A fantastic funny animal cartoon featuring geopolitical bullying, social unrest, worker revolt, and some tasty yellow cakes.
The story of a man whose life was ruthlessly crippled by World War II. His wife and daughters were killed during the bombing of his village, he spent some time as a prisoner, and his only son was killed in action only a few days before the victory...
En Thomas, un noi obsessionat amb els videojocs, no vol passar unes vacances en plena natura amb el seu pare, científic dedicat a l'estudi de les oques salvatges i els seus processos de migració. Tanmateix, pare i fill s'uneixen en una aventura increïble: salvar una espècie en perill d'extinció amb l'ajuda d'un ultralleuger. Junts emprenen un viatge fascinant pels cels d'Europa.
L'excèntric multimilionari Lionel Twain convida a sopar al seu castell els cinc detectius més importants de la història: el xinès Sidney Wang, el novaiorquès Dick Charleston, l'anglesa Jessica Marbles, el belga Milo Perrier i Sam Diamond, resident a San Francisco. Després de ser rebuts per un majordom cec, Twain els explica durant el sopar el motiu de la reunió: a mitjanit es produirà un assassinat i el que sigui capaç de resoldre'l s'emportarà un milió de dòlars.
An investigation into one woman’s memory as she‘s forced to re-examine her first sexual relationship and the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive.
La Tina és una agent de duanes sueca reconeguda per la seva eficiència i pel seu extraordinari olfacte, que sembla que li permeti detectar en pocs instants la culpabilitat de les persones. Quan en Vore, un home aparentment sospitós, passa al seu costat per primera vegada, les seves habilitats es posen a prova. La Tina sap que en Vore amaga alguna cosa, però no aconsegueix identificar exactament de què es tracta. Tots dos tenen més coses en comú que no es pensa.
When Hamlet discovers his father’s deceased body, he finds himself pulled into a power struggle as his scheming uncle attempts to secure a monopoly on the Scandinavian rubber duck industry. Will Hamlet avenge his father? Will he become the king of rubber ducks? Does any of it really matter?
A grieving doctor is being contacted by his late wife through his patient's near death experiences.
L'Erik sap des de petit que té poders, encara que mai ha estat capaç de comprendre'ls ni controlar-los. Quan l'Erik és acusat d'un misteriós assassinat coneix a la Christine, una psicòloga que l'ajudarà a escapar. Llavors comença una fugida contrarellotge en la qual l'Erik haurà d'aprendre a dominar els seus poders i descobrir realment qui és i per a què ha vingut a aquest món.
John Wilson és un famós director de cinema que decideix realitzar la seva nova pel·lícula a Àfrica. No obstant això, la captura d'un elefant es converteix en una obsessió tan gran que posa en perill el rodatge del seu recent projecte.
An idealistic attractive young couple acquires a stunning, life-like robot for guilt free help, but as the three grow closer, their perception of humanity will be altered forever.
When 5 allied generals are captured in Italy in WWII, it is a propaganda nightmare for the allies. The generals are all 1 star and refuse to take orders from each other in order to plan an escape. Harry Frigg is a private who has escaped from the guard house dozens of times. He is promoted to Major General and ordered to get the generals out once he is captured. Harry is willing to escape, but then he meets the countess...
Els gnoms del jardí comencen a preparar el jardí per a l'arribada de la primavera. De cop i volta comencen a desaparèixer misteriosament gnoms i ornaments. Només hi ha un gnom que pugui resoldre el misteri: el famós detectiu Sherlock Gnomes.
The adventures of teenager Max McGrath and alien companion Steel, who must harness and combine their tremendous new powers to evolve into the turbo-charged superhero Max Steel.
Inspired by one of the longest and bloodiest real-life events in police history, Officer Mike Chandler and a young civilian passenger find themselves under-prepared and outgunned when fate puts them squarely in the crosshairs of a daring bank heist in progress by a fearless team of highly-trained and heavily-armed men.
Michael's perfect life changes dramatically when he discovers a portal wich allows him to travel in time. He travels back to the World War II to go through the quest of time and find his one and only beloved.
In one of the most dangerous missions of the war, an American B-17 pilot volunteers to fly a surrendered Messerschmitt 109 on a daring flight through the heart of Germany to try to prevent the people of London from being terrorized by the V-2 rockets. "Rocket Hunter" tells the story of an amazing pilot and his bombardier brother from the time they are teenagers dreaming of taking to the skies to the dark days of January 1945.
A failed attempt to murder a Senator is connected to a group meeting secretly to discuss their darkest urges—to take lives.
Deadly dance tournament is carried out in the city survived after nuclear apocalypse. Energy is extracted from the loser for the city to survive. A young guy from the street is forced to take part in the tournament and falls in love with girl who volunteered to participate in the battle. Will they survive or the arena will take their lives?
Paròdia de la pel·lícula "Van Helsing" en què es donaran cita gran quantitat de personatges del gènere, com Fredy Krueger (Malson a Elm Street), Pinhead (Hellraiser), Chucky (Ninot diabòlic), Jason (Divendres 13), entre altres .