Two little league teams take on their coaches' sibling rivalry, and end up in battle in a place the baseball world never expected: in the outfield of the Home Run Derby.

A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

Up All Night Tour var den første koncertturné af engelsk-irske boyband One Direction, hvor de sang sange fra deres debutalbum.

Eks-bookmakeren Sam 'Ace' Rothstein bliver i starten af 1970'erne sendt til Las Vegas for at styre mafiakasinoet Tangiers. Korruptionen trives, Ace gør det godt, og han formår at holde en respektabel facade. Han gifter sig med luksusluderen Ginger og nyder det søde liv. Men i kulissen spøger problemerne. Ginger er stadig draget af en gammel elsker, mens Aces ven, gangsteren Nicky Santoro, sætter Vegas på den anden ende.

Schoolteacher Bertram Cates is arrested for teaching his students Darwin's theory of evolution. The case receives national attention and one of the newspaper reporters, E.K. Hornbeck, arranges to bring in renowned defense attorney and atheist Henry Drummond to defend Cates. The prosecutor, Matthew Brady is a former presidential candidate, famous evangelist, and old adversary of Drummond.

Den 73-årige Alvin Straight, lever en rolig pensionisttilværelse i lillebyen Laurens i Iowa sammen med sin datter. Da han hører, at hans bror, som han ikke har talt med i årevis, har fået en blodprop, beslutter Alvin sig for at han vil se ham en sidste gang. Desværre har Alvin hverken kørekort eller bil, og han kender ingen, der kan køre ham. Men han har en lille græsslåmaskine-traktor, og i den begiver han sig af sted, på den 500 km lange færd til brorens bolig.

Two soldiers from opposite sites get stuck between the front lines in the same trench. The UN is asked to free them and both sides agree on a ceasefire, but will they stick to it?

En DJ, en alfons og en italiensk turist er blevet fængslet i New Orleans. På trods af uenigheder og had mellem dem, lægger de en plan for at slippe ud.

The two remaining puppets learn about eating healthy, but things go awry when they receive a mysterious phone call.

Bakai is an old shepherd who lives in the country while his children have long grown accustomed to life in the city. When his youngest son pays him a visit, Bakai wants him to stay and help with the rigors of rural living.

On the South Pacific island of Bora Bora, a young couple's love is threatened when the tribal chief declares the girl a sacred virgin.

While traveling home from Vegas, an amorous lounge singer named Dino gets conned by a local mechanic/songwriter into staying in town for the night. The mechanic's songwriting partner, Orville, offers Dino his home for overnight lodging and enlists a local waitress/call girl to pose as his wife in order to placate Dino's urges.

A gardener is watering his flowers, when a mischievous boy sneaks up behind his back, and puts a foot on the water hose. The gardener is surprised and looks into the nozzle to find out why the water has stopped coming. The boy then lifts his foot from the hose, whereby the water squirts up in the gardener's face. The gardener chases the boy, grips his ear and slaps him in his buttocks. The boy then runs away and the gardener continues his watering. Three separate versions of this film exist, this is the original, filmed by Louis Lumière.

Thomas Crown - millionær, forretningsmand, sportsmand - arrangerer det perfekte kup og stjæler $2,6 million fra en bank i Boston, mest fordi han keder sig. Vicki Anderson er den uafhængige efterforsker for et forsikringsselskab, der bliver hyret til at undersøge kuppet. Hun får snart øje på Thomas Crown og er ikke et sekund i tvivl om at han er den skyldige. Vicki gør det klart, at hun ved han er skyldig og har til hensigt at bevise det, men alligevel indleder de to en hed affære. Men hvem snyder hvem, når det hele skal gøres op?

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

The Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple had an opportunity to take part in an episode of East of Main Street, an HBO documentary series that has been produced for the past three years to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This year’s episode, Milestones, focuses on how different groups of Asian Americans mark the milestones throughout their lives.

Når motocross og heavy metal er den tretten-årige Jacob liv stiger den kriminel adfærd, derfor vælger CPS at placere sin lillebror, Wes, med sin tante, skal Jacob og hans følelsesmæssigt fraværende far, Hollis må endelig tage ansvar for deres handlinger og for hinanden for at bringe Wes hjem.

Chris has vast experience in driver training both as an advanced driving instructor and driving examiner. This is the third in the Ultimate Driving Craft series of high quality advanced driving DVDs which have received international acclaim having sold to 39 countries. Filmed with two HD professional movie cameras and professionally edited by Green Gecko Television Ltd who have also added some excellent animation to support Chris's teaching of driving skills. In this DVD Chris highlights a problem that affects all drivers. It is called the natural focal point and not the best way to drive. He explains what it is, why it happens and what we, as drivers, can do about preventing it.

Highlanderen Connor MacLeod, Russel Nash lever fredeligt sammen med sin søn. Men et forskerhold kommer ved et uheld til at grave den blodtørstige troldmand Kane og to af hans krigere fri af et bjerg, og MacLeod må vende tilbage til New York for at kæmpe mod ondskaben. Da MacLeod møder den smukke Alex Smith fra forskerholdet, viser det sig at være hans elskede fra et af hans tidligere liv. Så nu kæmper MacLeod også for sin nye kærlighed, og da han tager til Skotland for at smede et nyt sværd, følger Alex efter. Scenen er sat til det endelige opgør med Kane. For der kan kun være én.