En Salvatore, un reconegut realitzador de cinema, quan s'assabenta de la mort de l'Alfredo, evoca els temps en què era un nen a qui anomenaven Totò i que acabava de perdre el pare a la guerra. Totò anava regularment a la cabina del cinema del poble a veure l'Alfredo, el projeccionista, i va aprendre a fer funcionar les màquines. Un dia, la pel·lícula s'inflama i Totò salva l'Alfredo de l'incendi que destrueix el cinema. L'Alfredo, però, perd la vista. Es construeix el Nou Cinema Paradiso i Totò substitueix l'Alfredo, que li aconsella que se'n vagi del poble.

Bons sentiments i inoblidables interpretacions per a la història d'un home que contempla com hagués estat la vida dels que l'envolten si ell no hagués existit, i d'un entranyable àngel que vol aconseguir les seves ales.

El senyor Rafael Costa, ambaixador de Miranda, i el matrimoni Thévenot estan convidats a sopar a casa del matrimoni Sénechal, però a causa d'un malentès han d'anar a un restaurant. Quan arriben, no poden sopar perquè el propietari del lloc ha mort. A partir d'aquell moment, les reunions d'aquest selecte grup de burgesos es veuran sempre interrompudes per les circumstàncies més estranyes, algunes de reals i d'altres fruit de la seva imaginació.

Seth Brundle, un excèntric i solitari científic que crea un dels invents més revolucionaris de la història: la cabina de teletransportació. En un intent per posar-la a prova alhora que ignora tot indici de prudència, decideix usar-se a si mateix com a conillet d'Índies a la primera teletransportació aplicada a un humà, amb la mala sort que una mosca s'introdueix juntament amb ell a l'artefacte. A partir d'allà començarà per a Brundle una gradual però definitiva transformació, una inquietant metamorfosi que el consumirà a poc a poc, posant-li en perill a ell i als que l'envolten.

A coming-of-age story based on the lives of street rappers in Mumbai.

Three American brothers who have not spoken to each other in a year set off on a train voyage across India with a plan to find themselves and bond with each other -- to become brothers again like they used to be. Their "spiritual quest", however, veers rapidly off-course (due to events involving over-the-counter pain killers, Indian cough syrup, and pepper spray).

In the early days of daylight bombing raids over Germany, General Frank Savage must take command of a 'hard luck' bomber group. Much of the story deals with his struggle to whip his group into a disciplined fighting unit in spite of heavy losses, and withering attacks by German fighters over their targets.

Through a series of flashbacks, four Chinese women born in America and their respective mothers born in feudal China explore their pasts.

Follow TGR's modern day athletes on this cinematic voyage through Alaska's awe-inspiring expanse, rich history, and colorful characters. Watch as the TGR crew ventures from AK training grounds Jackson Hole, WY, and Pemberton, BC, and delves deep into the Alaskan way of life during a record snowfall year in AK, skiing terrain most of us only dream about. On Location: Jackson Hole, WY / Valdez, AK / Haines, AK / Anchorage, AK / Whittier, AK / Northern Chugach, AK / Valdez Heli Ski Guides / Alyeska Resort / SEABA Heli / Alaska Heli Skiing / Girdwood, AK / Pemberton, BC

A newly-released prison gangster is forced by the leaders of his gang to orchestrate a major crime with a brutal rival gang on the streets of Southern California.

Captures a generational moment - young people on the cusp of truly growing up, tiring of their reflexive cynicism, each in their own ways struggling to connect and define what it means to love and be loved. Six New Yorkers juggle love, friendship, and the keenly challenging specter of adulthood. Sam Wexler is a struggling writer who's having a particularly bad day. When a young boy gets separated from his family on the subway, Sam makes the questionable decision to bring the child back to his apartment and thus begins a rewarding, yet complicated, friendship. Sam's life revolves around his friends — Annie, whose self-image keeps her from commitment; Charlie and Mary Catherine, a couple whose possible move to Los Angeles tests their relationship; and Mississippi, a cabaret singer who catches Sam's eye.

Two orphans, Gamie, a young blind girl and her little brother Gil-sun, are taken in by a Buddhist monk. While the shy little girl finds her at ease at the temple, the enthusiastic and dynamic little Gil-sun soon starts to disturb this quiet place. After his sister told him their mother had visited her in a dream, the little boy tries to understand why his mom did not come to see him too. In order to meet her again, he decides to follow the monk for a very long initiatic trip.

After a year apart - attending different schools, meeting different people - the guys rent a beach house and vow to make this the best summer ever. As it turns out, whether that will happen or not has a lot to do with the girls. Between the wild parties, outrageous revelations and yes, a trip to band camp, they discover that times change and people change, but in the end, it's all about sticking together.

A New York City cop and an expert criminologist trying to solve a series of grisly deaths in which the victims have seemingly been maimed by feral animals discover a sinister connection between the crimes and an old legend.

Even though he's the only black student at the elite Palmetto Grove Academy, star basketball player and future NBA hopeful Odin James has the adoration of all, including the team's coach and the Dean's beautiful daughter Desi. Odin's troubled friend Hugo, the coach's son, is deeply resentful of his father's preference of Odin on and off the court. When Hugo plots a diabolical scheme to sow the seed of mistrust between O and Desi, it sets in motion a disturbing chain of events which erupts into a firestorm of breathtaking intensity.

Max Keeble, the victim of his 7th grade class, plots revenge when he learns he's moving; it backfires when he doesn't move after all.

While indulging his appetite for the grim and gruesome by patronizing a voyeuristic Web site that's based in a house where a serial killer once lived, a hearing-impaired boy begins to suspect that the site's violence is more than just make-believe.

Kit can’t remember much of his native Vietnam. When he returns to the Land of the Golden Star for the first time in over thirty years, he takes in his local surroundings as any Western tourist would, and the environment is as exotic as the language is incomprehensible. The aim of Kit’s travels – to find a place to scatter his parents’ ashes – thus becomes part of a journey back to his roots and to the discovery of his identity, which external circumstances have rendered ambiguous and complex.

Four friends, fresh from tragedy at Kent Sate, graduate from college and begin their adult lives during the turbulent 1970s. But Dexter (Guy Torry), Eileen (Vinessa Shaw), Byron (Brad Rowe) and Christie (Amy Smart) find their paths are heading in different directions. Namely, toward the Black Panthers, the feminist movement, the Watergate Scandal and the Hustle. Peter Werner directs this poignant television miniseries originally aired on NBC.

A lone woman near the edge of the sea lures the men to her nipa hut to be her customer.