Rosaria i els seus quatre fills (Simone, Rocco, Ciro i Luca) abandonen la seva terra natal, Lucània (l'actual Basilicata), per emigrar a Milà a la recerca de feina i oportunitats que els permetin millorar les seves condicions de vida. Allà troben Vincenzo, el germà gran, que treballa de paleta però que està relacionat amb el món de la boxa.

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?

How, in 1945, after the end of World War II and the fall of the Nazi regime, the defeated were atrociously mistreated, especially those ethnic Germans who had lived peacefully for centuries in Germany's neighboring countries, such as Czechoslovakia and Poland. A heartbreaking story of revenge against innocent civilians, the story of acts as cruel as the Nazi occupation during the war years.

JSDF pilot Akane has a fateful encounter when a new Godzilla emerges in Tateyama. As a countermeasure, a cyborg named Kiryu is constructed from the remains of the original. The machine is discovered to harbor the restless soul of the original monster as Akane must learn to find value in her own life as well.

Shorter & More Violent Versions Instead of the lame clay sculptures previously seen. The animals are not in Vivid color B/C I don't have a large amount colorful clay. This video Has 4 out of 8 Episodes i'll be doing & soon i'll be making colorful Versions of The Creatures In Runcycles.

In the second film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto battles a group of female ninja in the employ of the Yagyu clan and must assassinate a traitor who plans to sell his clan's secrets to the Shogunate.

A chemist carries out a bizarre experiment with his own head.

Musical de la RKO que va tenir un gran èxit de públic, a més de ser nominada a l'Oscar a la millor pel·lícula. Guy Holden, un cèlebre ballarí americà, està de viatge per Europa en companyia del seu amic i advocat Egbert. Camí d'Anglaterra, un incident a la duana francesa el fa conèixer Mimi Glossop, que viatja amb la seva tia. A Londres torna a tenir una trobada casual amb ella. Guy queda profundament enamorat de Mimi, sense saber que es tracta d'una dona casada, en procés de divorci, els tràmits del qual està portant el mateix Egbert. Guy, Egbert, Mimi i la seva tia tornaran a coincidir en un hotel de la costa on es produiran una sèrie d'equívocs.

At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.

Uns terroristes s'apoderen de la torre Eiffel i amenacen de fer explotar una bomba atòmica. La periodista Lois Lane es troba dins l'ascensor de la torre fins que arriba Superman per salvar-la i llençar la bomba a l'espai. L'explosió atòmica permet l'alliberament del general Zod, Ursa i Non, condemnats a errar per l'espai. Tots tres arriben a la Terra i sembren el terror, fins a obligar el president dels Estats Units a sotmetre's al seu despotisme. Superman, que per amor a la Lois havia acceptat perdre els seus poders, haurà de recuperar-los per poder salvar el món.

Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, finds herself back in the land of her dreams, and makes delightful new friends, and dangerous new enemies.

Documentary about Fidel Castro, covering 40 years of Cuban Revolution. Rare Fidel Castro footage: he appears swimming with a bodyguard, visiting his childhood home and school, playing with his friend Nelson Mandela, meeting kid Elián Gonzalez, and celebrating his birthday with the Buena Vista Social Club group.

While a group of young actors rehearse a new musical about a mass murderer, a notorious psychopath escapes from a nearby insane asylum.

A documentary about unemployed people who bought fruit and vegetables at moderate prices at the wholesale market and sold these in the streets of Frankfurt. Since they had no permits they were constantly with their bulky carts on the run from the police. One part of the film was shot at the fairgrounds in front of the wholesale market. Newspaper and lottery ticket vendors, propagandists offering their ware for a few pfennigs, all convey the mood of a time when need made people inventive.

Biopic polític centrat en la figura de Lyndon B. Johnson, que va ser catapultat a la presidència dels Estats Units quan la bala d'un assassí va posar fi a la vida del president John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a Dallas, el 22 de novembre del 1963. Amb una sèrie de flashbacks, la pel·lícula ens mostra el moment en què Johnson, el polític demòcrata més poderós de Washington, descobreix que el seu nou càrrec de vicepresident de l'administració Kennedy l'aboca a la irrellevància política. Quan arriba a la presidència després de la mort de Kennedy, Johnson sembla destinat a fracassar davant d'una nació dividida pels drets civils i el racisme. Contra tot pronòstic, lluita per ressuscitar la seva carrera política i ocupar el lloc que li pertoca a les pàgines de la història.

Superfantozzi (1986) is an Italian film from 1986. It is the fifth film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio. In this film, Fantozzi is portrayed in a surreal historical journey, from Genesis to 1980s.

Hardened criminal Maggie Hayward's consistent violence, even in police custody, ends in the execution chamber. However, top-secret US government agent 'Bob' arranges a staged death, so Maggie can be elaborately trained as a phantom killer and subdued into obedience.

When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.

The story of an abused young man who decides to take matters into his own hands, but...

With the help of a radio DJ, Texas ranger Lefty Enright finds his way to the cannibalistic Sawyer family's underground slaughter shop, where he seeks to avenge the brutal murder of his kin.