HBO's animated history of Westeros brings to life all the events that shaped the Seven Kingdoms in the thousands of years before Game of Thrones' story begins.

Un director de teatre i la seva dona, actriu, lluiten per superar un divorci que els porta a l'extrem tant personalment com creatiu. A més d'aprendre a conviure per aconseguir una estabilitat a la vida del seu petit fill.

Three young men bond together to escape volatile families in their Rust Belt hometown. As they face adult responsibilities, unexpected revelations threaten their decade-long friendship.

En Ricky, l'Abby i els seus dos fills són una família molt unida. El Ricky ha passat d'una feina a un altre i l'Abby es dedica a cuidar a persones grans. Tot i treballar a temps complet, són conscients que mai obtindran l'anhelada seguretat econòmica ni tindran una casa en propietat. Llavors sorgeix una oportunitat per en Ricky gràcies a la revolució de les aplicacions. La parella decideix apostar-ho tot. L'Abby es ven el seu cotxe perquè en Ricky es compri una furgoneta i es converteixi en repartidor: per fi serà el seu propi cap. El món modern es cola en la seva vida familiar oferint-los un futur diferent.

Una parella acaba de ser pares i no passa pel millor moment de la relació, però el que no s'imaginen és que la compra d'una tauleta per al menjador esdevindrà la pitjor decisió de les seves vides.

Heated tempers, frustrated desires and dashed hopes plague a diverse group of individuals whose lives cross paths in Mexico City. There is the bar-owner's son, Chava, who yearns to emigrate to America. A poor barber, Abel, is madly in love with the gorgeous Alma, who eventually becomes a high-class prostitute. Finally, there is Susanita, the desperate spinster who pursues many love affairs in hopes of finding a husband.

Chile, early 20th century. José Menéndez, a wealthy landowner, hires three horsemen to mark out the perimeter of his extensive property and open a route to the Atlantic Ocean across vast Patagonia.

Pel·lícula sobre Gabriele Amorth, un sacerdot que va exercir com a exorcista principal del Vaticà, realitzant més de cent mil exorcismes al llarg de la seva vida. Amorth va escriure dos llibres de memòries on va detallar les seves experiències lluitant contra Satanàs.

Earl Stone sempre ha anteposat la feina a la família. Ara, ja octogenari ia punt que el seu negoci de floricultura sigui embargat, li sorgeix una oportunitat de tirar endavant amb una feina aparentment fàcil: només cal conduir.

Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, and mother confessor. She’s on her own search for seemingly unattainable sexual pleasure.

This is the story of a young Mozambican footballer called Eusébio, a gifted athlete destined to great achievements, coveted by rival clubs, Sporting and Benfica, which ends up hiring him. Blackmail, kidnapping attempts, ministers involved, press hysteria and huge money offers make the story of this football transfer into a saga evolving between the two continents. It ends up when the legend begins: with Eusébio’s first match at the Benfica Stadium.

Teenager Ángela meets her three adult step-sisters for the first time when their father dies. Fearing that Ángela will end up in state custody, the sisters embark on a 900-mile journey across Colombia to leave the young girl with an aunt she doesn't even know. During this journey, Ángela will discover what it means to be a woman.

Marko, an aspiring filmmaker, is unable to pursue a career in horror films. He ventures into the porn industry, but his unorthodox style fails to impress producers. Frustrated, he assembles a crew of junkies, homosexuals and transvestites and starts a traveling live porn show. Soon a shady producer appears, he will pay them real money if they are willing to start making snuff films for him.

As her cancer spreads, Noelia's ultimate decision is to return to her native Vieques, Puerto Rico, and claim her freedom to decide her own fate. She reunites with her friends and family, who are still dealing with the contamination of the U.S. Navy after 60 years of military practices.

When a retiring assassin realizes that he is the target of a hit, he winds up back in the game going head to head with a gang of younger, ruthless killers.

Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.

Una mare jove que recentment s'ha quedat vídua ho farà tot per protegir la seva filla mentre intenta descobrir la veritat sobre l'assassinat del seu marit.

Sara, Lucía, Sofía and Claudia are sisters, 4 modern women with very different personalities, who come together at their mother's funeral, after which they discover the man they've all called "dad" throughout their lives is not really their father. They embark on a quest to discover who their real fathers are, discovering more about themselves, their mother, and their lives.

L'amnèsia ha descendit al món... i tot el món ha oblidat qui és i com usar les eines de les quals depèn la societat d'avui dia. Ara, dos anys més tard, un jove intenta fer cobrar sentit a un món que de cop i volta s'ha tornat boig.

Dr. Louis Creed and his wife, Rachel, move from Boston to Ludlow, in rural Maine, with their two young children. Hidden in the woods near the new family home, Ellie, their eldest daughter, discovers a mysterious cemetery where the pets of community members are buried.