Two employees at a gift shop can barely stand one another, without realising that they are falling in love through the post as each other's anonymous pen pal.
Two melancholic Hong Kong policemen fall in love: one with a mysterious underworld figure, the other with a beautiful and ethereal server at a late-night restaurant.
A father and daughter, Michał and Anka, have a unique intimacy, which the college-aged Anka is beginning to feel conflicted about. When she finds an unopened letter from her deceased mother, it seems to justify her attraction to Michał, who may not in fact be her father.
Karrer plods his way through life in quiet desperation. His environment is drab and rainy and muddy. Eaten up with solitude, his hopelessness would be incurable but for the existence of the Titanik Bar and its beautiful, haunting singer. But the lady is married and Karrer is determined to keep her husband away...
Adaptació duna novel·la de H.G. Wells sobre un home que posseeix la facultat de fer-se invisible.
Tots tenim una quimera, una cosa que volem fer, tenir, però que mai no trobem. Per a la banda dels tombaroli, els lladres d'antigues tombes i de jaciments arqueològics, la quimera és somiar deixar de treballar i fer-se rics sense esforç. Per l'Arthur, la quimera s'assembla a la Benjamina, la dona que va perdre. Per tal de trobar-la, l'Arthur s'enfrontarà a l'invisible, indagarà per tot arreu, penetrarà a la terra, decidit a trobar la porta que porta al Més enllà que parlen els mites. En el seu agosarat recorregut entre vius i morts, boscos i ciutats, festes i soledats, els destins dels personatges es creuen, tots a la recerca de la quimera.
Un restaurant de Broadway és el centre de reunió d'un grup d'actors que intercanvien velles anècdotes sobre el món de l'espectacle. A mesura que la conversa avança, recorden en Danny Rose, el representant d'alguns dels artistes més desastrosos del gremi, el qual, en una ocasió, va arribar a jugar-se la vida per a rellançar la carrera d'un cantant passat de moda.
It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.
When Blanche meets Grégoire, she thinks she has found the one. The ties that bind them grow quickly, and a passionate affair ensues. Together, they relocate. For Blanche, far from her family, from her twin sister, Rose, a new life begins. But little by little, she finds herself caught in the grip of a deeply possessive and dangerous man.
Takumi i la seva filla, Hana, viuen en un poble pròxim a Tòquio. La seva vida es veurà profundament afectada quan descobreixen que prop de la seva casa es construirà un glamurós càmping perquè els habitants de la ciutat facin escapades còmodes a la naturalesa.
Commissioned to mark the 60th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival, "To Each His Own Cinema" brought together 33 of the world's pre-eminent filmmakers to produce short pieces exploring the multifarious facets of cinema and their perspective on the state of their chosen artform in the early 21st century.
Fanny and Jean have everything of an ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer.
The story involves Arbuckle coming to the western town of Mad Dog Gulch after being thrown off a train and chased by Indians. He teams up with gambler/saloon owner Bill Bullhum, in trying to keep the evil Wild Bill Hickup away from Salvation Army girl, Salvation Sue. Fatty and Buster have a series of adventures trying to beat St. John, until they discover his one weakness: his ticklishness.
In a solemn, haunted environment, a small bug crawls over the silhouette of a house.
Albert i Bruno són dos vividors endeutats fins al coll. En conèixer a un grup d'activistes, tots dos veuen una oportunitat per a beneficiar-se del seu idealisme i fins i tot guanyar una mica de diners. Però quan tots dos se sentin atrets per una jove que busca canviar el món, les seves vides es posaran cap per avall.
Rare glimpse into the fascinating mind of one of cinema's greatest directors. Footage was gathered over a two year period and documents David Lynch's many creative interests as well as his passion for filmmaking. It’s “abstract trip” which reveals new aspects of the personality and the cinematographic vision of one of the exceptional authors of contemporary cinema. Personal portrait of David Lynch and his creative universe.
El subministrament d'aire és escàs en un futur pròxim, cosa que obliga una mare i una filla a lluitar per sobreviure quan dos estranys arriben desesperats per un refugi oxigenat.
L'Hotel Palace és un extraordinari castell dissenyat a principis del segle XX i situat en plena vall nevada de Suïssa. Cada any acull a hostes adinerats de tot el món en un ambient gòtic i de conte de fades. En vespres de l'any 2000 s'han reunit tots per a un esdeveniment irrepetible. Una multitud de cambrers, porters, cuiners i recepcionistes són allí per a atendre les seves estranyes necessitats.
Egocentric bandit Salvatore Giuliano fights the Church, the Mafia, and the landed gentry while leading a populist movement for Sicilian independence.
A brokenhearted 20-something relives a lost relationship as he explores the physical space created by his ex-girlfriend's text messages. Starring Tyler Ritter and Alexandra Daddario.