Las Vegas, 1973. Sam "Ace" Rothstein, un professional de les apostes, és l'eficaç director d'un important casino que pertany a un grup de mafiosos. La seva missió és controlar el funcionament del negoci i garantir que el corrent de diners que pararà a les mans dels seus caps segueixi fluint. Las Vegas és un lloc ideal per a milionaris i polítics, però és també lloc de pas de tafurs, prestadors, traficants de drogues i matons. Un dia el violent Nicky Santoro, a qui els seus caps han encarregat que tingui cura de Sam, arriba a Las Vegas amb la intenció de quedar-s'hi.

El fiscal de Nova Orleans, Jim Garrison, va reobrir el cas de l'assassinat del president dels Estats Units John F. Kennedy i va presentar càrrecs contra algunes persones. Després d'entrevistar nombrosos testimonis de Dallas i persones relacionades amb els fets, va mantenir la tesi que el magnicidi va ser fruit d'una conspiració en què podrien haver intervingut l'FBI, la CIA i el mateix vicepresident Lindon B. Johnson.

Two neurotics, working for a suicide hotline on the night of Christmas Eve, get caught up in a catastrophe when a pregnant woman, her abusive boyfriend, and a transvestite visit their office.

After a wizard's spell goes awry, 12th-century Gallic knight Godefroy de Papincourt, Count of Montmirail finds himself transported to 1993, along with his dimwitted servant, Jacquouille la Fripouille. Startled and perplexed by modern technology, the duo run amok, destroying cars and causing chaos until they meet Beatrice de Montmirail, an aristocratic descendant of the nobleman, who may be able to help them get back to 1123.

In order to foil a terrorist plot, an FBI agent undergoes facial transplant surgery and assumes the identity of a criminal mastermind. The plan turns sour when the criminal wakes up prematurely and seeks revenge.

Una noia amb esquizofrènia comença a tenir al·lucinacions quan creu que el seu veí ha segrestat un nen. L'única persona que el creu és Caleb, un noi que ni tan sols sap si existeix de debò.

Although living a comfortable life in Salon-de-Provence, a charming town in the South of France, Julie has been feeling depressed for a while. To please her, Philippe Abrams, a post office administrator, her husband, tries to obtain a transfer to a seaside town, on the French Riviera, at any cost. The trouble is that he is caught red-handed while trying to scam an inspector. Philippe is immediately banished to the distant unheard of town of Bergues, in the Far North of France...

El James Bond visita Ciutat de Mèxic i Roma decidit a destapar una sinistra organització criminal anomenada Spectre, tota una amenaça per al govern britànic. Amb l'ajuda de dos col·laboradors, la Moneypenny i el Q, el 007 intenta trobar la Madeleine Swann, filla del seu gran enemic, el senyor White, que podria tenir la clau per desxifrar el misteri. A mesura que el Bond progressa en la seva investigació descobreix una esgarrifosa relació entre ell i el cap de l'organització Spectre.

Peter Highman és un arquitecte que està a punt de ser pare. En Peter, un home seriós, haurà de creuar els Estats Units de banda a banda per poder assistir al naixement del seu fill, però durant el viatge haurà de suportar un company de viatge ben excèntric i molest.

1944. Léon Duchemin owns a restaurant with his sister. His clients are Germans, Résistance et black marketeers. Léon unwillingly joins the Résistance when a British pilot is shot down and hides in his attic and, through a series of mishaps, he accidentally steals the plans for Hitler's V1 missiles.

A sleazy Paris nightclub owner and ex-detective flies to Hong Kong to rescue the young son of a friend murdered by the Chinese mob.

The unsanctioned efforts of a covert unit to gather evidence about illegal arms shipments with the unwitting help of an embassy employee.

Vincent, a civil servant, has always enjoyed the benefits of his family's status. When the government votes on a massive savings plan, Vincent is pushed out. When he is transferred to the North Pole, he meets Eva and finds love. It's time for him to choose.

Samuel est psychanalyste. Toute la journée, il voit des patients exprimer des griefs, en particulier des adolescents rebelles qui méprisent leurs parents. Cette situation l'a conduit à voir d'un mauvais œil l'idée de sa paternité. C'est alors que sa compagne Mathilde lui annonce qu'elle est enceinte. Terrifié par l'idée, Samuel vit les neuf mois de grossesse de Mathilde plutôt comme un cauchemar, et les conseils de son ami Marc, homme à femmes mais célibataire endurci, n'arrangent rien à son angoisse. De leur côté, Georges et Dominique, la sœur de Marc, déjà parents de trois filles, affrontent sans inquiétude la quatrième grossesse de Dominique. L'expérience des uns va finalement avoir raison des appréhensions des autres, et entre les deux couples vont se tisser de solides nœuds d'amitié.

The naive and self-conscious Leah mistakenly signs a pact with the devil Abargadon. But she's on Heaven's hit list, so the Archangel Gabriel intervenes to bring about the demon's demise. But Leah begins to find Abargadon attractive and not so bad. She decides to save his soul.

César Borgnoli, an unsuccessful car salesman from Italy, lives well beyond his means. In order to get out of his financial disaster, he agrees to a deal: he pretends to be the husband of his sister's girlfriend Kim so she can legally adopt a little girl from Thailand. Caesar believes this to be a great idea and is looking forward to his trip to Thailand. After all, he is going to be able to mix business with pleasure--so he thinks. He didn't expect the local police, the Chinese Triads and the director of the orphanage to chip in, who want to make sure that little Mai is going to end up in a nice family.

A chubby forty-ish florist is dumped for a gorgeous young woman. She decides to lose weight and to ruin her rival's life in order to win her handsome lover back.

The upper-class secret agent teaming up accidentally with an easily-corrupted, sly interpreter...

On the day he loses his job in advertising agency, Gérard Floque returns home to find that his infant daughter has been arrested for drugs trafficking and his wife is having an affair with a TV presenter. Gérard's only comfort in this time of mid-life crisis is his colleague, a young punk girl named Martine.