Set in 19th century Vienna, Ignac Semmelweis, a short-tempered but passionate doctor, delivers babies and carries out autopsies on a daily basis while looking for the cause of puerperal fever, the mysterious epidemic that decimates patients in the hospital.

From Dave: Normally I wouldn't show you something so unrefined, I hope you understand.

First barns burn, then an old house burns. A fire brigade goes around. A corpse burned beyond recognition is found in the old house. Intention or amazing coincidence? Franzi Heilmayr and Martin Merana believe in coincidence - until the evidence suddenly points in a completely different direction. And deadly danger still emanates from there.

Asli and Saeed fall in love in the mid-1990s. Although Asli’s mother is against their relationship, they secretly get married. Then he disappears. A sensitive love story that recounts how Saeed changes Asli’s life – before the entire world is shaken.

A lawyer finds himself at the center of a trial in which a for-profit foster care agency puts a known sex offender into the same foster home as his young client Jamal, which leads to catastrophic results.

Derrick and his deputy, Harry Klein, back from holidays, discover that french TV channel 5 is dead. They'll have to build a plan to create a new "new 5 channel". They'll be helped by Starsky & Hutch, Matt Houston, Captain Kirk or french inspector Navarro, while Superman, assisted by Number 6 and Roger Moore, will try to thwart their plan.

A popular high school hunk Johnny takes a late-night dip with cute loner Ben. Fifteen years later, these two men — who haven’t seen each other since a late-night tryst in high school — bump into each other unexpectedly.

Alice and Tommaso have been together for fifteen years; they don’t have children, he‘s a musician, she’s an actress. Invited to dinner for an announcement, their friends think it’s going to be a marriage announcement, but instead discover that decided to break up: but without drama or emotional rifts, staying friends with each other. A legitimate but naive ambition. Love stories end, because people change. And no change is, nor can it be, painless.

Aspiring teenage astronauts reveal that a journey to Mars is closer than you think.

Three friends from school, Thomas, Nils and Andreas, are still searching for love in their adult lives.

One hundred years of Hindi cinema is celebrated in four short stories showcasing the power of film.

A young drug-addled writer approaching the bottom of his descent submits to two months of agonizing detox at a treatment center in Minnesota.

Brenda, lederen af skolens hårde pigebande, der ser rødt, da hendes døvstumme lillesøster Heather udsættes for en brutal gruppevoldtægt. Optændt af vrede og udstyret med armbrøst, bjørnefælder og et helt arsenal af one-liners begiver hun sig ud på det ultimative hævntogt.

Ordinary People is a family portrait of Jane, 16, and her boyfriend, Aries, who live on their own in the chaotic streets of Manila. Surviving as pickpockets, the lives of the young couple change when they suddenly become teenage parents. But not even a month into parenthood, their child is stolen from them. In order to retrieve the child, the young couple is forced to take desperate measures.

A variety of aviation professionals such as pilots, flight attendants, the ground crew, mechanics, dispatchers, controllers, and the bird patrol crew all support a single flight. They have only one mission: to secure the safety of the passengers.

Denne film der foregår i 1965, New England, handler om en urolig pige, der møder mystiske hændelser i skoven omkring en isoleret pigeskole, som hun blev sendt til af sine uinteresserede forældre.

Bjarne er en ung regnorm, som er dødtræt af at være allernederst i fødekæden. Alle de andre insekter regner orme for nul og niks og så har Bjarne tilmed Jordens kedeligste job inden for kompostvæsenet hos A.P. Mødding. Men da Bjarne en dag falder over en gammel disco-plade, går boogien direkte i blodet på ham! Han får en genial idé - han vil danne verdens største disco-band: 'Solskins Bjarne & Hans Disco Orme'. Okay, han har hverken arme, rytme eller at band. "MEN", som Bjarne siger, "VI GØR DET SGU ALLIGEVEL!".

Two weddings collide when both receptions are held at one hotel.

When professional ambitions clash with personal feelings for a modern-day couple, a love story from a bygone era may offer some wisdom.

Florencia, a rising actress, ends up falling in love with her co-star, a famous film star. When they decide to marry, Florencia becomes aware that in reality she fell in love with the character and that her husband is indeed a real idiot.