Oprah Winfrey talks with the exonerated men once known as the Central Park Five, plus the cast and producers who tell their story in "When They See Us."

After being involved in a traumatic incident, 17-year-old Gong-ju is forced to change schools. Uncared for by her parents, her previous teacher arranges for her to hide away at his mother's place. It takes time for her past to catch up with her, but when it does the revelation is devastating.

Julien té disset anys i somia viure aventures i emocions fortes. Encara que està en una cadira de rodes, farà tot el possible per aconseguir-ho, desafiant el seu pare a competir amb ell al triatló "Ironman" de Niça. Un repte gairebé impossible, que unirà tota la família en una gesta increïble. Una pel·lícula de vitalitat contagiosa, plena d'humanitat, commovedora i brillant.

In France during World War II, a poor and illiterate man, Henri Fortin, is introduced to Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Misérables and begins to see parallels between the book and his own life.

Katya has a powerful gift: she sees ghosts. When her twin sister disappears, Katya begins a desperate search. Police insist her sister doesn’t exist, that she is a figment of Katya’s twisted imagination. However, during her search Katya discovers that there is a serial killer loose on the streets, and her sister is one of his victims. There is still hope to save her, but in a dark and mysterious city full of secrets, you can’t trust anyone. Not even yourself...

És la nit de Halloween de l'any 1968 i tres amics adolescents -l'Stella, en Chuck i l'Auggie- fan una broma escatològica als pinxos del poble que cada any els roben els caramels que recullen per les cases. Quan els pinxos els empaiten, s'amaguen en un autocinema dins del cotxe d'un noi que es diu Ramon, a qui després conviden a visitar una casa abandonada que havia estat de la família rica del poble i que es diu que està embruixada des que la filla de la família -la Sarah Bellows- s'hi va penjar. Dins de la casa, troben un misteriós llibre de contes de por escrits per la Sarah.

When two youngsters meet and fall for each other, they must go on the run from the girl's corrupt father, who is also the sheriff of the town.

A sickly girl Ju-ran transfers to a new sanitorium boarding school to regain health. But she discovers that students are disappearing and notices abnormal changes happening to her body. She suspects the school for what's happening and tries to discover what secret is hidden.

Comedian Iliza Shlesinger dissects her recent wedding with riffs on screeching bachelorette parties, that creepy garter removal tradition and more.

Selminha is a lower-class woman who receives a family inheritance, but only if she meets the challenge of spending 30 million reais in 30 days, without accumulating anything. However, in this marathon, she will find out that there are things that money does not buy.

When a huge hurricane hits her hometown in Florida, Haley ignores evacuation orders to look for her father. After finding him badly wounded, both are trapped by the flood. With virtually no time to escape the storm, they discover that rising water levels are the least of their problems.

La Kate i la Lisa són dues germanes que se'n van de vacances a Mèxic. Quan sorgeix l'oportunitat de submergir-se en una gàbia per veure de prop els taurons blancs, la Kate s'hi a punta de seguida, davant la desesperació de la Lisa, que no ho veu gens clar. Finalment decideixen anar-hi, però el que havia de ser una experiència única es converteix en un malson quan la gàbia es desenganxa i cau fins al fons del mar. Amb menys d'una hora d'aire a les bombones, hauran de trobar la manera de tornar a la superfície travessant 47 metres infestats de taurons.

Caterina i Àgata són germanes bessones, que des de nenes han tingut una connexió gairebé telepàtica. Una nit, Àgata es troba amb un estrany nen al quilòmetre 31 de la carretera, pel qual pateix un accident que la deixa atrapada entre el món dels vius i el món dels morts. Juntament amb Nuño, el seu gran amic i Omar, el nuvi de la seva germana, Catalina haurà de resoldre el misteri que envolta el tràgic accident... Un film de terror que va obtenir un enorme èxit de taquilla a Mèxic.

When the body of a man is found completely destroyed in the swamps in Louisiana, the medical investigator Sam Rivers is assigned to investigate the murder. He travels with the biologist Mary Callahan to the location where the victim lived in a floating house and he meets his family and friends. They find that Chinese snake-heads genetically engineered that belong to a wealthy hunter are attacking and killing the locals. While the group fights to survive, the hunter Jeff arrives with his team to hunt the predators.

The film follows 24 hours in the life of father and daughter Leo and Molly, as they weave their way around New York City, until their ordinary but stressful day takes on a hallucinatory and epic quality.

A group of students head off for a snowboarding adventure on an untouched piece of land. When their SUV mysteriously stalls in a brutal snowstorm they are not only faced with the reality of freezing to death but a fate even more horrifying. For they have become stranded in Stoughton Valley, home of some Witch Trials even more horrendous than Salem, and are being hunted by a supernatural creature determined to keep them there.

When a group of college students take part in a clinical drug trial, an unexpected side effect of the experimental medicine gives them terrifying visions of their own deaths...which begin to come true. As they scramble to escape their fate, they discover that the killer is among them and shares their ability to see the future - only he seems to be one step ahead of their efforts to survive.

May, a self help author with all the answers, suddenly finds herself stalked by a masked man who mysteriously reappears every night. Even when she kills him. May struggles to get help from the people around her as she fights to stay alive. Is this paranoia, or is she doomed to accept her new reality?

Three childhood friends set aside their personal issues and reunite for a girls’ weekend on a remote island off the coast of Maine. One wrong move turns their weekend getaway into a deadly fight for survival.

Pregnant with director Roman Polanski's child and awaiting his return from Europe, 26-year-old Hollywood actress Sharon Tate becomes plagued by visions of her imminent death.