


When adults are ineffectual, children have to grow up quickly. Ola is 14 and she takes care of her dysfunctional father, autistic brother and a mother who lives apart from them and is mainly heard the phone. Most of all she wants to reunite a family that simply doesn’t work — like a defective TV set. She lives in the hope of bringing her mother back home. Her 13 year old brother Nikodem’s Holy Communion is a pretext for the family to meet up. Ola is entirely responsible for preparing the perfect family celebration. “Communion” reveals the beauty of the rejected, the strength of the weak and the need for change when change seems impossible. This crash course in growing up teaches us that failure is not final. Especially when love is in question.

Fleeing from despair after losing those dearest to him, the hero hides in a safe land of memories, where time stands still and all those dear to him are alive.

In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a trek across the Outback.

The travails of Sara, a frustrated fashion designer who blames karma for her bad luck. Fate will put her face to face with her sister, Lucy, who enjoys very different luck, and in a series of events and reunions that will lead her to make a radical decision.

A man named Seligman finds a fainted wounded woman in an alley and he brings her home. She tells him that her name is Joe and that she is nymphomaniac. Joe tells her life and sexual experiences with hundreds of men since she was a young teenager while Seligman tells about his hobbies, such as fly fishing, reading about Fibonacci numbers or listening to organ music.

「ミュンヘン」「NY心霊捜査官」のエリック・バナの主演で、ジェイン・ハーパーのベストセラー小説を映画化したクライムサスペンス。干ばつにあえぐ閉鎖的な田舎町で起こった、現在と過去の2つの殺人事件を通し、オーストラリアの社会が直面する問題をリアルに描いた。 メルボルンの連邦警察官アーロン・フォークは旧友ルークの葬儀に参列するため、20年ぶりに故郷の小さな町に帰ってきた。ルークは、自身の妻子を殺した後に自らも命を絶ったのだ。町は長らく雨が降らずに干ばつに襲われており、ルークが事件を起こした背景にもそうした土地の事情があり、いわばルークも犠牲者だと思われていた。しかし、町にとどまって捜査を行うフォークは、未解決事件となっている過去の事件とも向き合うことになり、数十年も隔てた2つの事件がつながっているのではないかと疑い始める。 原作にほれ込んだバナが自らプロデューサーも務め、本作で約13年ぶりに母国オーストラリアの映画に主演した。

After interning her insane husband in a remote psychiatric hospital, book editor Helga Pato returns home by train, where she meets a mysterious man who identifies himself as a psychiatrist.

The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.

Sinaloa hitchhikes into Texas to meet Merle, her half-sister by way of their dead country musician father. As the two get to know each other, Sinaloa's chaotic influence starts to unravel Merle's quiet, comfortable life. While the family music legacy brought Sinaloa to Austin, she won't leave without taking revenge against the people who stole her daddy away years ago.

A young woman wishes to fulfill her mother's dream of opening her own bakery in Notting Hill, London. To do this, she enlists the help of an old friend and her grandma.

When nanny Kim accidentally discovers that her employer, Steven, is having an affair with his kids’ Spanish tutor, she decides to keep it to herself so as not to risk splitting his family apart. But when Steven’s mistress is murdered and he tells the police that he hasn’t seen her in months, Kim realizes she’s the only person who knows he’s lying and she’s determined to learn why.


A single mother breeds locusts as high-protein foods but has trouble getting them to reproduce until she finds they have a taste for blood.

Routinely, but with dedication, Mare runs her small family’s modest household, even though a new washing machine is not the only thing that is missing. When a chance encounter rekindles her libido, she does not hold back for long.

実際のイベントに基づいて、バハマで起こった物語を伝えます。 仕事に夢中になったカップルは、しばらく休みを取り、数日間ダイビングをすることにしました。 乗組員の不注意のためにそれらを運ぶボートは、サメが出没する海で漂流し、海岸から遠く離れた海の中で彼らを捨てます...アメリカの批評家によると、最も衝撃的なホラー映画 1999年の「ブレアウィッチプロジェクト」以来のサンダンス映画祭。

The mutant babies have been placed by court order on a deserted island. Appalled by the cynicism and exploitation of the children by the legal system and the media, the man responsible for them leads an expedition to the island to free them.

After his brother Robeson disappears without a trace while exploring Africa in search of a legendary 'white tribe', Allan Quatermain decides to follow in his footsteps to learn what became of him. Soon after arriving, he discovers the Lost City of Gold, controlled by the evil lord Agon, and mined by his legions of white slaves.