When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?

KILL SHOT is an in-depth documentary about the pre-production, production, and post-production process of making New Line Cinema's FINAL DESTINATION 3. We explore the history of not only the film itself but of its filmmaking partners, Glen Morgan and James Wong and gain insight on the production as a whole. Includes early development meetings, on-set action, interviews with cast and crew, visual effects development, test screening process as well as an elaborate ending re-shoot.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.



ボンドは、石油王のロバート・キング卿に返金される大金を奪取する事に成功。キング卿が大金を確認するためMI6に訪れる。ボンドがMへの報告中、その大金に爆弾が仕掛けられていることに気づき止めようとするが間に合わず、キング卿は爆死した。ボンドは犯人と思われる女暗殺者を追うが、激しいボートチェイスの末、女暗殺者は気球と共に自爆する。 真犯人は009に銃弾を頭に撃ち込まれるも死なず、そのせいで痛みを感じない体となった不死身のテロリスト「レナード」だと睨んだMI6は、キング卿の娘であり、レナードに誘拐された経験があるエレクトラ・キングが次に狙われると判断。ボンドに彼女の警護を命じる。 そんな時、レナードによって核弾頭が盗まれ、キング社の石油パイプラインにその核弾頭が仕掛けられる。


The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt return as heads of the Baker family who, while on vacation, find themselves in competition with a rival family of eight children, headed by Eugene Levy,

Kate & Humphrey and their three wolf cubs (Smokey, Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their first winter holidays together when their smallest cub, Runt, mysteriously disappears. They must now go on a new journey across the wilderness to find Runt before the winter festivities begin at home.

A man hires a prostitute to act like the magical girl characters played by Zooey Deschanel.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

An idyllic summer turns into a nightmare of unspeakable terror for yet another group of naïve counselors. Ignoring Camp Crystal Lake's bloody legacy, one by one they fall victim to the maniacal Jason, who stalks them at every turn...

When he finds out his longtime girlfriend is pregnant, a commitment-phobe realizes he might have to change his lifestyle for better or much, much worse.

"The Wild Soccer Bunch" celebrate their last victory against the "Silver Lights" - and set one record in volley-pass game after another in the forest. But they are not alone: Vampires target the team. To lure them into their bunker, they kidnap Leon. Will Vanessa ever see him again?

『ミクロキッズ』で子どもたちをミクロ化し、『ジャイアントベイビー』では赤ん坊を巨大化させるなど、人類にとって意義あるはずの発明を次々と生み出しているにもかかわらず、なぜか結果として周囲を大パニックに陥らせてばかりいる天才科学者サリンスキー博士を主人公とした、『ミクロキッズ』シリーズの第3作。 今回は、ついに博士夫妻が友人夫婦まで巻き込んでミクロ化。 彼らにとって最大の脅威となるのはもはや巨人にしか見えない彼らの子どもたち。

When Phil and Debbie Winslow relocate from their native Kansas to the sunny climes of Orange County, their big-hearted, havoc-wreaking Great Dane gets a taste of the dog's life, California-style.

A happy newlywed marriage counselor's views on wedded bliss get thrown for a loop when she finds out her parents are getting divorced.

Fairy tales collide when Mambo and Munk tip the scales of good and evil once again.

A doomsday pepper is surprised to find a mysterious box appear in his living room with no trace as to how it could've gotten there.