In this documentary Coutinho examines the plight of the people who live off the waste of the Brazilian cities. These people make their living by scavenging the immense urban garbage dumps searching for whatever they can find to sell as well as whatever they can find to eat.

The principal of an elementary school calls a special parents meeting after it’s alleged that the seemingly empathetic and kindly-looking teacher Mrs. Drazděchová uses her students to manipulate their parents.

Vasyl, a member of the Komsomol, with the help of a local party organization, gets a tractor and plows private boundaries "on kulak fields". However, this enthusiasm will cost him dearly.

After spending 8 years in prison, former police officer Román Maidana returns to his childhood town and hallucinates a woman who seems to be encouraging him to disarm a network of prostitution and trafficking in women.

Liu Yue Ping reports to the ICAC about a rich 2G Cao Yuen Yuen who bribed officers of the Hong Kong Correctional Services (HKCS) from inside the prison. William Luk decides to infiltrate the prison as an inmate to conduct his investigation, while his partner Ching Tak Ming and Chief Inspector Lau Po-keung back him up from the outside.

Summer heats up in rural Louisiana beside Eve’s Bayou, 1962, as the Batiste family tries to survive the secrets they’ve kept and the betrayals they’ve endured.

 サンフランシスコにある世界有数のLGBTQ+ コミュニティの拠点、カストロ・ストリート。 ある夜、ドラァグクイーンのショーを披露するゲイバー、パンドラ・ボックスでショーが行われる中、バーのオーナーでドラァグクイーンのリッキーは薬物の過剰摂取で倒れ、息を引き取る。 保守的なテキサスの田舎町でその報せを受けた彼の母メイベリンは、疎遠だった息子の死にショックを受け、夫の反対を押し切りサンフランシスコでの葬儀に参加。ところが、葬儀は華やかなミュージカル調で、敬虔なクリスチャンで教会の聖歌隊の一員でもある彼女には耐え難いものだった。 翌日、彼女はリッキーのパートナーでバーの共同経営者のネイサンを訪ねたものの、門前払いに。失意の彼女の前に、リッキーの親友のシングルマザー・シエナが現れ、彼女の計らいでネイサンとの間をとりもってもらう。すると、リッキーが遺言を遺さずに他界したため、バーの経営権は母親のメイベリンが相続することになっていたこと、そしてバーが破綻寸前の危機にあることが分かる。 彼女は困惑しながらも、シエナの家に居候しながら、息子の遺したゲイバーの経営を始めることに 。

The history of warfare as it relates to global Black society, broken down into 7 chapters that examines the ways the system of racism wages warfare from a historical, psychological, sexual, biological, health, educational, and military perspective.

Rie is a PR-coordinator visiting a tunnel boring machine to portray the well-oiled European cooperation in the Metro construction when an accident suddenly occurs. Unable to escape, she takes refuge in an airlock with Croatian miner Ivo and Bharan, a worker from Eritrea.

A short film exploring the insecure lil' ho in all of us.

Yet another variation on Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee At King Arthur's Court." Here, a computer malfunction causes a science researcher to be sent back in time with her laptop, which she uses to amaze the court.

A young mother who's crushed by guilt and shame after the disappearance of her young son five years previously, is offered a bizarre opportunity to learn the truth and set things right. Is she willing to pay the terrifying price for a chance to hold her boy again?

Julia Law, a young paralegal, is found dead in a bathtub. Her boss, a prominent Philadelphia lawyer, is questioned by the authorities.

A retired assassin's past catches up with him and his brutality surfaces as he goes on a final killing spree to make things right.

Slackers who live for free in a rock star's mansion find that their ride on the gravy train is coming to an end with the sale of their pal's residence.

Franz and Lilly run their father's cattle farm together. While Franz is perfectly happy with his life as a cowboy, Lilly dreams of a bigger life. That's when she meets Chris, a musician, with whom she starts a romantic affair.

A group of four amateur adventurers who specialize in exploring remote and forsaken places pay a visit to Shookum Hills, a town in the remote Appalachian Mountains which was abandoned decades ago due to a mysterious coal mine fire.

The discovery of the tomb of William Tell’s son in a town in the Basque Country spurs the village's cantankerous citizens to lobby for Swiss annexation.

A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human trafficking ring, but her daughter’s illness and a drug addiction prevent her from delivering her usual share. An unexpected event will give her the opportunity to stop obeying and take justice into her own hands.

A photograph becomes the catalyst for two men to undertake a deadly journey into the rugged wilderness of South America.