The Christmas star fell from the sky and hides in Monica's house. Monica and Cebolinha try to help the little star back to the sky. TV Special shown on 1987's Christmas Eve on TV Globo

Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.

Naruto x UT is the eighth Naruto OVA. Approximately 200,000 copies of this OVA were distributed by Uniqlo to promote a line of Naruto-themed shirts designed by Masashi Kishimoto in conjunction with Studio Pierrot. It shows the aftermath between a fight between Naruto and Sasuke and shows clips of their times together and the story so far.

Groot sets out to paint a family portrait of himself and the Guardians, only to discover just how messy the artistic process can be.

Naruto and his friends must get back a jug of stolen holy water from a band of higher class ninjas.

While California is going bankrupt, one business is booming. "How Weed Won the West" is the story of the growing medical cannabis / marijuana industry in the greater Los Angeles area, with over 700 dispensaries doling out the buds. As a treatment for a wide range of conditions, cannabis is quickly proving itself as a healthier natural alternative to many prescription drugs.

Groot investigates a spooky noise that’s been haunting the Quadrant, which leads to an intense dance off.

When the gang loses patience with Snoopy's mischief, he suddenly finds himself back in obedience training. With a vengeance, Snoopy decides it's time to run away to Peppermint Patty's house, but soon realizes life might not be so bad with Charlie Brown after all.

In this animated follow-up to Fairytopia, Elina enlists the help of a mermaid, Nori, to save her friend Nalu, a merman prince who has been captured by the wicked Laverna.

『ドラゴンボールZ 燃えつきろ!!熱戦・烈戦・超激戦』で新惑星ベジータが崩壊した瞬間、一つの宇宙ポッドが惑星から脱出していた。そこに乗っていたのは伝説の超サイヤ人ブロリー。惑星崩壊の直前まで対決し、自らを打ち破った孫悟空を追い、地球に漂着したブロリーであったが、悟空から受けたダメージは想像以上に大きく、そのまま氷の下に閉じ込められてしまう。 7年後、孫悟天とトランクス、そしてミスター・サタンの娘で孫悟飯のクラスメイトであるビーデルはドラゴンボール探しをしていた。それぞれ子供ながらのかわいらしい願い事や単に神龍を見たいというだけといういたって遊び心にあふれた冒険であったが、その途中、謎の異常気象と、巨大な恐竜に苦しむナタデ村に辿り着き、その解決策として生け贄問題に悩む人々と出会う。村の問題は簡単に解決したものの、その時の悟天の泣き声に感応し、氷壁の中に眠っていたブロリーが覚醒してしまう。 彼が7年前、兄や父達を苦しめた伝説の超サイヤ人などということは知らない悟天やトランクス、ビーデルが闘いを挑む。悟天の顔が悟空にそっくりであったために、ブロリーの怒りと憎しみはさらに暴走。戦いの中、7つ目のドラゴンボールも発見。神龍に願いブロリーを倒してもらおうとするが、ブロリー相手ではそんな隙もなく、大ピンチに陥る。同じ頃、修行中の孫悟飯もただならぬ気を感じ、悟天たちの元へ向かう。トドメを刺される寸前の悟天らを救い、7年ぶりにブロリーと邂逅。父、孫悟空への復讐を遂げに来たのだと理解した悟飯は、父が亡き今、自分が代わってブロリーとの完全なる決着をつけることを決意し一騎打ちを挑むが、以前よりパワーアップしたブロリーに窮地に追い込まれる。だがその時、7つ揃ったドラゴンボールが光を帯びる。

全宇宙を支配しようとたくらむ悪の宇宙人スラッグが、地球を最新型惑星クルーザーとして使用するために襲来。 太陽の光を直接浴びると1時間も生きていられない種族であるスラッグ軍団の魔族は、手始めに地球の太陽光線を遮断する。悟空たちはスラッグの野望を阻止しようと闘うが、スラッグの強さはあのフリーザや超サイヤ人をも上回るかもしれないという。悟空たちとスラッグ軍団との戦いが始まる。

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

After 25 years together, married life has taken its toll on Xavier and Sophie, so when Sophie decides to invite their neighbours over for dinner, Xavier is less than enthusiastic to say the least! He can’t stand how obviously still in love they are and their lack of discretion… especially at night! On coming face-to-face with the uninhibited couple, Xavier and Sophie will be forced to confront their own, sad reality, before finding themselves pushed into a corner by a somewhat… indecent proposal.

Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.

After a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a charity gala, Sharpay Evans sets off for the bright lights of NYC, convinced instant fame and fortune are in the bag. But theatre's a dog-eat-dog world. Fortunately, Sharpay also meets Peyton, a handsome student filmmaker who finds Sharpay nearly as fascinating as she finds herself.

Brother Rabbit, Brother Bear, and Preacher Fox rise to the top of the crime ranks in Harlem by going up against a con-man, a racist cop, and the Mafia.

Charlie Brown leaves his appointment with his dentist armed with an instructional pamphlet on proper tooth brushing technique. He endeavors to practice toothbrushing with Linus and his dog Snoopy.

Gallic heroes and forever friends Asterix and Obelix journey to China to help Princess Sa See save the Empress and her land from a nefarious prince.