Autant en emporte le vent is a French musical adaptation of the 1936 Margaret Mitchell novel Gone with the Wind produced by Dove Attia and Albert Cohen in 2003, with music and lyrics by Gérard Presgurvic and staging and choreography by Kamel Ouali.

We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They do not care. We say we care, but we do nothing, and nothing ever changes. It is normal. Welcome to the post-truth world. How we got to where we are now…

A tragicomedy dramatizing how an innocent villager is driven into the crime world only to collect enough cash to make his biggest dream come true: Return to his village home and marry the girl next door.

Sig navnene Tomas Milian og Lee Van Cleef, og så ved man, den står på rendyrket spaghetti-western. I denne 1966-produktion med dens danske biograftitel Manden med de Sorte Støvler spiller Van Cleef en effektiv revolvermand, der er blevet stueren og foreslås som kandidat til en post som senator. Men da han hører om en mexicansk bandit, der har voldtaget og myrdet en 12-årig pige, stiller han de politiske ambitioner i bero.

Muckraking filmmaker Morgan Spurlock reignites his battle with the food industry — this time from behind the register — as he opens his own fast food restaurant.

Mustafa and his wife Salwa come from two Palestinian villages that are only 200 meters apart, but separated by the wall. Their unusual living situation is starting to affect their otherwise happy marriage, but the couple does what they can to make it work. Every night, Mustafa flashes a light from his balcony to wish his children on the other side a goodnight, and they signal him back. One day Mustafa gets a call that every parent dreads: his son has been in an accident. He rushes to the checkpoint where he must agonisingly wait in line only to find out there is a problem with his fingerprints and is denied entry. Desperate, Mustafa resorts to hiring a smuggler to bring him across. His once 200-meter journey becomes a 200-kilometer odyssey joined by other travellers determined to cross.

I 1961 bliver nazisten Adolf Eichmann retsforfulgt for sine forbrydelser under 2. verdenskrig. TV-produceren Milton Fruchtman er overbevist om at retssagen, og ikke mindst øjenvidneberetningerne om de forfærdelige forbrydelser, skal ud til så mange som muligt, så han foreslår at filme begivenhederne. Sammen med den sortlistede instruktør Leo Hurwitz får han stablet det første verdensomspændende dokumentar TV-show på benene.

Parret Poplin er ikke sådan at bide skeer med for de sociale myndigheder. Clovis bryder ud af fængsel for sammen med sin kone, Lou Jean, at kidnappe deres barn fra fosterforældrene. På flygt for myndighederne tager de en betjent som gidsel og sætter kursen mod Sugarland, Texas.

Elegant, retired architect Shauna (70) crosses paths with Pierre, a happily married doctor in his 40s, who first made an impression on her in a brief meeting 15 years previously. Both are quite troubled to meet again and begin an affair. While Pierre’s family life is soon turned upside down, Shauna struggles with feelings she thought belonged to the past.

In 1967, New York City is host to the Miss All-American Camp Beauty Pageant. This documentary takes a look behind the scenes, transporting the viewer into rehearsals and dressing rooms as the drag queen subculture prepares for this big national beauty contest. Jack/Sabrina is the mistress of ceremonies, and their protégé, Miss Harlow, is in the competition. But, as the pageant approaches, the glamorous contestants veer from camaraderie to tension.

A group of drug-influenced lumpen teenagers from the suburbs of the city descends into the center where they do not belong, where they are excluded. They adopted a brutal method to seize rights that were not granted to them. Unaware of what will happen to them, cheerful and well-to-do university students are helpless in the face of this gun-wielding mob that suddenly raids the bar where they are having fun.

According to legend, an ominous entity known as the Queen of Spades can be summoned by performing an ancient ritual. Four teenagers summon the Queen of Spades, but they could never imagine the horrors that await them.

A boy deals with the loss of his mother by creating a relationship with a dangerous monster.

After Ruth moves in with her boyfriend in a remote holiday park, tensions rise as she makes an unsettling discovery that lures her into a spiral of obsession.

Laurent, a young brigade commander in a gendarmerie in a small town in Normandy is planning his wedding with Marie, his partner and mother of his daughter. He loves his job despite facing social misery on a daily basis. One day, a farmer who might try to kill himself runs away.

FBI agent Max Reed witnesses Dr. Tetsu Segawa - a researcher for the mysterious Chronos Corporation - being murdered. Dr. Segawa had stolen an alien device known as "The Guyver" from Chronos. College student Sean Barker, whose girlfriend's father was Dr. Segawa, finds the Guyver's hiding spot while watching the forensic team investigating the crime scene.

When a psychotic Santa tries to destroy Chanukah by hypnotizing Jewish children with bootlegged copies of the Christmas classic "It's a Wonderful Life," it's up to the Hebrew Hammer to save the day. Together with Mohammed, head of the Kwanzaa Liberation Front, the Hammer takes no prisoners in his quest to hunt down the renegade Santa and make the holiday season safe for all.

Joseph arbejder i sikkerhedskontrollen i en lufthavn og har en hverdag som alle andre. Han bliver irriteret over de rejsende, kollegerne og familien, men indtil videre har han bare knyttet næven nede i lommen. Indtil den dag, filmen knækker for ham. Det næste døgn går Joseph bersærk i Londons gader og lader sine instinkter styre sig helt og holdent.

Aging baseball star who goes by the nickname, Mr. 3000, finds out many years after retirement that he didn't quite reach 3,000 hits. Now at age 47 he's back to try and reach that goal.