In the sequel to Turma da Mônica: Laços, we follow Mônica, Jimmy Five, Maggy and Smudge dealing with the consequences of a mistake made at school. At the same time, they face transformations from childhood to adolescence and are about to discover the value of friendship.

En gruppe ungdomskriminelle lever et voldeligt liv i Mexico Citys berygtede slumkvarterer; blandt dem den unge Pedro, hvis moral gradvist korrumperes og ødelægges af de andre.

In this Concert he focuses on the star and most important defender of bachata, the Dominican singer and songwriter Romeo Santos, and his concert on September 21, 2019 at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, which broke attendance record . Romeo took advantage of this event to bring together, for the first time live, all the legendary bachateros with whom he collaborated on his acclaimed album Utopia (2019), to the delight of the public who sang his favorite hits.

Three octogenarians set out on a trip in order to fulfill the dying wish of a lifelong friend, in spite of the disapproval of their families and the limitations of their advanced age. Along the way, they find themselves embroiled in a series of comedic misadventures and meet a cast of colorful characters. Their journey fundamentally alters each characters' sense of self and their place in the world. There is, indeed, life after 80.

For a year, acclaimed British filmmaker Jeanie Finlay was embedded on the set of the hit HBO series “Game of Thrones,” chronicling the creation of the show’s most ambitious and complicated season. Debuting one week after the series 8 finale, GAME OF THRONES: THE LAST WATCH delves deep into the mud and blood to reveal the tears and triumphs involved in the challenge of bringing the fantasy world of Westeros to life in the very real studios, fields and car-parks of Northern Ireland. Made with unprecedented access, GAME OF THRONES: THE LAST WATCH is an up-close and personal portrait from the trenches of production, following the crew and the cast as they contend with extreme weather, punishing deadlines and an ever-excited fandom hungry for spoilers. Much more than a “making of” documentary, this is a funny, heartbreaking story, told with wit and intimacy, about the bittersweet pleasures of what it means to create a world – and then have to say goodbye to it.

A group of messenger spirits led by Aniceto, including doctor André Luiz, are tasked with going to Earth to help rescue three proteges whose interconnected stories are about to fail.

Radio presenter Karla's biological clock is ticking, and it's now very loud and clear. But no matter what she does, she simply cannot find a suitable man with whom she could imagine a family.

Pamela is an eight-year-old girl who loves horror movies and fairy tales. When his uncle gives her away a doll named "Hellequin" as a birthday gift, a tale of betrayal begins to unfold before her eyes.

Madea's back - hallelujer! And she's not putting up with any nonsense as family drama erupts at her great-grandson's college graduation celebration.

I Vesttyskland, under Anden Verdenskrig, efterlader den menige soldat David Manning modvilligt en hårdt såret kollega og leder efter overlevende fra sin deling - kun for at opdage, at alle fra delingen er blevet dræbt i kamp. Han beder om hjemsendelse på grund af mentale problemer i kølvandet på oplevelsen, men forfremmes i stedet til sergent og sendes på en ny opgave som leder for en deling af unge, uerfarne soldater.

En familiesammenkomst i et fjerntliggende palæ tager en dødelig drejning, da de er fanget inde og tvunget til at spille et dødbringende overlevelsesspil, hvor kun én vil komme ud i live.

Amy forbereder sin fars Halloween-bryllup, hvor han skal giftes med sin forlovede, Carl, da Amy, Gilbert og Marshall opdager, at deres mumieven Harold og hans elskede Rose muligvis er i fare. Sobek, en ond mumie, der bærer et tusind år gammelt nag mod sin bedste ven og siden bitre rival, Harold, liver uventet vakt til live og sætter ud for at få hævn. Med hjælp fra sin hypnotiserede lakaj Larry, kidnapper Sobek Rose, og Amy, Gilbert, Marshall, Buzzy og Harold må endnu en gang bruge deres evner for at redde hende og nå tilbage til brylluppet i tide.

Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan risk their lives and stay at the nuclear power plant to prevent total destruction after the region is devastated by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

Efter at være blevet ramt af et stort hjerteanfald beslutter Randal, at han må gøre noget ved sit hidtil spildte liv. I stedet for bare at se film vil han være filmskaber. Så Randal beder Dante, Elias, Jay og Silent Bob om hjælp med at indspille en film om deres liv, kiosken, som startede det hele, og kunderne, som han interagerer med hver dag.

To honor her best friend's last wish, a young woman with severe anxiety confronts her greatest fears to try and reclaim her life — and perhaps find love.

En nytilflyttet teenager forsøger at finde sin plads på en fornem kostskole, da et jordfaldshul ved et frackingområde i nærheden slipper frygtindgydende kræfter løs.

Javi is a teenage student so shy and clumsy that he does not know how to attract the attention of his classmate Sara, a geeky girl who is only interested in a literary saga about vampires.

En flok forårskåde studerende skal på ferie sammen og er kørt ud på jagt efter endeløse rækker af fadølsfustager, "Wet T-shirt" konkurrencer og solcremefedtede g-strengs bikinier. Men ved sydstatsbyen Pleasant Valley kører de forkert og ender midt i en stor, lokal "Guts and Glory" festival. De bliver budt varmt velkommen af den enøjede Borgmester Buckman, og alt tegner som et overflødighedshorn af sex, mad, druk og løssluppenhed. Men den løssluppenhed, som de troede var paradis, bliver til et sandt helvede!

Detective Amelia Van Helsing is on the desperate hunt for the killer responsible for a string of grisly murders targeting young women. Matters only worsen when all evidence leads to the seemingly untouchable Count Dracula. And when Van Helsing’s girlfriend vanishes, she is forced to question the very existence of monsters in a final showdown with the enigmatic count.

Some years ago, the world experienced a "day of reckoning" when creatures came up from below and purged humanity of evil. Now, it is happening again.