El policia Stéphane Ruiz arriba al conflictiu suburbi parisenc de Montfermeil per unir-se als seus nous companys de la Brigada de Lluita contra la Delinqüència. Allà treballarà amb el Chris i el Gwada, dos experimentats agents que fa anys que breguen amb els diferents grups que pretenen controlar el barri.

França. 2018. El Theo acaba de néixer i la seva mare biològica l'entrega a un programa d'adopció que haurà de trobar la que serà la seva nova família. D'altra banda, l'Alice porta gairebé deu anys lluitant per ser mare. Un grup de professionals faran que el Theo i l'Alice puguin reunir-se.

Members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots battle deadly wildfires to save an Arizona town.

The beloved Crawleys and their intrepid staff prepare for the most important moment of their lives. A royal visit from the King and Queen of England will unleash scandal, romance and intrigue that will leave the future of Downton hanging in the balance.

Basada en l'aclamat llibre homònim, Storm Boy és la història d'un jove que creix a la bella però deshabitada costa del sud d'Austràlia i que inesperadament rescata tres pelicans orfes. Després de crear un vincle proper amb ells es veurà en una peculiar situació amb el seu pare pescador, de manera que la seva vida farà un nou i inesperat gir.

Accomplished sailor Charlie St. Cloud has the adoration of his mother Claire and his little brother Sam, as well as a college scholarship that will lead him far from his sleepy Pacific Northwest hometown. But his bright future is cut short when tragedy strikes and takes his dreams with it. After high school classmate Tess returns home unexpectedly, Charlie grows torn between honoring a promise he made four years earlier and moving forward with newfound love. As he finds the courage to let go of the past for good, Charlie discovers the soul most worth saving is his own.

Quan s'acosten les festes de fi d'any, el 1990, Jonathan Trager es creua amb Sara, una esplendida jove en la multitud novaiorquesa. S'enamoren de cop. Encara que tots dos estiguin compromesos en una altra relació, Jonathan i Sara passen la nit errant junts per Manhattan. Però la nit toca a la fi i vet aquí que estan obligats de prendre la decisió de tornar-se a veure o no. Quan Jonathan proposa un intercanvi de números de telèfon, Sara s'amaga per suggerir que el destí decideixi. Són l'un per l'altre, diu ella, trobaran el mitjà de tornar-se a veure. Alguns anys més tard, els dos joves són a punt de casar-se amb algú altre. Recordant la seva trobada màgica, decideixen veure's amb l'ajuda dels seus millors amics.

Unes estranyes llums planegen sobre el cel del tranquil Mossingham anunciant l'arribada de visitants d'una llunyana galàxia, però a la granja Mossy Bottom l'ovella Shaun i la resta del ramat segueixen fent de les seves ... molt tot i Bitzer, el seu gos pastor. Després d'aquesta incursió, una adorable extraterrestre de sorprenents poders es queda a terra, i ... Shaun veu en ella una oportunitat de diversió alienígena! Però abans ha d'evitar que la seva nova amiga sigui capturada per una sinistra organització. Estarà preparat el ramat per afrontar una missió de dimensions ... astronòmiques?

It's Christmas Eve in Tinseltown and Sin-Dee is back on the block. Upon hearing that her pimp boyfriend hasn't been faithful during the 28 days she was locked up, the working girl and her best friend, Alexandra, embark on a mission to get to the bottom of the scandalous rumor. Their rip-roaring odyssey leads them through various subcultures of Los Angeles, including an Armenian family dealing with their own repercussions of infidelity.

Following a bomb scare in the 1960s that locked the Webers into their bomb shelter for 35 years, Adam now ventures forth into Los Angeles to obtain food and supplies for his family, and a non-mutant wife for himself.

A young woman joins the military to be part of something bigger than herself and her small-town roots. Instead, she ends up as a new guard at Guantanamo Bay, where her mission is far from black and white. Surrounded by hostile jihadists and aggressive squadmates, she strikes up an unusual friendship with one of the detainees.

En Charlie Wilson és un congressista de Texas amb fama de vividor. La seva amant, a més, és una de les dones més riques de l'estat i té una ideologia marcadament anticomunista. Tots dos, juntament amb un agent de la CIA, ordeixen un pla per expulsar els soviètics instal·lats a l'Afganistan.

Peter is thrilled that his Grandpa is coming to live with his family. That is, until Grandpa moves into Peter's room, forcing him upstairs into the creepy attic. And though he loves his Grandpa, he wants his room back - so he has no choice but to declare war.

In the near future, due to a breakthrough scientific discovery by Dr. Thomas Harbor, there is now definitive proof of an afterlife. While countless people have chosen suicide to reset their existence, others try to decide what it all means. Among them is Dr. Harbor's son Will, who has arrived at his father's isolated compound with a mysterious young woman named Isla. There, they discover the strange acolytes who help Dr. Harbor with his experiments.

Dr. David Banner meets a former student, who has a magical hammer that summons Thor, a Norse god who is prevented from entering Valhalla. When the two superheroes stop feuding long enough to breathe, they are a team unmatched by any of their enemies.

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace - and her royal responsibilities - are more challenging than she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.

A big family moves into a dusty old house in the snowy woods of Washington with hopes of it being a nice holiday escape. But the kids soon discover a stash of old toys that just so happen to belong to a creepy ghost boy. As stranger and stranger things start to happen, some of the kids begin to sense that something in the house is not quite right…

Russian Oligarch Igor is as rich as he is extravagant: He plans to build his brand new villa right on a world famous and preserved bridge in the middle of Vienna! To bribe all the politicians, he needs the help of his interpreter Nadja. But Nadja has her own idea of what to do with all the bribe money.

Yorkshire moorlands, northern England, in the late 18th century. Young Heathcliff, rescued from the streets of Liverpool by Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of Wuthering Heights, an isolated farm, develops over the years an insane passion for Cathy, his foster sister, a sick obsession destined to end tragically.

A woman on the brink of a marriage proposal is told by a friend that she should date other men before spending the rest of her life with her boyfriend.