In the aftermath of a tragic fire in a Romanian club, burn victims begin dying in hospitals from wounds that were not life threatening. A team of investigative journalists move into action uncovering the mass corruption of the health system and of the state institutions. Collective follows journalists, whistle blowers, and authorities alike. An immersive and uncompromising look into a dysfunctional system, exposing corruption, propaganda, and manipulation that nowadays affect not only Romania, but societies around the world.

La Dra. Jean Markham torna a la ciutat que va abandonar quan era una adolescent per fer-se càrrec de la consulta mèdica del seu difunt pare. Quan el petit Charlie té una baralla al pati de l'escola i va a la seva consulta, ella el convida a visitar els ruscs que hi ha al seu jardí i l'anima a explicar els seus secrets a les abelles, com feia ella de nena. La nova amistat entre el nen i la doctora condueix la seva mare Lydia al món de la Jean. Inesperadament, les dues dones se senten atretes d'una manera que mai haguessin imaginat.

In 1856, two women forge a close connection despite their isolation on the American frontier.

Kena and Ziki long for something more. Despite the political rivalry between their families, the girls resist and remain close friends, supporting each other to pursue their dreams in a conservative society. When love blossoms between them, the two girls will be forced to choose between happiness and safety.

Narra la història d'amor a Anglaterra del 1840 entre la paleontòloga Mary Anning i Charlotte Murchinson, una dona casada. A la conservadora societat britànica del segle XIX, l'aclamada però desconeguda cercadora de fòssils Mary Anning treballa sola al sud del país. Quan tota la seva fama ja ha passat, es dedica a vendre fòssils als turistes per tirar endavant, fins que un visitant ric vol que Mary tingui cura de la seva dona. La relació entre totes dues s'anirà desenvolupant i prendrà un camí inesperat.

A mob's punishment of a lone man proves cruel and unusual.

Rei helps the woman she's been in love with for years escape her abusive husband. While on the run, their feelings for each other catch fire.

Després d'intercanviar el cos amb un assassí en sèrie, una jove estudiant descobreix que té menys de 24 hores abans que el canvi sigui permanent.

High school athlete Cyd Loughlin lives alone with her depressive father in South Carolina, perpetually longing to get away from it all. When her aunt, famous novelist Miranda Ruth, agrees to host her for a few weeks during the summer, Cyd jumps at the opportunity. While there, she falls for a girl in the neighborhood, even as she and her aunt gently challenge each other in the realms of sex and spirit.

A father fights for decades to bring his daughter's killer to justice in France and Germany before taking extreme measures.

A soldier and member of the Dutch resistance investigates stolen art in the wake of the Second World War, including a Vermeer sold to the Nazis by a flamboyant forger.

Desesperat per evitar el judici de la seva família sobre la seva perpètua condició de solter, Peter convenç el seu millor amic Nick perquè s'uneixi a ell durant les vacances i fingi que ara estan en una relació. Però quan la mare de Peter li monta una cita a cegues amb el seu entrenador James, el pla surt malament.

Charlie suffers from a serious disease that causes acute narcolepsy whenever he is happy. Although he develops a variety of techniques to deny himself pleasure and deal with his sleep issues, they’re put to the test when he falls in love.

Un grup d'estrelles de teatre hilarantment obsessionades amb si mateixes s'endinsa en un petit poble conservador d'Indiana en suport d'una noia de secundària que vol portar la seva xicota al ball de graduació.

When architect and Christmas amateur Steven finds himself hosting his family for Christmas, he recruits holiday coordinator Gretchen to bring holiday joy to his home. Gretchen’s expert Christmas spirit brings Steven’s family together, but neither expected it to bring them closer to each other. After a great opportunity presents itself to Gretchen, she and Steven must decide what’s really important in life.

Writer Ernest Hemingway begins a romance with fellow scribe Martha Gellhorn.

When his grandfather suddenly falls ill, holiday-hating Jules learns of his family's magical legacy and realizes he's the only hope to save Christmas.

When ordered to serve a year in rehab, actress Candy hires her on-set stand-in to take her place. The unassuming woman flips the script and steals her identity, career and boyfriend in this hilarious comedy about trading places.

On their road trip through the southwestern desert, Alex and his girlfriend Scarlett arrive in a town in the middle of nowhere and take a room in a mysterious hotel so that Scarlett, who is feeling increasingly ill, can get some rest.

When troubled teen Lincoln is subjected to severe bullying, he accidentally conjures the vengeful ghost of Moira Karp. Once a teenage girl pushed to suicide, Moira is now an unstoppable force on a mission of gruesome retribution. But when she goes too far, Lincoln must prevent her from spiraling out of control.