Després de més de 30 anys de servei com un dels millors aviadors de l'Armada, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell es troba on sempre va voler estar, empenyent els límits com un valent pilot de prova i esquivant l'abast al seu rang, que no li deixaria volar emplaçant-lo a terra. Quan es troba entrenant un destacament de graduats de Top Gun per a una missió especialitzada, Maverick es troba allà amb el tinent Bradley Bradshaw, el fill del seu difunt amic "Goose".

No Way Out (2009) was a PPV presented by AT&T. It took place on February 15, 2009 at the KeyArena in Seattle, Washington. It was the 11th event under the No Way Out name and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown and ECW brands. The main event on the Raw brand was an Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship between John Cena(c), Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Edge, Mike Knox, and Kane. The predominant match on the SmackDown brand was an Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship featuring Edge(c), The Undertaker, Triple H, The Big SHow, Jeff Hardy, and Vladimir Kozlov. The primary match on the ECW brand was for the ECW Championship between Jack Swagger and Finlay. The undercard also featured two more matches from the Raw brand. The first was a No Holds Barred match between Randy Orton and Shane McMahon and the other saw Shawn Michaels versus John "Bradshaw" Layfield.

En una residència de gent gran, un home llegeix una història escrita en un vell quadern de notes a una dona que pateix demència senil. És la història d'amor de Noah Calhoun i Allie Hamilton, que es van conèixer quan eren adolescents a Carolina del Sud. A la dècada de 1940, Allie Hamilton, filla d'una família prominent, ha anat a passar l'estiu amb els seus pares a la localitat costanera de Seabrook. Allà coneix en Noah, un noi molt ben plantat que treballa a la serradora. Malgrat les diferències de classe, s'enamoren profundament i passen un estiu inoblidable. Però els pares de l'Allie no permetran que la relació vagi a més, i la Segona Guerra Mundial els acabarà de separar.

Yessica is a rebellious girl who forms an unlikely friendship with quiet schoolmate Miriam. Yessica's home life is ruled by her brutal stepfather and her amoral stepbrother, Jorge, while Miriam shares a calm, loving household with her mother. The girls' friendship is shattered after Jorge arranges to have one of his friends rape Yessica.

In 1965 Mexico City, Flavia, a wealthy yet lonely schoolgirl, befriends Veronica, a young orphan girl who has a fascination with witchcraft. Veronica convinces Flavia that she is a real witch and forces her to be her assistant. The children's games gradually become more serious and Veronica demands more from Flavia.

Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

Maryam is faced with an important decision in this black comedy from Iran.

L'Adaline Bowman, que als 29 anys va deixar miraculosament d'envellir-se durant vuit dècades, ha portat una vida solitària, allunyada de tot allò que pogués revelar el seu secret. Però una trobada casual amb el carismàtic filantrop Ellis Jones desperta la seva passió per la vida i l'amor. Un cap de setmana amb els pares de l'Ellis està a punt de posar en risc el seu secret.

During an unfortunate series of events, a friend of Kung Fury is assassinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time, Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time to Nazi Germany in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all.

Aoy is in her twenties when she inherits her family's rat na and pad see ew restaurant in Bangkok's old quarter. Then she's plucked up by team 'Hunger', the country's leading luxury Chef's table team. In her new environment, Aoy gets to know the dark side of genius Chef Paul and the high-end food industry.

Four friends gather at a villa with the intention of eating themselves to death.

The wicked Blue Meanies take over Pepperland, eliminating all color and music. As the only survivor, the Lord Admiral escapes in the yellow submarine and journeys to Liverpool to enlist the help of the Beatles.

Steven és un eminent cirurgià casat amb Anna, una respectada oftalmòloga. Viuen feliços al costat dels seus dos fills. Quan Steven entaula amistat amb Martin, un noi de setze anys orfe de pare, els esdeveniments donen un gir sinistre.

Intrigues and secrets come together because of a woman, who has the protection of the parish priest.

A one-armed martial arts master is being stalked by an Imperial assassin, the master of two fighters killed in the previous film. When the One-Armed Boxer is invited to attend a martial arts tournament, his efforts to lay low are unsuccessful, and the assassin soon tracks him down with the help of his three subordinates: a Thai boxer, a yoga master, and a kobojutsu user.

The wife of a financially struggling businessman is blackmailed by a mysterious man into having a sadistic relationship with him, or he will release damning evidence that suggests that her husband is a murderer.

Billionaire heir Richie Rich has it all, including Reggie Jackson as a batting coach and Claudia Schiffer as a personal trainer -- but no playmates. What's more, scoundrel Laurence Van Dough is scheming to take over the family empire. Uh-oh! Enter faithful butler Cadbury to save the day.

Rebellious teen Amy defies her parents by going to a trashy carnival that has pulled into town. In tow are her boyfriend, Buzz, and their friends Liz and Richie. Thinking it would be fun to spend the night in the campy "Funhouse" horror ride, the teens witness a murder by a deformed worker wearing a mask. Locked in, Amy and her friends must evade the murderous carnival workers and escape before it leaves town the next day.

A plague is spreading through 16th century Mexico, and the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church is rooting out Jews, for they are believed to be its cause. At his father's funeral, a monk observes his family practicing Jewish burial rite, and he reports them, leading to devastating consequences for the whole family.