Documentary chronicling the making of Darren Aronofsky's Academy Award-winning film 'Black Swan (2010)'.

François attends a casting. After a very strange interview, he finds out he is actually at the heart of the mysterious set up in which he is forced to take part...

James Gillespie is 12 years old. The world he knew is changing. Haunted by a secret, he has become a stranger in his own family. He is drawn to the canal where he creates a world of his own. He finds an awkward tenderness with Margaret Anne, a vulnerable 14 year old expressing a need for love in all the wrong ways, and befriends Kenny, who possesses an unusual innocence in spite of the harsh surroundings.

In a village in eastern Turkey, tales of the economic success of Turks in Switzerland inspire Haydar to convince his wife Meryem that they must go. He sells their livestock and small plot of land in exchange for passage for two. He wants to leave their seven children in the care of the eldest and his parents; his father advises him to take one son to be educated in Europe, as economic insurance. The three set off for Istanbul, Milan, and Switzerland, stowing away on a ship. At Lake Como, they pay the rest of their money to unprincipled men who abandon them at an Alpine pass before a blizzard. Father and son are separated from Meryem. Will anyone reach the land of promise?

Thomas, a father in his fifties, returns by chance to the town where he grew up. He collapses and wakes up forty years earlier in the body of his teenage self. Thrown back into his past, Thomas will not only have to re-live his first love, but also try to understand the reasons for his father’s mysterious departure. Can you change the past by living it again?

Gadedrengen Tsotsi ('Tsotsi' betyder bandit) er leder af en lille Soweto-bande, der med hensynsløs brutalitet skaffe er sig til dagen og vejen ved røverier og andet forefaldende vold. Men en dag løber tingene helt løbsk: et rutinerøveri i S-toget udvikler sig til koldblodigt mord. Drabet får banden til at gå i opløsning. Tsotsi drager ud på egen hånd og ender med at skyde en rig, sort kvinde og stjæle hendes bil. På vild flugt i BMW 'en er det så, at han opdager babyen på bagsædet. Selvfølgelig skulle han aflevere barnet tilbage, men han ta'r det med hjem. For Tsotsi har set sin mor dø af AIDS og set sin far drikke sig fra sans og samling. Instinktet byder ham at beskytte den hjælpeløse lille dreng og give ham et bedre liv, end han selv har haft. En beslutning, der er dømt til at føre til undergang...

På siderne af en aktiv vulkan i Guatemala, arrangeres der bryllup for den 17-årige mayanske pige Maria. Hun bor med sin familie kaffeplantagen og har aldrig mødt den moderne civilisation i byen for foden af vulkanen, for som indfødt må hun ikke forlade sin landsby. Hun drømmer om at løbe væk da en ulykke ændrer alting.

Set in China's underworld, this tale of love and betrayal follows a dancer who fired a gun to protect her mobster boyfriend during a fight. On release from prison 5 years later, she sets out to find him.

After another day at work, Virgílio turns on the answering machine at home and hears a disturbing message. It's a message from Clara, communicating the end of their relationship. Virgílio then listens to the message repeatedly, seeking some meaning. Breaking up is not the problem; the problem is that Virgílio has no idea who Clara is.

Four guys working for a small grocer in trouble, declare war on a new giant neighborhood supermarket by attempting several coups. A film about the big store taking over the business of smaller stores.

Teenageren Remy er en rødhåret taber. Udstødt og nedværdiget af sine jævnaldrende, hadet af sin familie. Hans eneste ven er den betydeligt ældre, særdeles kyniske og selvoptagede psykolog Patrick. For at stikke af fra det hele køber de en dyr sportsvogn, lækkert tøj og stikker kurs mod de rødhåredes hellige land, Irland. Men det, der begynder som en jagt på det ideelle, løber gradvist over i et kaos af had, vold og selvdestruktivitet, da Patrick med stor sjælefryd skubber Remy ud i mere og mere ekstreme situationer.

Chouf: It means “look” in Arabic, but it is also the name of the watchmen in the drug cartels of Marseille. Sofiane is 20. A brilliant student, he comes back to spend his holiday in the Marseille ghetto where he was born. His brother, a dealer, gets shot before his eyes. Sofiane gives up on his studies and gets involved in the drug network, ready to avenge him. He quickly rises to the top and becomes the boss’s right hand. Trapped by the system, Sofiane is dragged into a spiral of violence…

In order to participate with medal options in the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games, the national coach of France decides to form a basketball team composed mostly of fake mentally disability. Once in Australia, the fraudsters must fake their disability by living with the other athletes in the Olympic village or by attending the media in the post-match press conference.

A ruthless motorcycle gang rides into a California town and terrorizes its denizens.

Frank Valken, high-flying robber, has just made a final masterful break. At least that’s what he believes… Ideal suspects, Valken and his gang find themselves involved in a criminal case of thirty years. It seems that the crazy killers are back.

Lisa Conroy is general manager at a highway-side 'sports bar with curves', Double Whammies. She nurtures and protects her employees fiercely - but over the course of one trying day, her optimism is battered from every direction. Double Whammies sells a big, weird American fantasy, but what happens when reality pokes a bunch of holes in it?

Two septuagenarians go to Tuscany to prevent their old friend from killing the man who cuckolded him fifty years ago.

Once upon a time in 2012, three brothers lived happily. One day their mom fell into a coma. So Henri, Philippe, and Louis suddenly started wondering about the meaning of their lives and were swamped by a wave of existential doubts. An entirely new situation for this bourgeois trio in their forties, one which opened a door to the novel and indeed the forbidden... and to the big bad wolf!

José Nunes and Maxime Charasse are friends and minority partners in a struggling construction company. Faced with the need to protect their interests, they make a radical decision and find themselves bound by a dark secret.

Til møder med sin terapeut fortæller Yvan historier om antisemitisme, og hvad det vil sige at leve som jøde i Frankrig i dag.