L'equip de producció d'una pel·lícula es troba en una illa tropical cercant localitzacions exòtiques. El que troben és un goril·la gegantí, que sembla tenir una especial tirada cap a l'estrella rossa de la peli.

Un agent de l'FBI i un detectiu de la Interpol segueixen un equip d'il·lusionistes que fan robatoris bancaris durant les seves actuacions i premien el seu públic amb els diners.

Following Hulk's murderous rampage through Manhattan, Dr. Bruce Banner was sentenced to execution, bringing an end to The Hulk . Or did it? When reports of a mysterious creature start creeping in from around the world, Nick Fury starts to get suspicious. Not only is Fury worried about Banner's rage turning him into an unstoppable monster, but his existence is the one secret that can bring down Nick Fury! Turning to the only man he can trust, Fury enlists Wolverine to help, and Wolverine is glad to take down Banner by any means necessary!

A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he must dig holes in order to build character. What he doesn't know is that he is digging holes in order to search for a lost treasure hidden somewhere in the camp.

Dues races de robots extraterrestres transformables (els dolents Decepticons i els amistosos Autobots) arriben a la Terra a la recerca d'una misteriosa font de poder. A la guerra que esclata entre les dues races, els homes prenen partit pels "Autobots". Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), un espavilat adolescent, que només vol conquerir la bella Mikaela (Megan Fox), es converteix en la clau d'una guerra que pot destruir la humanitat.

Forlorn heiress Penelope Wilhern is cursed, and the only way out is to fall in love with someone of suitable stock. But how can she find her soul mate when she's sequestered inside her family's estate with only her parents to keep her company. This untraditional fairy tale about a girl who bucks convention to create her own happy ending.

As Halloweentown prepares to celebrate its 1,000th anniversary, Marnie Piper and her brother Dylan return to Witch University, where trouble is in session from the Sinister Sisters and from someone who's plotting to use Marnie's powers for evil.

This was going to be the first year that Marshal Middle School was not going to have a dance team. All that changes when the new Biology teacher, Ms. Bartlett, agrees to be the coach. Now the girls need to prove that they are ready to compete and are able to win; not only to themselves, but to their parents and coach. Using the chant "si, se puede" or "yes, I can" the Dance team builds their confidence to perform.

A popular high school athlete and an academically gifted girl get roles in the school musical and develop a friendship that threatens East High's social order.

Thor lluita per restablir l'ordre al cosmos, però una antiga raça liderada pel venjatiu Malekith torna amb el propòsit de tornar a sumir l'univers a la foscor. Es tracta d'un dolent amb què ni tan sols Odín i Asgard s'atreveixen a enfrontar-se; per aquesta raó, Thor haurà d'emprendre un viatge molt perillós, durant el qual es reunirà amb Jane Foster i l'obligarà a sacrificar-ho tot per salvar el món.

Brian O'Connor, un policia caigut en desgràcia, va ser un addicte a la velocitat i ara n'està pagant un preu. Tal com ho veuen els seus antics caps i els alts comandaments de l'FBI, aquest agent d'incògnit els va fer malbé una de les investigacions més importants que havien emprès.

The scientist father of a teenage girl and boy accidentally shrinks his and two other neighborhood teens to the size of insects. Now the teens must fight diminutive dangers as the father searches for them.

Mortimer “Mo” Folchart (Brendan Fraser) i la seva filla de 12 anys, Meggie (Eliza Hope Bennett), comparteixen la seva passió pels llibres. També comparteixen un do: poden fer aparèixer en la vida real els personatges dels llibres que estan llegint, si els llegeixen en veu alta. Però un perill sotja: per cada personatge de fantasia que arriba al món real, una persona real desapareix en el món de fantasia. En una de les seves visites a una vella llibreria, Mo escolta veus que no havia sentit en anys, i quan reconeix de quin llibre vénen, sent un calfred que recórrer la seva esquena. El llibre, que s'anomena "Cor de Tinta", està ple d'il·lustracions de castells medievals i estranyes criatures, i Mo l'ha estat cercant des que Meggie tenia tres anys, quan la seva mare, Resa (Sienna Guillory), va desaparèixer en aquest místic món.

Hyperactive teenager Kelly is enrolled into a military school when her new stepfather becomes the Commandant. At first she has problems fitting in and taking orders until she tries out for the drill team.

After starting her first job at a country club restaurant, Callie’s passions for cooking and ice sculpting are met with romance and Christmas spirit when a childhood friend enters her into the club’s annual Christmas ice sculpting competition without her knowledge.

After an American family moves to an old country manor in rural England, one of the daughters is tormented by the spirit of the owner's long lost daughter, who mysteriously disappeared 30 years ago during a solar eclipse.

A Hawaiian teenage surfer shows off his skills when he takes to the snow slopes in Vermont.

A teenager goes to desperate lengths to get attention when her mother gives birth to quints.

This is a movie about two scientists who invent a time machine. A critical part falls out of the time machine before they get into it to test it. Nothing seems to happen at first, but when they wake up the next day they are regressing in age (physically and mentally).

Samantha's band, the Zettabytes, is meeting with little success, so her friend Roscoe uses his knowledge of technology designed by his father to create a holographic lead singer, Loretta Modern. The band instantly becomes successful, but Samantha begins to feel alienated, Roscoe discovers feelings for Samantha, and Loretta struggles with individuality.