In the months following the terrorist attacks in Paris, the youth have seized the nights, looking for a sense of belonging in a world they have ceased to understand. Seeking to change the rules, led by new faces, driven by their values and ideals, they open a new dialogue, challenge the state and are getting ready for a new kind of revolution.

Den 40-årige Alexander lever lykkeligt med kone og fem børn i Lyon. Men da han opdager, at præsten fader Preynat stadig arbejder med børn, ændres alt. Præsten misbrugte Alexander som barn. Da Alexander fortæller sandheden, møder han stærk modstand både i kirken og i sin egen familie. Filmen er baseret på virkelige hændelser og vandt en Sølvbjørn i Berlin.

The hunt, capture and trial of Guy Georges, one of France's most notorious serial killers.

Gino Monetti is a ruthless Italian-American banker who is engaged in a number of criminal activities. Three of his four grown sons refuse to help their father stay out of prison after he's arrested for his questionable business practices. Three of the sons take over the business but kick their father out. Max, a lawyer, is the only son that stays loyal to his father.

Stuck in his hometown, Venice, during the pandemic, director Andrea Segre turns the camera on the frozen city, while reminiscing about his father, a scientist and chemist, and the past.

Nicky Larson is tasked to recover the perfume of Cupid, a perfume that would make anyone who uses it irresistible.

Based on the play by August Strindberg, Miss Julie vividly depicts the battle of the sexes and classes that ensues when Julie, a wealthy businessman's daughter, falls for Jean, her father's bitter servant.

Filmen 'Mysteriet om Henri Pick' handler om en ung redaktør i et specialbibliotek i Bretagne, som finder et aldeles fremragende og mageløst manuskript. Teksten er underskrevet af den afdøde lokale pizzabager Henri Pick, der ifølge hans enke aldrig forfattede noget, som var mere sofistikeret end en indkøbsseddel. Den anerkendte litteraturkritiker Jean-Michel Rouche aner, at noget ikke stemmer og bestemmer sig for at undersøge sagen nærmere sammen med Henri Picks datter. For hvem var Henri Pick egentlig?

July, 1941. After the beginning of the German invasion, an Italian soldier, a veteran of the colonial wars, is sent to the Soviet front. As he remembers the fairy tales his Russian mother used to tell him, the train he is travelling in crosses Europe on its way to the vast Ukrainian plains, where the enemy and a cruel winter await him… (Based on the experiences of several Italian soldiers.)

Busan, South Korea, 1970s. Lee Doo-sam is a small-time smuggler. After helping a drug gang to smuggle meth, he falls into the dark crime world. Quick-witted and full of ambition, he eventually takes over the drug underworld and starts to lead a double life: a good community leader during the day but an infamous drug lord during the night.

The mayor of Lyon, Paul Théraneau, is in a delicate position. After 30 years in politics, he is running out of ideas and is faced with a feeling of existential emptiness. To overcome this, Paul hires a young and brilliant philosopher, Alice Heimann. Then follows a dialogue between two diametrically opposed personalities who will turn their certainties upside down.

Angel is released from juvenile detention on the eve of her 18th birthday. Haunted by her past, she embarks on a journey with her 10 year-old sister that could destroy their future.

SEDUCED AND ABANDONED combines acting legend Alec Baldwin with director James Toback as they lead us on a troublesome and often hilarious journey of raising financing for their next feature film. Moving from director to financier to star actor, the two players provide us with a unique look behind the curtain at the world's biggest and most glamourous film festival, shining a light on the bitter-sweet relationship filmmakers have with Cannes and the film business. Featuring insights from directors Martin Scorsese, 'Bernando Bertolucci' and Roman Polanski; actors Ryan Gosling and Jessica Chastain and a host of film distribution luminaries.

Fiona besøger Paris for første gang for at hjælpe hendes nærsynede tante Martha. Katastrofer følger, som hovedsagelig involverer Dom, en hjemløs mand, der endnu ikke har haft følelser eller troede, at han var bange for at udtrykke dem.

Franck and Karine are offered a job on a cruise ship they can’t refuse. The only problem: their daughter Camille has to study for her finals but has other ideas of fun in mind instead… No problem! To straighten his daughter out and set her to work, Franck calls on his father André, a retired captain from the national police, hopelessly uptight and rigid. With military discipline, Camille’s finals will be a success! But this is the moment when the second grandfather Teddy, an eccentric and wild former nightclub manager and the total opposite of the strict André, chooses to return after many years abroad... Living together promises to be complicated…

What does Cyrano de Bergerac do at a chicken farmer? This is the problem of Raymond, who has always kept his passion for the theater hidden. But when he is threatened with bankruptcy, he decides to try everything for the whole.

Asher er en tidligere Mossad agent som er blevet lejemorder. Da hans karriere nærmer sig sin afslutning, må han dræbe manden han var, for at blive den mand han vil være.

Fodlægen Jerry Peysers datter skal giftes med den i og for sig pæne unge mand, Mark Tobias. Imidlertid er Marks far, Steve, en af CIA's mest frygtløse agenter, og konstant involveret i flykapringer og skuddueller. Snart får den forsigtige Jerry sin sag for, da han bliver inddraget i Steves farlige eventyr.

A fictionalized account of what may have happened when John Lennon and Brian Epstein went on holiday together to Spain in 1963.