El final ha arribat. Harry, Hermione i Ron hauran de recuperar l'espasa de Gryffindor per trobar i destruir els últims horrocruxes. Mentrestant, Lord Voldemort és a punt d'apoderar-se per complet de Hogwarts i d'aconseguir el seu objectiu: matar a Harry Potter. L'única esperança d'Harry és trobar els horrocruxes abans que Voldemort el trobi a ell. Buscant pistes, descobreix una antiga i oblidada història: la llegenda de les relíquies de la mort, que podria donar al malvat Lord el poder definitiu. Però el futur d'Harry està escrit des que va néixer i inclou una missió per la que s'ha estat preparant des que va arribar a Hogwarts: la batalla final contra Voldemort.

As the deceased soul Ja-hong and his three afterlife guardians prepare for their remaining trials for reincarnation, the guardians soon come face to face with the truth of their tragic time on Earth 1,000 years earlier.

En Harry Potter és seleccionat gairebé sense desitjar-ho per a participar en una competició perillosa de bruixots de vàries escoles.

Amb setze anys complerts, Harry inicia el sisè curs en Hogwarts enmig de terribles esdeveniments que assolen Anglaterra. Elegit capità de l'equip de Quidditch, els entrenaments, els exàmens i les noies ocupen tot el seu temps, però la tranquil·litat dura poc. Malgrat els ferris controls de seguretat que protegeixen l'escola, dos alumnes són brutalment atacats. Dumbledore sap que s'acosta el moment, anunciat per la Profecia, que Harry i Voldemort s'enfrontaran a mort: «L'únic de poder per vèncer al Senyor Tenebrós s'acosta... Un dels dos ha de morir a les mans de l'altre, perquè cap dels dos podrà viure mentre segueixi l'altre amb vida». L'ancià director sol·licitarà l'ajuda de Harry, i junts emprendran perillosos viatges per intentar debilitar l'enemic, per a la qual cosa el jove mag comptarà amb l'ajuda d'un vell llibre de pocions pertanyent a un misteriós príncep, algú que es fa dir Príncep Mestís.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.

On their home planet of Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons are involved in an explosive battle over the coveted AllSpark. With the fate of the universe at stake, the Autobots send it far from the reaches of the ruthless Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. But there are even more surprises in store when it crash-lands on Earth.

Una mare intenta protegir als seus fills de les mans de la seva violenta ex-parella en aquest terrorífic thriller. Un asfixiant exercici de "Home Invasion" que ens trasllada als passadissos de "L'habitació del pànic". Una jove mare queda tancada dins del rebost de casa seva per culpa del seu ex-xicot. Haurà d'utilitzar tot el seu enginy per a protegir als seus dos fills petits, que han quedat fora, d'un perill cada vegada més gran mentre troba una manera d'escapar.

En aquest nou capítol de la trepidant saga "El Corredor del Laberint", Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) i la resta de clarians hauran d'enfrontar-se al seu desafiament més gran fins al moment: buscar pistes sobre la misteriosa i poderosa organització coneguda com a CRUEL. Aquest viatge us portarà a “La Cremada”, un apocalíptic lloc ple d'inimaginables obstacles. Formant equip amb membres de la resistència, els clarians hauran de desemmascarar les forces superiors de CRUEL i esbrinar quins plans tenen per a tots ells.

In a future where Mars is terraformed and colonized by the best humanity has to offer, two very different college students wind up joining forces and sneak onboard a space shuttle to the red planet in order to be united with their significant others.

A worn-out, aging shearer who once rained king of the high country, gets on the gear to keep up his numbers. But when the drugs take over he must learn what it really means to be a man, before he loses so much more than his country pride -- MAN.

After starting their own detective agency, Nick and Audrey Spitz land a career-making case when their billionaire pal is kidnapped from his wedding.

Per posar fi a una guerra apocalíptica i salvar la seva filla, una soldat emprèn una missió desesperada: transportar un carregament ultrasecret per un mar gelat.

Dos anys després de derrotar els Decepticons, les vides de Sam i els Autobots han canviat molt. Mentre Sam es prepara per anar a la universitat, els seus amics robots s'han integrat en una força d'elit que captura enemics renegats. Però tot canvia amb l'arribada d'un enemic malvat que, amb un pla enrevessat, planeja un nou alçament dels Decepticons. La humanitat torna a estar en perill, i Sam i els Autobots hauran de formar una vegada més equip per salvar-la.

La noia Wendy Christensen està celebrant la festa de graduació de l'escola en un parc d'atraccions. De sobte te la premonició de que hi haurà un accident a la muntanya russa on són a punt d'engegar-se, i ella i un grup d'estudiants decideixen baixar-hi. Així passa, i ara els supervivents tindran problemes per a seguir vius.

In 2050, a nuclear war broke out all over the world. With the help of a military industry family, Tanahashi, Japanese Imperial Army plans to conquer the world and sets up new government NEO YAMATO. In order to against the tyranny of the new government, a rebellious army of the government fights for peace.

Terminator the Second is the premiere production of the Nashville performance collective, Husky Jackal Theater. A product of nearly a year of research and revision, the script tells the story of a boy and his cyborg protector entirely in lines and phrases taken from the plays of William Shakespeare. Each line and phrase is taken from original folios, with only proper nouns, pronouns and corresponding verb tenses subject to change. In doing so, the authors were able to accurately recreate the story of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, while remaining true to the words of Shakespeare in form, if less so in intent.

Ruben, Durex and Nora are three students in their last year of college. Ruben has already failed his exams once due to his lack of self-confidence. He's been as useless with Nora, to whom he dares not confess his feelings. And his childhood friend Durex, the most embarrassing guy in the world, is no help at all. When Ruben discovers that Nora is a dealer and that she's going to Amsterdam to bring back a new kind of drug, Ruben bucks up the courage to accompany her. This trip to Amsterdam is an ideal situation in which to at last seduce Nora. But his bad luck: Durex comes along for the ride. While the trio discover Europe's craziest capital, their lives really get complicated when they realize that the drug they've just picked up belongs to one of Amsterdam's most dangerous gangsters. Very quickly, Ruben, Durex and Nora will understand that to get their old lives back, they must stop being nerds in order to become true heroes.

Recep Ivedik coaches the children football team in his neighborhood. For the training he uses the only free piece of land as football field on which he used to play football as a child. Recep notices sadly that this piece of land was sold to a businessman. So as not to loose this for the neighborhood and the children valuable piece of land he decides to re-buy it on his own. With his own methods he does not receive the money. The participation in a competition with a big price is the only solution of his problem ...

A group of friends on holiday on an island experiment with a new designer drug that makes them lose their ability to control their urges.