Documentário que narra a trajetória do time de futebol gaúcho Grêmio em 2005, considerado um dos anos mais difíceis para o clube. Com depoimentos de torcedores - ilustres e desconhecidos -, jogadores e comissão técnica, a produção também conta com imagens inesquecíveis.

Neuroscientist David Eagleman taps into the creative process of various inventors, while exploring brain-bending, risk-taking ways to spark creativity

The Minions fight over a delicious banana... but is that all they want?!

Shun Li ha viatjat des de la xinesa fins a Roma per guanyar-se la vida de qualsevol manera. La immigrant ha aconseguit una feina en una fàbrica tèxtil situada als afores de la capital i veu més a prop el seu somni: legalitzar la seva situació i estalviar per poder portar-se el seu fill, de només vuit anys, a Itàlia. Aviat, Shun Li és traslladada a Chioggia, un poble de Venècia, per treballar com a cambrera en un club on coneixerà Bepi, un dels clients més fidels del lloc. Bepi, anomenat el poeta, es guanya la vida com a pescador, encara que el que veritablement l'apassiona són els camins de la poesia -justificació al seu sobrenom- i la filosofia. Entre la cambrera i el poeta aviat sorgeix l'amistat i tots dos mantenen converses força transcendentals que es converteixen en una via d'escapament a la solitud i la rutina diàries. Tot i això, no tots els habitants d'aquesta comunitat pesquera veuran aquesta amistat intercultural amb bons ulls.

Three ordinary air hostesses from Mumbai embark on a journey to pursue their dreams but find themselves caught up in unexpected misfortunes.

La Ran guanya un sorteig per assistir a unes maniobres d'un destructor Aegis de l'armada japonesa, on en Conan i els altres l'acompanyen. Durant les maniobres, apareix sobtadament un objectiu desconegut i el vaixell es posa en alerta roja. Un cop resolta l'amenaça, descobreixen que el filtre del sistema de drenatge ha absorbit un braç esquerre. Si això no fos poc, es descobreix que un espia, que anomenen X, s'ha infiltrat per robar informació confidencial. En Conan demanarà ajuda a en Heiji i al Dr. Agasa per descobrir l'autèntica identitat de l'espia però el misteri va molt més enllà del que es poden imaginar...

Charlie Brown, Linus and the entire Peanuts gang are off on a lively Easter egg hunt. They suspect they've spotted the Easter Bunny … but the trouble is, he looks a lot like a certain beagle who's near and dear to Charlie Brown's heart. Is it truly the Easter Bunny, or is it just the irrepressible Snoopy playing a trick on the kids?

Christmas for Miranda (Krakow) is a painful reminder of the family she never had. Her mother died when she was young, never revealing the identity of her father. But, three days before Christmas, she unexpectedly receives a clue as to the whereabouts that takes her to a beautiful New England town where she meets Ian (Matter), a young man who helps with her search. As the clues lead to her father’s identity and Miranda discovers the possibility of love in Ian, and she learns that her father lived in the small town and now she knows his family (her brother and her biological father’s wife). She faces a terrible decision… Should she share the truth and risk losing the family she has just found, or leave and keep the secret forever? This Christmas promises to be life-changing for Miranda with a new chance at life and love.

Think you've got what it takes to be the boss? This interactive special puts your skills to the test and matches you up with one of 16 jobs at Baby Corp.

Birdee Pruitt has been humiliated on live television by her best friend, Connie, who's been sleeping with Birdee's husband, Bill. Birdee tries starting over with her daughter, Bernice, by returning to her small Texas hometown, but she's faced with petty old acquaintances who are thrilled to see Birdee unhappy -- except for her friend Justin. As he helps Birdee get back on her feet, love begins to blossom.

Un petit corriol que encara no ha aprés a volar es abandonat quan la seva família emigra a la tardor. Ha de sobreviure tot l’hivern per poder-se reunir amb els seus la propera primavera.

A hairdresser forwards a passionate love letter to her widowed mother.

A man develops an attraction to the daughter of his father's fiancee.

Kristin has just had to close her small Manhattan clothing boutique to return to her Ohio home town and live in her parents' former home. It's an adjustment for Kristin and her young daughter— especially when she runs into her former high school rival. Kristen and Emily struggle to find their new normal with the help of the hunky local music teacher.

En Max és un conill lladregot que queda atrapat dins d’una escola. Allà coneix la conilla Emmy i Madame Hermione, amb elles podrà aprendre màgia i trobarà una veritable família.

A version of Shakespeare's play, set in the world of warring indoor and outdoor gnomes. Garden gnomes Gnomeo and Juliet have as many obstacles to overcome as their quasi namesakes when they are caught up in a feud between neighbors. But with plastic pink flamingos and lawnmower races in the mix, can this young couple find lasting happiness?

At a bachelor party, Paulina wins the prize of spending two hours with Fran, a stripper. The attraction between the two envelops them in a romance full of passion and eroticism.

A new hero is born in this hilarious, animated adventure of epic proportions! Timo, a student at the Gladiators? Academy in Rome, has no desire to become a legendary gladiator like his stepfather. That is, until the mesmerizing Lucilla walks into his life. With the help of an unlikely band of sidekicks, Timo is determined to be the gladiator of her dreams and embarks on an action-packed journey to become the Colosseum?s first victor!

L'ós Yogi i el Boo Boo, el seu company inseparable, viuen feliços al parc de Jellystone. El Yogi dedica la major part del temps a la seva activitat preferida: pispar les cistelles de pícnic dels visitants del parc. I els guardes del parc l'han d'avisar contínuament que no molesti la gent.

When Henry fails yet again to hand in his homework for the umpteenth time, he has no idea that this will set off a chain of events which will see him forming an unlikely alliance with Moody Margaret, the infuriating girl next door, and his irritating little brother Perfect Peter, outwitting corrupt School Inspectors and toppling an evil Headmaster, winning a talent contest and facing his ultimate nemesis with no way out.