Dibuixos animats. Un jove monjo irlandès de 12 anys s’endinsa en un perillós bosc proper a l’abadia, on viurà grans aventures.

Like every year, everyone is going back to the ancestral family's home for the Christmas holidays. But this time, the old folks have a surprise, a good surprise for them. They have decided to go living with one of their children and make him or her inherit the family house.

"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.

En un futur indeterminat, els llibres es consideren altament perniciosos per al benestar de la societat i la seva lectura està prohibida. Les brigades de bombers ja no es dediquen a extingir els incendis sinó a la localització de llibres clandestins i la seva cremació. Un dels membres d'aquest cos és en Montag, que està a punt d'aconseguir un ascens després d'anys de servei. Tanmateix, en Montag comença a percebre que el món en què viu no funciona prou bé. Coneixerà la Clarisse, una veïna del barri, que farà que qüestioni la seva feina i que prengui consciència de la realitat.

El psiquiatre Hal Raglen (Oliver Reed) inventa una teràpia especial per tractar psicòpates que consisteix en la somatització dels trastorns mentals del malalt. Quan sotmet una dona a aquest procés de curació, contra allò previst, es desferma la fúria de la pacient.

Matteo is a young successful businessman, audacious, charming and energetic. Ettore instead, is a calm, righteous, second grade teacher always living in the shadows, still in the small town from where both come from. They’re brothers but with two very different personalities. A dramatic event will force them to live together in Rome for a few months, bringing up the opportunity to face their differences with sympathy and tenderness, in a climax of fear and euphoria.

Massimo and Fabrizio are two 30-year-old Roman brethren living in Naples. Their life is about to change: they will become the Demolitions, who avenge those who have suffered wrongs.

Reinhard Heydrich és un militar que puja com molt de pressa a dins de l'organització nazi per la seva capacitat d'aplicar amb eficàcia i sense cap escrúpol les estratègies de la neteja ètnica. Allà on va, és temut per tothom i fins i tot Hitler l'arriba a anomenar "l'home del cor de ferro". Mentrestant, entre les tropes de l'exèrcit txec que han anat a lluitar al Regne Unit, hi ha dos soldats que es preparen per eliminar en Heydrich. Un cop a Praga, però, per complir la seva missió, dependran del moviment de resistència. La majoria de resistents són civils amb poca preparació i disposats a donar tot el que tenen per alliberar-se del nazisme, fins i tot la vida.

The story of an encounter between a bourgeois man and a poor woman, because their teenage children fall in love.

When troubled musical prodigy Charlotte seeks out Elizabeth, the new star pupil of her former school, the encounter sends both musicians down a sinister path with shocking consequences.

Per pagar un deute, un caçador de recompenses (The Rock) viatja a Helldorado, una ciutat en el fons de la jungla de l'Amazones, per capturar un convicte (Scott). Però quan arriba, descobreix que a qui ha d'aturar només és un noi àvid d'emocions que busca riquesa, i tots dos formaran equip per intentar trobar una mina plena d'or.

In the wake of their parent's separation, three siblings spend the summer in the south of France with their estranged Grandfather. In less than 24 hours, a clash of generations has occurred between the teenagers and the old man. During this turbulent summer, both generations will be transformed by one another.

Giulia’s is a poised world, made of rigour and sacred texts, which fiercely excludes those who do not belong to it. Libero's world is the world of all the others, of those who make mistakes, who fend for themselves looking for another chance and who love unconditionally. When Giulia meets Libero, she realizes she can have another destiny, one she will have to choose and build.

Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio must compete for the lead role in Martin Scorsese's next film.

Italy, September 1943. After the armistice and the flight of the King, the war theaters of the North-East see the advance of Tito's partisans. At the center of the story, in this dramatic historical context, the figure of Norma Cossetto, a young Istrian student, barbarously raped, killed and thrown into a foiba by the Tito partisans.

One livid dawn, a cold and damp wind blows as a man walks alone through the darkness. Deputy Police Superintendent Francesco Prencipe is on his way to meet his best friend, Judge Giovanni Mastropaolo whom he hasn't seen for almost two years. The men drive for two hours and exchange but a few words. Later that morning, the Judge is found dead, a single gunshot wound to his head. Francesco is the last person who saw him and his fingerprints are the only ones found in the house. But is he the murderer?

Bobby Rayburn ho ha estat tot al beisbol. A l'ocàs de la seva carrera aconsegueix un gran contracte per tornar als San Francisco Giants, l'equip de la seva ciutat natal. Un dels seus seguidors, Gil Renard, aconsegueix oblidar els seus problemes personals (una exdona que l'odia, un fill que el tem i una feina que està a punt de perdre) gràcies a la seva obsessió pel beisbol. Tant és així que està disposat a fer el que sigui perquè Rayburn torni a ser el millor.

Peppino, a provincial librarian who became the accidental President of Italy, is now a father and has returned to a peaceful, happy life as a woodsman. That is, until his wife Janis decides to return to politics. Peppino is forced to abandon his home in the mountains and return to Rome to win back his love and help her defeat a speculative plot intended to damage Italy. Together, they must fight against social media attacks of the opposition and get the country back on its feet.

Orlando is in his 40s and is "loser" until the 2012 earthquake makes him change his life.