After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.
Uns delinqüents professionals que no es coneixen entre ells i que es mantenen a l'anonimat darrere de noms de colors (senyor Rosa, senyor Blanc, senyor Taronja...) han preparat minuciosament el robatori a una joieria. En el moment de l'atracament apareix inesperadament la policia i es produeix una massacre. Tot fa sospitar que hi ha un traïdor infiltrat. Reunits a porta tancada dins d'un vell magatzem abandonat, els supervivents s'enfrontaran entre ells decidits a descobrir qui els ha conduït a aquesta situació límit.
Quatre amics cinquantins, que porten tota la vida junts, es passen el dia organitzant bromes pesades per burlar-se dels altres. Són el periodista Giorgio Perozzi, perseguit per la reprovació del seu fill i la seva exdona; l'arquitecte Rambaldo Melandri, sensible als afers del cor; el bàrman Guido Necchi, propietari del bar on el grup es reuneix cada nit; i el comte Mascetti, un noble vingut a menys, obligat a viure en un soterrani, que no té cap escrúpol a l'hora d'allunyar la dona i la filla per gaudir d'una relació clandestina amb la jove amant, Titti. Tots ells, conscients que els ajuda a seguir units, recorren a les bromes per prolongar la joventut i defensar-se de les penes de la vida.
Dos caçadors d'assassins, rivals entre si al principi, acaben unint-se per aconseguir una mateixa presa, "L'Indi", un perillós i sanguinari bandit pel qual s'ofereix la més alta recompensa coneguda. Cadascú té motius diferents per caçar el bandit, un, la seva obsessió per aconseguir els diners que ofereixen, i l'altre, per venjar l'assassinat de la seva filla a mans del brutal assassí. També els seus estils són diferents, encara que infal·libles, un de ràpid i l'altre fred i tècnic.
The true story of the frightening, lonely world of silence and darkness of 7-year-old Helen Keller who, since infancy, has never seen the sky, heard her mother's voice or expressed her innermost feelings. Then Annie Sullivan, a 20-year-old teacher from Boston, arrives. Having just recently regained her own sight, the no-nonsense Annie reaches out to Helen through the power of touch, the only tool they have in common, and leads her bold pupil on a miraculous journey from fear and isolation to happiness and light.
In this loose adaptation of "Hamlet," illegitimate son Kôichi Nishi climbs to a high position within a Japanese corporation and marries the crippled daughter of company vice president Iwabuchi. At the reception, the wedding cake is a replica of their corporate headquarters, but an aspect of the design reminds the party of the hushed-up death of Nishi's father. It is then that Nishi unleashes his plan to avenge his father's death.
Pennsylvania, 1956. Frank Sheeran, un veterà de guerra d'origen irlandès que treballa com a camioner, coneix accidentalment el mafiós Russell Bufalino. Un cop convertit en el seu home de confiança, Bufalino envia Frank a Chicago amb l'encàrrec d'ajudar Jimmy Hoffa, un poderós líder sindical relacionat amb el crim organitzat, amb qui Frank mantindrà una estreta amistat durant gairebé vint anys.
François attends a casting. After a very strange interview, he finds out he is actually at the heart of the mysterious set up in which he is forced to take part...
Michael Moore's provocative documentary explores the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How did we get here, and how do we get out.
Un antic missatge és trobat en una ampolla a Escòcia després d'un llarg viatge a través de l'oceà. La nota és difícil de desxifrar, però quan l'investigador danès del departament Q ho aconsegueix, tractarà juntament amb el seu particular equip de resoldre un altre diabòlic cas abandonat tot i que les petjades d'aquest pràcticament han desaparegut.
Jesus Camp is a Christian summer camp where children hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ". The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.
Als anys 20, la Colette desafia audaçment les normes de gènere i les expectatives del seu temps. Inconformista i provocadora, es va convertir en una de les escriptores més influents de la seva generació. Biopic de l'escriptora francesa Gabrielle-Sidonie Colette.
Mentre es disposa tranquil·lament a encendre l'enèsim porro del dia, l'investigador privat Doc Sportello rep la visita sorpresa de la seva ex, la Shasta Fay, que li explica que l'esposa del seu amant actual, un poderós promotor immobiliari, trama fer tancar el marit en un manicomi. En la seva investigació, en Doc recorrerà la Califòrnia dels primers anys 70, uns anys que marquen el final d'una era de somnis de llibertat, amb la cultura hippy agonitzant i el fum de la marihuana com una boira que ho cobreix tot. I trobarà la fauna de l'època: surfistes il·luminats, polis corruptes, especuladors, ionquis, dentistes cocaïnòmans, motoristes nazis, panteres negres... Totes les proves i testimonis apunten a un nom enigmàtic: L'Ullal d'Or.
A young woman from the American Midwest, Loïe Fuller became the toast of the Folies Bergère at the turn of the 20th century and an icon of the Belle Epoque. Inventor of the breathtaking Serpentine Dance, she was a pioneer of modern dance and lighting techniques. It was her complicated relationship to her protégé - Isadora Duncan – that precipitated the downfall of this early 20th century icon.
A young woman struggles to move on with her life after the death of her husband, an acclaimed folk singer, when a brash New York writer forces her to confront her loss and the ambiguous circumstances of his death.
Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.
Sonia breaks the perhaps most exciting time of her life, because the 20-year-old moves to Berlin for a mathematics study. Once there, she soon began to build up a new circle of friends, and then she fell in love with the kind, but irresponsible Ladja. There is only one big catch: the dear money is a bit scarce and therefore Sonia one day, financially, but also from curiosity, the path to prostitution. From now on, it leads a brisk double flight, which can fly at any time. Her experiences are ambivalent, as part-time she often gets into difficult situations, but also gets to know nice people, while she enjoys life just as a student. But how long can it maintain the double game?
The fairies from Infant Island discover a lost city, as well as a giant monster that is attracted to environmental calamities.
A serpentine day in the life of ten seemingly disparate women: a porn star, a flight attendant, a psychiatrist, a masseuse, a bartender, a pair of call girls, etc. All of them with one crucial thing in common. Trouble.