A tomato is planted, harvested and sold at a supermarket, but it rots and ends up in the trash. But it doesn’t end there: Isle of Flowers follows it up until its real end, among animals, trash, women and children. And then the difference between tomatoes, pigs and human beings becomes clear.


舞台はアメリカ合衆国オレゴン州アストリア市、海賊の伝説が残る田舎町グーンドック。主人公、マイキーの家は銀行に借金を抱えており、付近を買収しゴルフ場にしようとしていた銀行に迫られ、明日には立ち退きの書類にサインをしなければならなかった。 マイキー率いるグーニーズの4人は、マイキー宅の屋根裏部屋で偶然、伝説の大海賊「片目のウィリー」の遺した宝の在処を記した地図を発見。地図を元に岬の燈台レストランの地下に行くと、そこには大洞窟が広がっていた。 グーニーズにマイキーの兄・ブランドとその恋人アンディ、その友人ステファニーを加えた7人は、宝を狙うギャング団・フラッテリー一家の追跡を受けながらも、買収を阻止するため、ウィリーの宝を求めて大冒険を繰り広げる。

In the late 19th century, a former high school teacher turned unionist tries to organize workers laboring with inhuman conditions at a textile factory.

Mickey Mouse, piloting a steamboat, delights his passenger, Minnie, by making musical instruments out of the menagerie on deck.

Mickey has been reading Alice in Wonderland, and falls asleep. He finds himself on the other side of the mirror, where the furniture is alive.

Meeting by chance when they return to their tiny California hometown, two former high-school sweethearts reflect on their shared past.

心おどる楽しくて特別な日―クリスマスのミッキーと仲間たちの物語。今年もいたずらばかりしていたヒューイ、デューイ、ルーイはプレゼントがもらえるように、北極のサンタさんの家にある “いい子リスト” に自分たちの名前を書きに行きます。そしてクリスマス・パーティーをだいなしにしたために、家出してしまったプルートを探すミッキーと仲間たち。みんなでクリスマスを祝うことはできるのでしょうか。

Mickey buys a boat kit, and enlists Goofy and Donald to help assemble it. The plans say, "so simple a child could do it", so of course, they have their share of troubles. But before long, they're ready to launch the Queen Minnie, with appropriate fanfare, at which time, all the collapsible parts collapse.

A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?

Mickey accidentally takes a seal home, after it sneaks into his picnic basket. When Mickey takes a bath, the seal is discovered and Mickey returns him to the park. Later, however, Mickey and Pluto discover that the bathroom is filled with seals!

Mickey is performing routine maintenance on his tugboat (with interference from a pelican) when a call comes on the radio that there's a sinking ship needing assistance. Sadly, Mickey's crew consists of Donald and Goofy, so getting underway to help is not easy. Goofy has to fight a boiler's door to get it stoked with coal (and when he succeeds, he overfills it) and Donald gets tangled up in the machinery. Not to mention that nobody casts off, so they drag half the dock along with them. The overworked boiler soon explodes.

The gang throws Mickey a surprise birthday party; his present is an electric organ, which Minnie plays while Mickey does a jazzy dance. Goofy bakes the cake, but keeps having trouble with it falling. The gang does a conga line to a Latin tune.

T-ウイルスは世界中に蔓延し、遂に東京でも感染者が出た。そして、世界滅亡のカウントダウンが始まった。それから4年後。アンブレラ社は東京、渋谷の地下に巨大要塞を築き、アルバート・ウェスカー議長の指示の下で実験を繰り返していた。その地下要塞を、アリスが自身のクローンたちと共に襲撃。地下要塞は壊滅的なダメージを受ける。 ウェスカーは地下要塞をあっさり見限り飛行機で一人逃亡、予め仕掛けていた特殊爆弾[4]を爆破する。クローンアリスもろとも東京は地下要塞ごと壊滅した。 ウェスカーは勝利を確信するが、オリジナルのアリスは生き延びてウェスカーと同じ飛行機の中にいた。アリスはウェスカーを追い詰めるが、不意打ちを受けて取り逃がしてしまう。

Isa has more than enough on her plate with two children and the household, which she manages on her own. When her husband persists with his wish for a third child, she realizes that something must change.

Mickey, in the Australian bush, throws a boomerang that gets caught in Pluto’s mouth. Mickey then discovers an egg of an emu. Unfortunately, the parent chases him, but Pluto and the boomerang zoom into his path, leaving the emu all tangled.


Minnie is baking cookies. When she leaves for a short while, her dog Fifi accidentally drops popcorn kernels in the dough. Mickey and Pluto come over and visit with Minnie and Fifi. When Mickey notices that something is burning, Minnie remembers the cookies, which are popping popcorn out of them. Minnie is upset and lies on her sofa crying. Mickey goes out and buys a large amount of cookies and crackers. He comes back and shows them to her and she is overjoyed. The short was originally a theatrical advertisement for the National Biscuit Company (now known as Nabisco), where all of the products seen are various Nabisco products (i.e. Ritz Crackers, Oreo Cookies, Fig Newtons, etc.). These would later be edited out and replaced with generic-brands in television broadcasts and home video releases.

Mickey and Pluto go hunting for quail. Pluto scares away the first ones they see; Mickey scolds him, then relents. He shows Pluto how to be a pointer, and they set off after another quail, but Mickey accidentally jumps on a bear's nose, and thinks it's Pluto. Meanwhile, Pluto finds the quail and points. The babies climb on board and start picking at his hairs, but Pluto's been told not to move. Mickey finally comes across Pluto, who by now is covered by small animals, and realizes he's being followed by a bear. Mickey tries to reason with the bear, and backs off a cliff, onto Pluto.

The scientists of Jurassic World create a captivating and terrifying new creature that loves hot dogs. But what happens when the hot dogs run out?