Kenshin has settled into his new life with Kaoru and his other friends when he is approached with a request from the Meiji government. Makoto Shishio, a former assassin like Kenshin, was betrayed, set on fire and left for dead. He survived, and is now in Kyoto, plotting with his gathered warriors to overthrow the new government. Against Kaoru's wishes, Kenshin reluctantly agrees to go to Kyoto and help keep his country from falling back into civil war.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Third Jerry Cotton Adaption. A big shipment of Nitroglycerine, enough to make a shambles of New York, mysteriously vanishes! It's a race between agent Jerry Cotton and the underworld to see who can find the deadly explosive first. To complicate things further, the nitro must be found before a torrid heat wave causes it to blow much of the city sky high.

Når den første sne falder i dalen, må insekterne skynde sig at indsamle deres forråd til vinteren. Men under det store arbejde med at indsamlingen fanges en lille mariehønge i en kasse med kurs mod Carabien. Når krisen er ude er hjælpen nær, og redningsholdet i insekternes verden må træde til.

Mothra and her fairies return to Japan to warn mankind that they must return Kiryu to the sea, for the dead must not be disturbed. However Godzilla has survived to menace Japan leaving Kiryu as the nation's only defense.

Journalists Ichiro Sakai and Junko cover the wreckage of a typhoon when an enormous egg is found and claimed by greedy entrepreneurs. Mothra's fairies arrive and are aided by the journalists in a plea for its return. As their requests are denied, Godzilla arises near Nagoya and the people of Infant Island must decide if they are willing to answer Japan's own pleas for help.

An Okinawan prophecy that foretells the destruction of the Earth is seeming fulfilled when Godzilla emerges to return to his destructive roots. But not all is what it seems after Godzilla breaks his ally Anguirus's jaw. Matters are further complicated when a second Godzilla emerges, revealing the doppelgänger as a mechanical weapon.

Tony Stark plages af mareridt og søvnløshed og lider af konstant frygt for sine nærmestes sikkerhed - og med god grund, for i kulissen lurer Starks værste modstander. Inden længe angribes Stark fra flere fronter, og hans verden bryder sammen. Nu må han, ikke mindst ved hjælp af sin avancerede dragt og alias som Iron Man, kæmpe sig tilbage for at finde de personer, der stod bag angrebet. Men er han helt nok til sin superdragt?

Superheltegruppen over dem alle, Avengers, møder endelig deres overmand - dræberrobotten Ultron, som for altid gør det af med heltene. Men lige da alt håb synes at være ude for verden, træder en ny gruppe af unge og fantastiske superhelte ind på scenen - det er de børn, som Avengers efterlod, og som nu under kyndig vejledning fra Iron Man sætter sig op mod Ultron. Den næste generation af superhelte er klar til at tage kampen op mod ondskaben! Next Avengers er på banen.

Sean og hans kone Lisa bliver overlykkelige, da han bliver ansat i et stort reklamebureau. Men snart begynder Seans assistent Jen at vise interesse for ham. Jens begær bliver stærkere og stærkere, og hun er fast besluttet på at ødelægge hans ægteskab og få ham for sig selv.

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

Sommerferie, romantik og et nyt sejt hovedkvarter i byens nedlagte mine - det hele kører på skinner for KROKODILLEBANDEN. Inden længe begynder der dog at ske mystiske uheld på den lokale fabrik, som truer med at lukke den. Lukker fabrikken vil Ollies og Marias forældre miste deres job og familien være tvunget til at flytte. Flytter Ollie og Maria er det enden på KROKODILLEBANDEN! Så banden sætter sig for at undersøge sagen, og som sædvanligt indebærer det hårrejsende stunts og hemmeligt detektivarbejde.

Reporter Goro Maki stumbles upon scientists conducting weather experiments on Sollgel Island in the South Seas. He discovers the island is inhabited by giant mantis and a woman named Saeko who's been cast away since the death of her father. The pair soon find a helpless infant monster that Godzilla must adopt and learn to raise as one of his own.

High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.

The summer break is over and the twins returned to Lindenhof. That has now changed a lot. Because Mrs Theobald had to travel, Mademoiselle Bertoux has taken the lead.

Paris, France. Commissaire Wens is put in charge of the investigation into the murder of one of six friends who, in the past, made a very profitable promise.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

The Lindenhof School is expecting a busload of proper young English ladies as exchange students. The shock is great when the students turn out to be teenage boys! But while Mademoiselle Bertoux is delighted to stage “Romeo and Juliet” with real boys, both Hanni and her sister Nanni fall for their “Romeo,” Clyde.

Det er ikke let at være Toxie. Hvad skal en frygteligt deformeret skabning af overmenneskelig størrelse og styrke lave efter han har fjernet kriminalitet fra hans hjemby? Toxie er desperat efter at skaffe penge til den eksperimentelle operation, der kan gendanne hans blinde forlovedes syn og accepterer et lukrativt job hos det onde multinationale konglomerat Apocalypse Inc. Nu transformeres Toxie til en endnu mere monstrøs skabning: en yuppie.