Miles Morales i Gwen Stacyes sumen forces amb la Spider-Society, protectora del Multivers, per fer front a un malvat molt poderós que amenaça de provocar una gran catàstrofe. Però l’equip no es posa d’acord sobre com fer front al desafiament i Morales haurà de replantejar-se què significa ser un heroi.

The Rock and John Cena collide in the most anticipated WrestleMania face-off in history, an epic match that will forever define the legacies of these icons. The Deadman stakes his entire legacy on one battle with Triple H inside the nightmarish prison they immortalized, Hell In A Cell, with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. WWE Champion CM Punk faces off against Chris Jericho in the explosive clash of revolutionaries that will determine which man truly is “The Best In The World.” Daniel Bryan defends his title against a riled-up and ruthless Sheamus, who will have to fight through The Submission Specialist’s tactics to claim his first World Heavyweight Championship. Team Teddy takes on Team Johnny to determine which man will win total control of Raw and SmackDown. This was the twenty-eighth annual WrestleMania. It took place on April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. It is the highest grossing PPV event in professional wrestling history.

Sabent que el seu amo Andy, que ja no és un nen, es prepara per anar a la universitat, el vaquer Woody, l'astronauta Buzz i la resta dels amics joguines comencen a preocupar-se davant del seu futur incert. Efectivament tots acaben en una guarderia, on per exemple la nina Barbie coneixerà el maco Ken. Aquesta reunió dels nostres amics amb noves joguines no serà sinó l'inici d'un munt de trepidants i divertides aventures.

The teenagers of Disney's most infamous villains return to the Isle of the Lost to recruit a new batch of villainous offspring to join them at Auradon Prep.

Tinkerbell wanders into the forbidden Winter woods and meets Periwinkle. Together they learn the secret of their wings and try to unite the warm fairies and the winter fairies to help Pixie Hollow.

Una jove i valenta princesa guerrera de les Terres Altes escoceses s’enfronta a la tradició per combatre amb el seu arc les bèsties més ferotges.

Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse and all his Disney pals star in an original movie about the importance of opening your heart to the true spirit of Christmas. Stubborn old Donald tries in vain to resist the joys of the season, and Mickey and Pluto learn a great lesson about the power of friendship.

Mariposa becomes the Royal Ambassador of Flutterfield, and is sent to bring peace between her fairy land and their rivals, the Crystal Fairies of Shimmervale. While Mariposa doesn't make a great first impression on the King, she becomes fast friends with his shy daughter, Princess Catania. However, a misunderstanding causes Mariposa to be banished from their fairy land. As Mariposa and Zee returns to Flutterfield, they encounter a dark fairy on her way to destroy Shimmervale. Mariposa rushes back and helps Princess Catania to save their fairy land and together, the two girls prove that the best way to make a friend, is to be a friend.

Els Rugrats viatgen a París amb els seus pares, perquè l'inventor Stu Pickles arregli el dinosaure mecànic que va crear per un modern parc temàtic. Mentrestant els nens recorren la ciutat, de la torre Eiffel a Notre Dame, i descobreixen el valor, la lleialtat, la confiança i l'amor vertader.

Balto and the other sled dogs are feeling dejected because the mail that used to be delivered by dogsled is now being delivered by airplanes. But when a mail plane crashes in the mountains, the dogs come to the rescue.

Goku i Krilin volen ser entrenats en les arts marcials pel gran Mestre Roshi. Aquest només els entrenarà si van al Castell del Diable per trobar la princesa dorment, que està presa pel comte Lucifer, i la porten de tornada a la seva illa.

The story of R&B singer and actress Aaliyah; namely, the highs and lows of her career, her romantic pursuits, and the events leading up to her death in 2001 at the age of 22.

When Molly Hale's sadness of her father's disappearance gets to her, she unknowingly uses the Unown to create her own dream world along with Entei, who she believes to be her father. When Entei kidnaps Ash's mother, Ash along with Misty & Brock invade the mansion looking for his mom and trying to stop the mysteries of Molly's Dream World and Entei!

A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.

A single man has worked most of his life in a supermarket. One night, he unexpectedly meets with his father, and the two are faced with the question of the reasons for their separation.

Quan Shrek es va casar amb Fiona, l'últim que es va imaginar és que podria convertir-se en el següent rei. Però quan el seu sogre, el rei Harold, estira la pota de sobte, és exactament el que li espera. I si Shrek (amb la valuosa ajuda d'Ase i del Gat amb Botes) no troba un rei adequat per al regne de Gaire Gaire Llunyà, haurà de resignar-se a estar realment enfastijat la resta dels seus dies. Per si això fos poc, a la princesa Fiona se li acosta una altra petita sorpresa... Atrapat entre les tasques de governar un regne i la seva imminent paternitat, Shrek inicia una recerca per trobar l'únic hereu possible del seu tron.

Una banda de lladres anomenada "la banda de Santa Claus" estan causant estralls, i la policia és incapaç d'arrestar-los. El superintendent de policia Gilbert és distret per una reportera xinesa, ja que estava escrivint la història de la seva escudra. L'esposa del detectiu Emilien, Petra, s'ha embarassat i el conductor de taxi Daniel és al mig de la crisi entre Emilien i la seva dona. Després d'una cadena d'errors per part de la policia on els lladres aconsegueixen evitar-los, un reproter és segrestat. Es revela que el reporter és el líder de “la banda de Santa Claus”. La policia fa una recerca, però el reporter els tendeix un parany, en què el detectiu Emilien és aixafat. Després Daniel va i el rescata al seu taxi, després van al seu amagatall a les muntanyes suïsses i arresten el reporter.

Un grup d'animals esperen la inundació anual de la qual depenen per a poder obtenir aigua i aliments, quan descobreixen que els éssers humans estat destruint el seu hàbitat en construir una presa per a un complex d'oci. Els animals es posen d'acord per salvar el delta, i enviar un missatge als éssers humans per tal que no interfereixin amb la naturalesa.

When Sara takes Beethoven to spend summer vacation with wacky Uncle Freddie in an old mining town, the mischievous canine "digs up" the missing clue to a legendary hidden fortune of Rita and Moe Selig. Now everybody wants to be the dog's best friend as his discovery unleashes a frenzy of treasure hunting among the community's cast of kooky creatures. With help from Uncle Freddie and Garrett (a friend or maybe more), Sara and Beethoven try to help uncover a secret that has been in the crazy little town for years.

Tim Avery, an aspiring cartoonist, finds himself in a predicament when his dog stumbles upon the mask of Loki. Then after conceiving an infant son "born of the mask", he discovers just how looney child raising can be.