Un grup de lladregots, aconsellats per un lladre ja retirat, decideix preparar un gran robatori a les oficines romanes de la Muntanya de Pietat, amb l'esperança que els tregui de la misèria on viuen. Un dels grans èxits de la "comèdia a la italiana", amb esplèndid repartiment.

Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

German journalist Philip Winter has a case of writer’s block when trying to write an article about the United States. He decides to return to Germany, and while trying to book a flight, encounters a German woman and her nine year old daughter Alice doing the same. The three become friends (almost out of necessity) and while the mother asks Winter to mind Alice temporarily, it quickly becomes apparent that Alice will be his responsibility for longer than he expected.

En un món post-apocalíptic on tot ha perdut el valor, els pocs supervivents es guien per la llei del més fort. Sense estima per la vida, l'única cosa que desperta un brutal interès és la benzina, sinònim de poder i objectiu de bandes armades fins a les dents i sense escrúpols. En aquest context coneixerem la història de la despietada, salvatge i jove Furiosa, que cau en mans d'una horda de motoristes i ha de sobreviure a moltes proves mentre reuneix els mitjans per trobar el camí de tornada a casa. Preqüela de 'Mad Max: Fúria a la carretera' (2015).

Un nen segrestat fa amistat amb el seu captor: un convicte fugitiu que fuig de la llei, perseguit per un honorable mariscal dels EUA.

JSDF pilot Akane has a fateful encounter when a new Godzilla emerges in Tateyama. As a countermeasure, a cyborg named Kiryu is constructed from the remains of the original. The machine is discovered to harbor the restless soul of the original monster as Akane must learn to find value in her own life as well.

Després de la pèrdua de la seva xicota, el vaquer Tom Dunson i el seu soci Groot adopten Matt Garth, un noi orfe que també ha estat víctima dels indis. Amb només dos caps de bestiar ocupen les terres més enllà del Riu Vermell. Els anys passen i Dunson es converteix en un pròsper ramader. Però la baixada de preu del bestiar després de la guerra amenaça el seu negoci. Amb l'ajut de Matt, ja adult, decideix conduir un gran ramat més de 1.600 km fins a Missouri, on el ferrocarril paga preus millors. Comença així una llarga i perillosa odissea.

Three years after the death of her beloved child, Elouise, Mara still feels her presence when she sits on the butterfly bedding in front of the jar with her ashes in it. Mara arranges a twelfth birthday party for Elouise, further alienating her from her husband, Richter, and remaining daughter, Hannah. Although Mara eventually vacates Elouise's room at the insistence of her husband, she does find a way to stay close to Elouise. Before long, however, Hannah discovers her mother's secret.

Drama basat en la història real de Tom Murtom, el director de presons que va commocionar el món polític d'Arkansas en destapar els escandalosos abusos i assassinats que van tenir lloc a la presó estatal. Abans de presentar-se com el nou alcaide, Brubaker es fa passar per un pres nouvingut, gràcies a això descobreix que la situació a la presó és de corrupció endèmica. Els seus esforços per reformar i sanejar el sistema el col·loquen en una situació molt perillosa, sobretot quan insisteix a investigar una sèrie d'assassinats que es van cometre uns anys abans.

An Okinawan prophecy that foretells the destruction of the Earth is seeming fulfilled when Godzilla emerges to return to his destructive roots. But not all is what it seems after Godzilla breaks his ally Anguirus's jaw. Matters are further complicated when a second Godzilla emerges, revealing the doppelgänger as a mechanical weapon.

Dues nenes bessones, separades pel divorci dels pares, es troben en un campament d'estiu. Inicialment no s'adonen del seu origen comú, però després de ser totes dues castigades a compartir la mateixa habitació, s'adonen que són bessones. Aquí també es prometen un objectiu: tornar a ajuntar els seus pares. Per això decideixen intercanviar-se.

The advertising director of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, frustrated with the low ratings of their sponsored TV program, seeks a more sensationalist approach. He orders his staff to Faro Island to capture King Kong for exploitation. As Godzilla re-emerges, a media frenzy generates with Pacific looking to capitalize off of the ultimate battle.

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

To earn extra cash, Mickey helps couples break up — but life gets complicated when he falls for Tinni, a career woman with an independent streak.

Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.

Everybody has always loved Jeanne. These days, she hates herself. Up to her ears in debt, she has to go to Lisbon and sell her mother’s apartment, who passed away one year ago. At the airport, she runs into Jean, a whimsical and somewhat intrusive former high school classmate.

In 1989, a misunderstood teenager has a high school crush — who just happens to be a handsome corpse! After a set of playfully horrific circumstances bring him back to life, the two embark on a murderous journey to find love, happiness…and a few missing body parts along the way.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

Durant una onada de calor, apareixen uns núvols estranys i comença a caure una pluja àcida, causant devastació i pànic. En un món a punt de l'abisme, una noia i els seus pares divorciats han d'unir forces per intentar escapar d'aquesta catàstrofe.

Chad Buckley is a horror aficionado, and he's lonely. Chad spends his days at his struggling genre video store arguing with his only regular customer, Sam. When an unsuspecting applicant shows up, Chad begins to teach him about the rules of horror and his video store at large, much to the chagrin of Sam. During Chad's on-boarding process, we weave in and out of different hilarious horror shorts, each one geared at a different set of horror tropes. As this new applicant learns the ropes, he begins to suspect Chad of something sinister, but we quickly learn that he may have a secret of his own.