The story of the tortuous struggle against the silence of the victims of the dictatorship imposed by General Franco after the victory of the rebel side in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1975). In a democratic country, but still ideologically divided, the survivors seek justice as they organize the so-called “Argentinian lawsuit” and denounce the legally sanctioned pact of oblivion that intends to hide the crimes they were subjects of.

Matteo, a nine years old kid, builds a mask identical to the one of his hero: a wrestler of a roman suburb called The Tiger. Once the mask is on, Matteo never wants to take it off. What simply appears as a tantrum is in reality a call for help that nobody seems to hear.

The kingdom of Takicardie quakes under the rule of the tyrannical King Charles V-et-III-font-VIII-et-VIII-font-XVI, whose favourite pastime is shooting birds. His archenemy is a cheeky mockingbird, whose favourite pastime is thwarting the king’s attempts to shoot birds. One night, a portrait of the king comes to life and disposes of the real king, taking his place. The portrait king falls in love with a young shepherdess in another painting and intends to marry her. But, alas, the shepherdess has fallen in love with a chimneysweep and together they elope from the king’s palace. Enraged, the king sends his police to capture them and once they are within his power he forces the shepherdess to marry him. The mockingbird must use all his guile and courage to once more thwart the king and bring his evil reign to an end.

"A Species Odyssey" portrays the origins of Mankind from the moment the first primate stood up on their hind legs and set off to conquer the African Savanna, to modern Man, setting off to conquer space. 7 million years of triumph fraught with difficulties and extraordinary events that make Man what he is today.

Irena, a Ukrainian woman, comes to Italy looking for a job as a maid. She does everything she can to become a beloved nanny for an adorable little girl, Thea. However, that is just the very beginning of her unknown journey.

40-year-old Elling, sensitive, would-be poet, is sent to live in a state institution when his mother, who has sheltered him his entire life, dies. There he meets Kjell Bjarne, a gentle giant and female-obsessed virgin, also in his 40s.

Nemo får en nat overrakt en invitation fra kongen af drømmeland. Han skal udnævnes til kongens arving, og derudover være legekammerat med prinsessen - en pige! Selvom Nemo ikke er begejstret for sidste del af invitationen, tager han imod tilbuddet, og krones snart til prins. En skidt karakter ved navn Flip får ham imidler tid på gale veje, og Nemo må tage kampen op mod mareridtslandets hersker, der har taget kongen til fange. Befrielsesaktionen fører Nemo og hans venner dybt ind i mareridtets egne, hvor hans rejsefæller forsvinder en efter en.

In a cabin of the deep of the forest, a child and his father lead a wild and hard life in utmost isolation. The child grows up fearing and admiring his father, with the ghosts haunting the forest as his only companions. Until the day he discovers the neighbouring village and meets a young girl there, Manon. At her side, he discovers that love exists. From then on he won't cease to search for the place where his father's love for him is hiding.

Angelique har endelig fundet sit livs kærlighed. Han hedder Loïc, er kirurg, en kendt og rig én af ​​slagsen. Desværre også gift. Men han er vanvittig forelsket i Angèlique og er på vej til at lade sig skille fra sin højgravide kone... fortæller Angèlique vidt og bredt. Loïc er læge, han er rig, han er berømt, han er forelsket - i sin kone - og han aner knapt nok, at Angèlique eksisterer. Men den slags småting ta'r hun sig ikke af. For han er hendes. Hun begærer ham. Hun vil eje ham med hud og hår. Med Djævlens vold og magt...

Lad os se det i øjnene, rotter er ikke de mest elskede skabninger på jorden. Men måske denne lille fortælling om historien om menneskers og rotters interaktion vil ændre verdens holdning. I det mindste er det håbet om Remy, stjernen i Ratatouille, og hans tilbageholdende bror Emile da de lfører os gennem verdenshistorien fra en rottes perspektiv. Hvorfor kan vi alle ikke bare enes?

The Parade, in a tragicomic way, tells the story about ongoing battle between two worlds in contemporary post-war Serbian society - the traditional, oppressive, homophobic majority and a liberal, modern and open-minded minority... The film, which deals with gay rights issues in Serbia, features footage of the 2010 Belgrade gay pride parade. The film introduces a group of gay activists, trying to organize a pride parade in Belgrade.

After young Clara receives a wooden nutcracker as a Christmas gift, she dreams about a fantastical battle between her Nutcracker Prince and the evil Mouse King. At stake is the Nutcracker's freedom - and Clara's future happiness.

In 1942, the young Jewish girl Misha, her Russian mother Gerusha and her German father Reuven hide from the Germans in a small house in Ardennes, Belgium. Misha is very connected to her mother that advises her that if one day a person comes to her saying "love of my life", she would follow him or her without any question. When her parents are captured by the Nazis, Misha is delivered to a German family and the abusive matriarch gives a bad treatment to the girl. However, she finds support in the family of Ernest and his deranged wife Marthe that supplies groceries to foster family. Misha loves Ernest's dogs and the old man gives a compass to her and tells that her parents have been sent to East to forced labor. When the old couple is denounced for sheltering the girl and arrested by the Germans, Misha flees through the woods heading east. Along her journey seeking out her parents...

Kelly, Dan and Louis are students at a prestigious business school, destined to become tomorrow's elite. The industrious trio are determined to start putting their education into practise from the off in an attempt to make as much money as they can from their fellow students. Working on the theory that relationships between the sexes can be regulated by market principles, they begin to inflate the popularity of certain individuals artificially, by hiring beautiful and sexy off-campus women as their dates for exclusive and riotous college parties. However their perfect business model soon spirals out of control as their moneymaking scheme takes off in a big way across campus.

Jane (Ashley Judd) arbejder som producer på et talkshow og leder efter den eneste ene. Hun har en affære med kollegaen Ray (Greg Kinnear), der virker som en drømmemand. Pludselig skrider Ray dog, og Jane lejer et værelse hos talkshowets chef - skørtejægeren Eddie (Hugh Jackman). Med udgangspunkt i Eddie beslutter Jane sig for at finde ud af, hvorfor alle mænd er sådan nogle svin! Hun skriver en klumme i et livsstilsblad, hvor hun sammenligner mænd med tyre. Med et slag bliver hun berømt blandt singlekvinder i hele USA.

Astrid og Patricks bryllup skal stå i det naturskønne Sorrento. Brudens mor, frisøren Ida, har netop brudt med sin mand, Leif, som kommer anstigende til festen med sin nye, blonde nipskæreste. Gommens far, den britiske forretningsmand Philip, er også taget sydpå. Han er aldrig helt kommet sig over sin kones død, men måske finder han fred i sindet under Italiens sol?

In Paris, many citizens go to the precinct after the doors of their apartments have been sprayed with a 4 and the letters "clt". When a dweller is found mysteriously dead in his apartment, Detective Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg and his partner Danglard investigate...

Francis, who is in his forties, manages the French subsidiary of an American high-tech company. But the shareholders suddenly decide to close it. Depressed by the idea of being unemployed and the prospect of losing his second wife, Francis decides to consult a fortune-teller. The experience is a real eye-opener for him and the start of a new career: He pretends to be a fortune teller himself and turns into Madame Irma. How to explain that to his wife Clotilde?

Claude falls in love with Cécile. She is convinced that she is the woman of her life unlike her mother who knows the tumultuous sentimental life of her daughter.

In a small inn, the impoverished Baron von Münchhausen tries to keep his head above water with the help of his stories.