La Sylvia és una treballadora social que porta una vida senzilla i estructurada: la seva filla, el seu treball i les seves reunions d'Alcohòlics Anònims. Tot això salta pels aires quan en Saul la segueix a casa després de la seva reunió de companys d'institut. La seva trobada sorpresa impactarà profundament a tots dos en obrir la porta al passat.
Els ballarins Pilatus i Morvan salten a la fama a finals de la dècada de 1980 i es converteixen en estrelles amb èxits número 1 i guanyen premis Grammy. El duo mai va cantar una paraula en les seves cançons i la veritat va ser revelada, van protagonitzar un dels majors escàndols en la història de la música.
L'exèrcit britànic recluta un petit grup de soldats d'elit per atacar els nazis darrere de les línies enemigues durant la Segona Guerra Mundial.
Un venedor ambulant de ganivets es veu forçat a aturar-se en una estació de servei rural després de quedar-se encallat enmig del no-res. Allà, serà víctima d’una violenta presa d’ostatges per part de dos lladres de bancs.
Adaptació musical de la novel·la d'Alice Walker sobre les lluites de tota la vida d'una dona afroamericana que viu al sud a principis del segle XX.
En un món assotat per una onada de mutacions que transformen gradualment alguns humans en animals, en François fa tot el possible per salvar la seva dona, afectada per aquesta malaltia misteriosa. Mentre la societat es veu abocada a un nou ordre, començarà amb l'Émile, el seu fill de 16 anys, una recerca que els canviarà per sempre.
Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.
Tennis player turned coach Tashi has taken her husband, Art, and transformed him into a world-famous Grand Slam champion. To jolt him out of his recent losing streak, she signs him up for a "Challenger" event — close to the lowest level of pro tournament — where he finds himself standing across the net from his former best friend and Tashi's former boyfriend.
Kid (Dev Patel) és un delinqüent que acaba de sortir de la presó i viu a l'Índia, intentant adaptar-se a un món marcat per l'avarícia i sense valors espirituals. Allà lluitarà per buscar venjança per la mort de la seva mare i defensar les classes més desafavorides.
Shirley Chisholm makes a trailblazing run for the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination after becoming the first Black woman elected to Congress.
Una mèdium cega i venedora de curiositats segueix plorant la mort de la seva germana bessona un any abans. Un maniquí de fusta del seu gabinet de curiositats es converteix en un element crucial per descobrir la veritat sobre l'assassinat de la seva germana.
Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.
Barbie comes home from shopping. She takes her groceries out of the bag and unwraps a little Barbie doll. She fries up the Barbie doll and eats it.
Lucy and Jane have been best friends for most of their lives and think they know everything there is to know about each other. But when Jane announces she's moving to London, Lucy reveals a long-held secret. As Jane tries to help Lucy, their friendship is thrown into chaos.
Jigsaw has disappeared. Along with his new apprentice Amanda, the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detective scrambles to locate him, Doctor Lynn Denlon and Jeff Reinhart are unaware that they are about to become the latest pawns on his vicious chessboard.
Una mare angoixada i els seus dos fills viuen en una cabana al bosc sota l’influx d’un esperit maligne. Necessiten estar connectats en tot moment, aferrant-se els uns als altres, arribant fins i tot a lligar-se amb cordes. Però quan un dels nens es pregunta si el mal és real, els llaços que els uneixen es trenquen, desencadenant una aterridora lluita per la supervivència.
An ex-CIA operative is thrown back into a dangerous world when a mysterious woman from his past resurfaces. Now exposed and targeted by a relentless killer and a rogue black ops program, he must rely on skills he thought he left behind in a high-stakes game of survival.
In the near future, on a decimated Earth, Paul and his twin sons face terror at night when ferocious creatures awaken. When Paul is nearly killed, the boys come up with a plan for survival, using everything their father taught them to keep him alive.
Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...
When the world is gripped by a plague unleashed by the evil lord Chaos, and humans are turned into rabid creatures, mankind can only be saved by three young women, descendants of a Goddess, with the power to stop Chaos' evil.