The Doctor has retired to 1892 London. Despite the protests of his allies, he is determined to keep out of mankind's affairs. However, a governess named Clara has stumbled upon a plot which only the Doctor can unravel, involving the death of her predecessor in ice and the sinister Dr. Simeon, who controls monsters made of sentient snow. And there is another mystery afoot: Clara is the spitting image of Oswin Oswald, whom the Doctor saw die in the Dalek asylum...

Thor està pres a l'altra banda de l'univers sense el seu martell poderós i s'enfronta a una carrera contra el temps. El seu objectiu és tornar a Asgard i parar el Ragnarok perquè significaria la destrucció del seu planeta natal i la fi de la civilització Asgardiana a mans d'una totpoderosa i nova amenaça, la implacable Hela. Però primer haurà de sobreviure a una competició letal de gladiadors que l'enfrontarà al seu aliat i company als Venjadors, l'Increïble Hulk!

El Marty McFly torna al 1985 amb l'ajuda del Doc del 1955, que no entén com, immediatament després que hagi marxat la màquina del temps, el Marty aparegui de nou. El noi li explica que, efectivament, ha anat al futur i que té una carta escrita pel Doc l'any 1885 des d'un poble de l'Oest americà, amb instruccions perquè trobi i repari el DeLorean i pugui tornar un altre cop al futur. Quan van a buscar el cotxe, amagat en una mina, passen per un cementiri on hi ha una làpida dedicada a l'Emmett Brown, que va morir només una setmana després d'haver escrit la carta a mans d'un perillós pistoler, Buford Tannen. El Marty decideix retrocedir en ell temps i anar al poble del salvatge Oest on viu el Doc per evitar que mori.

When the pressure to be royal becomes too much for Mal, she returns to the Isle of the Lost where her archenemy Uma, Ursula's daughter, has taken her spot as self-proclaimed queen.

En Ralph, que sempre ha fet el paper de dolent, està decidit a demostrar que pot ser un bon paio. En Ralph somia amb ser tan estimat com Fix-It Felix, l'heroi del videojoc. El problema és que a ningú li agrada un noi dolent, però en canvi tots estimen els herois. Així quan arriba un nou joc amb un personatge dolent, el sergent Calhoun, Ralph ho veu com la seva oportunitat per convertir-se en un heroi i aconseguir la felicitat. Així doncs, Ralph es fica en el joc amb el senzill pla de guanyar medalles en tot, però accidentalment allibera a un enemic mortal que amenaça a tots els jocs.

A group of friends finds their fun at vacation camp ruined when a big corporate developer threatens to build a pollution-spewing factory on the land.

Somm takes the viewer on a humorous, emotional and illuminating look into the mysterious world of the Court of Master Sommeliers and their massively intimidating Master Sommelier Exam.

Basada en la vida real de Barry Seal, un expilot que es va convertir en un important narcotraficant al cartell de Medellín i que va acabar sent reclutat per la CIA i el departament d'intel·ligència de la DEA.

The Bellas are back, and they are better than ever. After being humiliated in front of none other than the President of the United States of America, the Bellas are taken out of the Aca-Circuit. In order to clear their name, and regain their status, the Bellas take on a seemingly impossible task: winning an international competition no American team has ever won. In order to accomplish this monumental task, they need to strengthen the bonds of friendship and sisterhood and blow away the competition with their amazing aca-magic! With all new friends and old rivals tagging along for the trip, the Bellas can hopefully accomplish their dreams.

Cintia is modern princess, she's connected, decided and loves music. This "pop" princess used to live with their parents in a huge castle with a nice view to the city. Every night she looked through the window and watch the view dreaming with a prince she didn't met yet. But one day her castle crumbles with everything around her, after her parents divorce she went to live with her aunt and stops believing in love. What she didn't knew was that there was a charming prince in her history, that wanted to break the ice around our modern day cinderella.

Ferro and Cate, two kids trying to get to grips with an unplanned pregnancy, their families (rebellious Ferro’s hospitable, ‘normal’ family, and level-headed Cate’s unhinged, atypical one), exams at school, friends and a general lack of jobs.

Jessy té setze anys i ha de protegir l'orca Willy, amenaçada per un pesquer il·legal, el capità del qual la vol vendre per fer sushi.

When a mild-mannered businessman learns his identity has been stolen, he hits the road in an attempt to foil the thief -- a trip that puts him in the path of a deceptively harmless-looking woman.

Ferhat is a spoiled man who takes over his father's company. Ferhat's right hand is his childhood friend, the company's finance manager, Gökhan. They are not very kind to their employees. One day they will be friends with the restaurant owner. Ferhat falls in love with the restaurant owner's daughter Elif. But Elif is not a delicate and pure young girl. Her career, her hard character, and her witless intelligence, which are full of special trainings and superior services, will make Ferhat much more difficult.

Després de perdre la feina i descobrir que el seu marit li ha estat infidel, una dona intenta tirar endavant amb la seva profana i bevedora àvia.

During World War II, a group of 10 survivors from Madras get stranded in the ocean in a small boat, which unexpectedly stops and sinks mid-journey, and they are forced to take some drastic measures to save themselves.

An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna.