August je desetogodišnji dječak koji mora živjeti s teškim genetskim poremećajem zbog kojeg od rođenja ima unakaženo lice i glavu. Nakon 28 operacija zbog kojih nikad nije mogao normalno pohađati školu, s deset godina ga roditelji ipak upisuju u peti razred osnovne škole Beecher. Auggie u školu kreće s puno straha i nevjerice i boji se kako će svakodnevno biti izložen pogledima, zgražanju i komentarima svojih školskih prijatelja.

Jednom davno, davno, u dvorcu na vrhu brijega živio je izumitelj čija je najveća kreacija bio Edward. No, iako je Edward bio neodoljivo šarmantan, nije bio sasvim bez mane. Nagla smrt njegovog izumitelja ostavila ga je nedovršenim, sa ogromnim metalnim oštricama umjesto ruku. Edward je godinama živio sam u tami dvorca do jednog dana, kada ga je ljubazna prodavačica Avon kozmetike odvela svojoj kući, da živi s njenom obitelji. I tako je započela Edwardova fantastična pustolovina.

Mladi Afroamerikanac Chris sa svojom djevojkom Rose tijekom vikenda odlazi na udaljeno imanje kako bi se upoznao s njenim roditeljima, majkom Missy i ocem Deanom. Njihovo pretjerano uslužno ponašanje Chris u početku tumači kao nervozni pokušaj ublažavanja činjenice da se njihova kći zabavlja s tamnoputim mladićem, ali kako vikend odmiče, otkriva niz pojedinosti koje ga vode do zastrašujućih događaja koje nije mogao niti zamisliti.

An actor is playing Claude Debussy in a film about the composer's life, and finds himself identifying with his subject very closely.

Nastao prema romanu Stephena Kinga, film „Carrie“ je priča o djevojci koju je odgojila, gotovo u izolaciji, njezina psihozama podložna, religiozna majka Margaret. Kada je drugi učenici počnu nemilosrdno zadirkivati nakon neugodnog incidenta, nastavnik ih strogo kazni. Odlučni osvetiti se, učenici kuju urotu protiv Carrie, koja se izjalovi nakon što za vrijeme maturalne zabave Carriene čudne mentalne moći izađu na vidjelo.

Nakon smrti Ellen Graham, njezina obitelj počinje razotkrivati zastrašujuće tajne o svome podrijetlu. Što više otkrivaju, to više nastoje izbjeći zlokobnu sudbinu koju su naslijedili.

Putnik Allan Grey stiže u selo Courtempierre i smješta se u malu gostionicu. Grey ima veliki interes za nadnaravno, posebno za vampire. Jedva se udomaćio kad osjeti kako se zlokobna sila spušta na njega. U noći u njegovu sobu ulazi starac koji mu kaže 'ona ne smije umrijeti'. Jednu od starčevih kćeri, Leone, ugrizao je vampir. Kako bi razbili kletvu, Gray i Leoneova sestra Gisele moraju pronaći izvornog vampira i zabiti joj kolac u srce.

In a small English village everyone suddenly falls unconscious. When they awake every woman of child bearing age is pregnant. The resulting children have the same strange blond hair, eyes and a strong connection to each other.

After a team of surgeons botches his beloved wife's operation, the distraught Dr. Phibes unleashes a score of Old-Testament atrocities on his enemies.

Colonel Stok, a Soviet intelligence officer responsible for security at the Berlin Wall, appears to want to defect but the evidence is contradictory. Stok wants the British to handle his defection and asks for one of their agents, Harry Palmer, to smuggle him out of East Germany.

Thomas Jerome Newton (David Bowie) humanoidni je izvanzemaljac i jedina nada planeta osuđenog na propast. Kako bi spasio svoju rasu on dolazi na Zemlju koja mu se čini idealnim planetom za ostatak njegove rase. Zahvaljujući naprednom znanju on uspješno dizajnira par izuma koji mu ubrzo donesu ogromno bogatstvo. No, njegova tajna uskoro biva otkrivena i Thomas konačno otkrije sve mane ljudske rase.

THE BRAIN is an astonishing voyage of discovery into our last biological frontier. Although today s computers can make calculations in one-100th of a second and technology can transport us outside the bonds of Earth, only now are we beginning to understand the most complex machine in the universe. Using simple analogies, real-life case studies, and state-of-the-art CGI, this special shows how the brain works, explains the frequent battle between instinct and reason, and unravels the mysteries of memory and decision-making. It takes us inside the mind of a soldier under fire to see how decisions are made in extreme situations, examines how an autistic person like Rain Man develops remarkable skills, and takes on the age-old question of what makes one person good and another evil. Research is rushing forward. We’ve learned more about the workings of the brain in the last five years than in the previous one hundred.

Tajna mreža ilegalne trgovine u mračnim kutovima dark weba, prijetnje, iznude i naručivanje ubojstava… Osnivač zloglasnog Silk Road-a je u samo dvije godine od zanesenog idealista postao šef najveće digitalne narkotržnice koji naručuje ubojstva suradnika, a na kraju je zbog nepažnje završio u doživotnom zatvoru.

The world is full of zombies and the survivors have barricaded themselves inside a walled city to keep out the living dead. As the wealthy hide out in skyscrapers and chaos rules the streets, the rest of the survivors must find a way to stop the evolving zombies from breaking into the city.

During World War II in North Africa, a group of British commandos disguised as Italian soldiers must travel behind enemy lines and destroy a vital Nazi oil depot.

Rasputin, a crazed and debauched monk wreaks havoc at the local inn one night, chopping off the hand of one of the drinkers. As the bitter locals plan their revenge, the evil Rasputin works his power over the beautiful women who serve at the Tsar's palace. Even the Tsarina herself is seduced by his evil ways and, as his influence begins to dominate government policy, there is only one course of action left... to destroy him before he destroys them all.

A team composed of an aerospace scientist, an ex-Air Force general, and an industrialist conceives an ambitious plan to land Americans on the moon. From their base in the Mojave Desert, they construct and successfully launch a spacecraft named "Luna" that contains a cargo of four astronauts. But a critical miscalculation of needed power to escape the moon's gravitational pull may put the astronauts' lives in danger.

A look at the life of legendary American pilot Amelia Earhart, who disappeared while flying over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 in an attempt to make a flight around the world.

Gunslinger Jonah Hex is appointed by President Ulysses Grant to track down terrorist Quentin Turnbull, a former Confederate officer determined on unleashing hell on earth. Jonah not only secures freedom by accepting this task, he also gets revenge on the man who slayed his wife and child.

What do Rose from Devon and Christina from Stuttgart have in common? And in what way is their fate linked to that of wealthy Fiona Dunkerley?