França. 2018. El Theo acaba de néixer i la seva mare biològica l'entrega a un programa d'adopció que haurà de trobar la que serà la seva nova família. D'altra banda, l'Alice porta gairebé deu anys lluitant per ser mare. Un grup de professionals faran que el Theo i l'Alice puguin reunir-se.

Sud-àfrica, 1978. En Tim Jenkin i l'Stephen Lee són dos activistes polítics blancs del Congrés Nacional Africà. El règim de l'apartheid els empresona i tramen un pla per escapar de la infame presó de Pretòria.

En plena crisi dels quaranta, un grup d'homes decideix formar el primer equip nacional de natació sincronitzada masculí. Desafiant estereotips i ignorant la incomprensió dels que els envolten, es submergeixen en una divertida i insòlita aventura que els portarà a fer front a les dificultats i a treure el millor d'ells mateixos gràcies a la il·lusió i el treball en equip.

To spice up a dinner party, old friends agree to share every private message that pops up on their phones -- with disastrous results.

Alain és un home de negocis respectat i un brillant orador. En la seua vida, no hi ha lloc per a l'oci o la família. Un dia, sofreix un vessament cerebral que li causa problemes profunds en la parla i la memòria i frena la seua carrera professional. Per a la seua rehabilitació compta amb el suport de Jeanne, una jove logopeda. A força de treball i paciència, Jeanne i Alain arribaran a conéixer-se i ell intentarà reconstruir-se i començar una nova vida.

1960. The thrilling battles waged by a band of kids from two rival villages in the southern French countryside.

Muriel Bayen, a divorced beautician and mother of two, loves to tell stories. She is a huge fan of this singer Vincent Lacroix, in fact she is a dedicated fan. One day Vincent knock on her door and ask for her help.

Everything goes for the best in Fanny's life without stories ... until she discovers that her beloved son, Arthur, nine, is the scapegoat of three boys at his school. Fanny will not leave her son alone in front of these little executioners: she will give these dirty kids the change of their room. Thunderstorms and playground traps, now it will be "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"

A young undercover FBI agent infiltrates a gang of thieves who share a common interest in extreme sports. A remake of the 1991 film, "Point Break".

When a group of teenagers goes on a spring break camping trip, an unfortunate accident sets off a race to save their friend’s most prized possession.

Estiu de 1959. La família Lodge es muda a Suburbicon, una comunitat residencial pacífica i idíl·lica amb habitatges assequibles i gespes impecables ... el lloc perfecte per criar una família. Però l'aparent tranquil·litat amaga una realitat pertorbadora. El cap de família dels Lodge, Gardner (Matt Damon) es submergirà en el costat fosc del poble, ple de traïció, enganys i violència. Aquest és un conte de gent imperfecta que pren molt males decisions.

En Tyler està enamorat de la seva xicota Ali, però després d'una discussió passa una nit inoblidable amb la Holly. L'endemà descobreix que la Holly és una estudiant nova a la seva escola.

A fifty-year-old man suffers from a sore back. All the world's doctors, radiologists, and oesteopaths can do nothing for him : the roots of his illness are pyschological. But what should he change about his work, his wife and his family in order to get better ?

Two best friends stuck in boring jobs become bachelor party planners in Budapest.

Vincent, 18 years old, is dumped by Elina. It is his first love, it is the end of the world! His parents decide to take matters into their own hands and will try everything to make him forget this girl: he will have to follow them in a loving detoxification of which they will imagine the program ...

Lambert, a recovering sex addict, tries to redeem himself by becoming a marriage counsellor. He stays abstinent for several months, but his alluring assistant's unbridled sexuality tests his resolve.

Un grup d'aventurers fan una investigació per trobar una criatura a la selva... el Marsupilami. Adaptació lliure del còmic d'André Franquin.

Didier Travolta is a 40-year-old disco music fan who has no job, lives with his mother, and has a son he hasn't seen for a while. The mother of his son refuses to send him their son for the holidays unless he can offer him a real vacation, not just going to bars of the French port city of Le Havre. Penniless, the only way he can see his son is by winning a dance contest organized by his friend Jackson, with the prize of a vacation to Australia for two.

In Baghdad the Magnificent reigns Haroun al Plassid, who is the Caliph. There also dwells Iznogoud, who wants to be the Caliph. The irascible Grand Vizier hatches plot after plot to remove his ruler and take his place—melting Djinn, invisibility spell, cursed diamond, voodoo doll… But no amount of cunning or obstinacy can make up for sheer, hilariously bad luck.