The frustrating adventures of a humble employee who all the time has to fullfill the wishes and desires of his bosses.

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

The Gestapo forces con man Victorio Bardone to impersonate a dead partisan general in order to extract information from his fellow inmates.

1930年代、ジャズ全盛期のシカゴ。ジプシージャズの天才ギタリストのエメット・レイは、崇拝するギタリストジャンゴ・ラインハルトの演奏が世界一で、自分は2番目に天才だと信じている。そんな彼は音楽に生きる反面、裏社会でも顔が通じ、娼婦の元締め、女遊び好きと自堕落な人生を送ってきた。 彼はニュージャージー州の海辺で友人ビルとの賭けに負け、仕方なくナンパした小柄で口のきけない女性ハッティと付き合うようになる。エメットの弾くギターに心惹かれたハッティは彼を愛すようになり、はじめは遊びのつもりだったエメットも辛くあたりつつも、素朴で優しい彼女に惹かれていく。 しかし、上流階級の女性ブランチに出会い惹かれた彼はハッティと別れ突然結婚するが、2人の共通点は派手好きなところ位で愛には乏しく、ブランチはいつしかジャズクラブの用心棒アルと不倫するようになっていった。



Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted.

Two missionaries (Bud Spencer and Terence Hill) come into conflict with the authorities when they turn their missionary into a parrot farm. The Bishop of Maracaibo calls them his 'black sheep' and the Monsignore has been called to check on their behavior. Like usual, our heroes help the poor to defend themselves and provoke some funny fist fights in the process. (from Wikipedia)

Vikram Rudraraju is a 30-year-old cop working for the Telangana State Police. While Vikram is battling with his own traumatic past, the stakes get high when a girl called Preethi mysteriously disappears in Hyderabad and Vikram has to solve the case at any cost.


“FEAR AND DESIRE”(52)に続くスタンリー・キューブリックの長編第2作で、商業映画としてはデビュー作にあたる。うらぶれたボクサーが、向かいのアパートに住む女を情夫の手から救い出そうとするというだけの物語だが、低予算の中で凝りまくった映像と、しがない男女のふれあいが切なく描かれている小品である。

Mathias Gold is a down-on-his-luck New Yorker who inherits a Parisian apartment from his estranged father. But when he arrives in France to sell the vast domicile, he's shocked to discover a live-in tenant who is not prepared to budge. His apartment is a viager—an ancient French real estate system with complex rules pertaining to its resale—and the feisty Englishwoman Mathilde Girard, who has lived in the apartment with her daughter Chloé for many years, can by contract collect monthly payments from Mathias until her death.


Set in 19th Century Canada, Brigette and her sister Ginger take refuge in a Traders' Fort which later becomes under siege by some savage werewolves. And an enigmatic Indian hunter decides to help the girls, but one of the girls has been bitten by a werewolf. Brigitte and Ginger may have no one to turn to but themselves.

Fletch is a fish out of water in small-town Louisiana, where he's checking out a tumbledown mansion he's inherited. When a woman he flirts with turns up dead, he becomes a suspect and must find the killer and clear his name.

Test space rockets exploding at liftoff and increased reporting of UFO sightings culminate in a direct attempt by alien survivors of a dead, extra-galactic civilization to invade Earth from impervious flying saucers, using ray-weapons of mass destruction.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

A father, a mother and a baby are sitting at a table, on a patio outside. Dad is feeding baby his lunch, while mum is serving tea.

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.

A corrupt planetary federation… The ultimate weapon of destruction.... One starship captain stands between them….and intergalactic armageddon. STARSHIP: RISING - RISE UP OR DIE In the distant future, an immortal bionic leader, the product of genetic engineering, has ruled over the universe for 200 years. An uprising is being staged by those preserving natural birth.