Shohoku's “speedster” and point guard, Ryota Miyagi, always plays with brains and lightning speed, running circles around his opponents while feigning composure. In his second year of high school, Ryota plays with the Shohoku High School basketball team along with Sakuragi, Rukawa, Akagi, and Mitsui as they take the stage at the Inter-High School National Championship. And now, they are on the brink of challenging the reigning champions, Sannoh Kogyo High School.

James McKay ankommer til det vilde vesten fra østkysten for at gifte sig med Henry Terrils forkælede datter, Pat. Henry ligger i bitter strid om vand med sin nabo Rufus. McKay kan ikke undgå at tage stilling i striden, men hans måde at løse konflikter på falder ikke i god jord hos hverken Henry, forvalteren Steve eller Pat. Kun Pats veninde, Julia, forstår, at McKays manglende lyst til nævekamp ikke nødvendigvis betyder, at han er en kujon.

Sane Man was filmed before Bill recorded ‘Dangerous’, his first comedy album, and is a turning point in Hicks’ career. It was the first complete Hicks show ever filmed and Bill pulled out all the stops for the cameras. Completely focused, a newly-sober Hicks paces the stage like a wild animal riffing effortless.

Dorota Geller, a married woman, faces a dilemma involving her sick husband's prognosis. Her husband's doctor, who believes in God, sweared about it in vain.

To af Hollywoods ikoner, John Wayne og Henry Fonda, har hovedrollerne i denne John Ford-film, hvor mesterinstruktøren som så ofte før tager et historisk emne op (Fetterman-massakren 1866) og iøvrigt behandler det historisk ukorrekt. Fonda er en usympatisk militærchef, som søger hæder og ære i det fjerntliggende Fort Apache. På arrogant vis forsøger han at uskadeliggøre indianerhøvdingen Cochise efter at have narret ham over grænsen fra Mexico.

Jean Luc Godards sorte komedie fra 1967 er utvivlsomt et af hovedværkerne i den tids franske filmkunst, ofte kaldet Den Nye Bølge - også selv om det er en af den slags film, der begejstrer nogle og frustrerer andre. Et ægtepar fra Paris på vej til den enes fars hus, oplever en dag af de helt usædvanlige, hvor de støder på mennesker af vidt forskellig observans og bl.a. ender i en grotesk trafikprop, hvor alt ikke bare kan ske, men rent faktisk også gør det.

Marion is about to divorce from her husband and takes her 15-year-old niece, Pauline, on a vacation to Granville. There, she meets an old love...

Kingdom of Goguryeo, ancient Korea, 645. The ruthless Emperor Taizong of Tang invades the country and leads his armies towards the capital, achieving one victory after another, but on his way is the stronghold of Ansi, protected by General Yang Man-chu, who will do everything possible to stop the invasion, even if his troops are outnumbered by thousands of enemies.

Convinced he'll graduate with honors because of his thesis paper, a stuffy Harvard student finds his paper being held hostage by a homeless man, who might be the guy to school the young man in life.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

The elections are approaching and the largest opposition party in the country do not look good. Its leader, Enrico Oliveri can not stand the pressure and disappears. Fearing a scandal, the eminence grise of the party had brought into play the twin brother of the politician. Even if looks like two drops of water with his brother Giovanni may have a different personality. His ideas are innovative and direct approach to get the party in the polls ...

A young man awakens in the hospital after an accident wipes his memory. Fascinated by a textbook full of drawings of dissections, Hiroshi is drawn to a medical school where he catches the eye of a fellow student. But it's another who becomes his obsession. the dead woman on the cadaver table.

A Pakistani Briton renovates a rundown laundrette with his male lover while dealing with drama within his family, the local Pakistani community, and a persistent mob of skinheads.

Onkel Boonmee er dødeligt syg og har valgt at tilbringe sine sidste dage på landet omgivet af sine nærmeste. Til alles overraskelse dukker Boonmees afdøde hustrus genfærd op for at tage sig af ham, og hans forsvundne søn vender hjem i en ikke-menneskelig form. Boonmee overvejer de mulige årsager til sin sygdom og vandrer med sin familie gennem junglen til en mystisk bjerggrotte – fødestedet for hans første liv...

Politistyrken i Saint Tropèz er blevet udvalgt til at repræsentere Frankrig ved en international politi-kongres i New York. Cruchot's datter vil også gerne med til New York, men Far siger "Nej!". Hun sniger sig dog alligevel med som blind passagér på skibet, der skal sejle Saint Tropèz' stolte gendarm-korps til USA. Og naturligvis sker det et par gang under opholdet i New York at Cruchot "ser syner" (datteren), og nær er ved at blive erklæret utilregnelig af sin chef.

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.

Sixteen year old Jude discovers each and every one of his fears is true.

Set gennem en 11-årig drengs øjne invaderer en gruppe marsmænd en lille amerikansk by og fanger og hjernevasker indbyggerne der bliver til viljeløse marionetter for fremmede væsner.

Carlo descends on his former lover's unsuspecting family and the scheming Rocco tries to break up his old rival Marcello's wedding.