy, from his small town to get a job in lieu of furthering his education. A lack of options forces him to take a position as a messenger at a big company, where he hopes to receive a promotion soon. There, Domenico meets Antonietta, a young woman in a similar situation as himself. The two form a tentative relationship, but the soulless nature of their jobs threatens to keep them apart.

Seth Green and Matthew Senreich serve up more hilarious Star Wars-inspired satire in this second compilation of sketches featuring the zany stop-motion animation of Adult Swim's "Robot Chicken." Gary the stormtrooper deals with irascible boss Darth Vader on Take Your Daughter to Work Day, while Anakin babysits a certain up-and-coming Jedi.

This Surrealist film, with a title referencing the Communist Manifesto, strings together short incidents based on the life of director Luis Buñuel. Presented as chance encounters, these loosely related, intersecting situations, all without a consistent protagonist, reach from the 19th century to the 1970s. Touching briefly on subjects such as execution, pedophilia, incest, and sex, the film features an array of characters, including a sick father and incompetent police officers.

Michele, Goffredo, Mirko and Vito are four friends who have participated in the battles of the student in Sixties. Now in the Seventies, the four friends don't know what to do, though young and with so many possibilities to find a job in life. Intellectuals marginalized and misunderstood, the four friends find themselves when they can in a restaurant to discuss their outlandish theories. A girl named Olga disrupts their life, but Michele is her favorite, although he does not know what to do with the girl.

En grå morgen ankommer en cirkuskaravane til en lille by i Skåne, hvor cirkusdirektøren Alberts familie bor. Albert har ikke set sin familie i tre år og har i mellemtiden fået sig en elskerinde – den unge og yppige Anne. Da Albert tager kontakt til sin kone, bliver Anne jaloux og lader sig forføre af Frans i bytte for en halskæde, han påstår er værdifuld. Anne finder dog ud af, at halskæden er uden værdi, og på samme tid afviser Alberts kone ham. Albert og Anne hænger på det nødlidende cirkus og hinanden. Samme aften er der cirkusforestilling. Frans vil være til stede, selvtilfreds og hånlig, bjørnen skaber sig, klovnen er sur og bitter, og selvmord forekommer som en udvej. Ingmar Bergman har selv kaldt denne skildring af gøgleren og hans verden for ”en sørgelig vise på film”. ”Gøglernes Aften” anses for at være et af Bergmans nøgleværker.

Longing for a baby, a stripper pursues another man in order to make her boyfriend jealous.

A man wakes up one morning with an annoying ringing sound in his ears. A note on the fridge says: "Your friend Luigi has died. P.S. I took the car". The problem is that he does not even remember who this guy Luigi is. This is just the beginning of a tragicomic day during which he will be plunged into the folly of the world. One of those days that changes your life forever.

George, host of a television show focusing on literature, receives videos shot on the sly that feature his family, along with disturbing drawings that are difficult to interpret. He has no idea who has made and sent him the videos. Progressively, the contents of the videos become more personal, indicating that the sender has known George for a long time.

Skuespillerinden Nikki har fået en rolle i et remake af en gammel polsk film og overhører sin kvindelige nabos advarsler mod at indspille filmen. Det skulle hun nok ikke have gjort, for efterhånden bliver det sværere og sværere for Nikki at skelne mellem sig selv og sin filmkarakter. Og det viser sig at den polske udgave af filmen faktisk aldrig blev færdigspillet, da filmens kvindelige stjerne blev brutalt myrdet.

Undiagnosed, untreated and generally untethered schizophrenic Julien lives with his pregnant younger sister Pearl, anorexic would-be wrestler brother Chris, sympathetic grandmother, and severely depressed German father.

A young short-con grifter suffers both injury and the displeasure of reuniting with his criminal mother, all the while dating an unpredictable young lady.

Den Høje Mand terroriserer fortsat folk i deres drømme og vælter gravstene på kirkegårdene sammen med sine gnom-lignende hjælpere. Mike og ismanden Reggie genoptager deres kamp mod den onde ånd, efter at en drøm om en smuk pige - en drøm han drømmer om og om igen - har overbevist Mike om, at hun vil blive den næste på Den Høje Mands liste.

Rædslen stiger, og frygten breder sig, i denne nervepirrende fortsættelse til det globale gyserhit The Descent. Sarah Carter (Shauna MacDonald) vender stærkt traumatiseret tilbage fra det hulekompleks, hvor hun har oplevet dyb rædsel. Uden nogen fornuftig forklaring på hændelsesforløbet tvinger myndighederne hende tilbage til de underjordiske huler, så hun kan lokalisere sine fem savnede veninder. Men efterhånden som redningsholdet begiver sig ind på ukendt terræn, plages Sarah af grusomme tilbageblik, der viser sig som chokerende minder. For de er på vej ind til et sted, beboet af en ny stamme af Crawlers, der er langt mere ondskabsfulde og brutale end dem, Sarah tidligere har mødt.