Wallace rents out Gromit's former bedroom to a penguin, who takes up an interest in the techno pants created by Wallace. However, Gromit later learns that the penguin is a wanted criminal. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive.

The year is 2030 and six years have passed since a criminal known only as "The Laughing Man" swept through top medical nanotechnology firms committing acts of cyber-terrorism, kidnapping, and espionage leaving no known suspects. New information is revealed, as Section 9 enters the hunt for a suspect capable of unfathomable actions in this compilation of Stand Alone Complex content.

Wallace's whirlwind romance with the proprietor of the local wool shop puts his head in a spin, and Gromit is framed for sheep-rustling in a fiendish criminal plot.

Wallace i el seu inseparable gos Gromit gaudeixen d'un dia de pícnic, però s'hauran de sobreposar a uns contratemps imprevistos.

Wallace and Gromit try out ten of their latest inventions—which rarely work as planned.

Wallace and Gromit open a bakery, accidentally getting tied up with a murder mystery in the process. But when Wallace falls in love, Gromit is left to solve the case by himself.

Mr. Pezzella owns and operates a well-established luxury-clothing store. He does not like and does not consider it right to pay taxes and therefore uses a tax consultant to be able to evade more taxes.

Basada en el Best Seller d'espionatge de John le Carré, explica la història de Justin Quayle (Fiennes) un diplomàtic britànic destinat a Kenya la dona del qual és assassinada amb un home sospitós de ser la seva amant, un activista defensor dels drets humans de la regió. Quayle decideix llavors investigar els assassinats, i comença a descobrir molt més del que esperava...

Quan Shaun decideix prendre’s el dia lliure i divertir-se una mica, es troba que tindrà més acció del que s’esperava.

1959, Anglaterra. Al galliner de la Granja Tweedy, la gallina Ginger somia amb un espai més ampli i amb la llibertat. Cada dia, intenta sense èxit escapar-se del corral.

Recognized as Uganda’s first action film, Who Killed Captain Alex? is about the aftermath of a police raid in Kampala in which a police captain is killed.

The classic and beloved story from Dr. Seuss is now a CG animated film from 20th Century Fox Animation, the makers of the Ice Age films. An imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim Carrey) hears a faint cry for help coming from a tiny speck of dust floating through the air. Horton suspects there may be life on that speck and despite a surrounding community, which thinks he has lost his mind, he is determined to save the tiny particle! Jim Carrey and Steve Carell lead an all-star cast in bringing this wonderful family picture to life!

La història d’un nen que coneix uns simpàtics alienígenes que l’ajudaran a fugir d’un internat. Una aventura emocionant.

The life of a melancholy professor is turned upside down when he discovers that a rebellious teenager he is tutoring is actually his son.

London high-society mouse, Roddy is flushed down the toilet by Sid, a common sewer rat. Hang on for a madcap adventure deep in the sewer bowels of Ratropolis, where Roddy meets the resourceful Rita, the rodent-hating Toad and his faithful thugs, Spike and Whitey.

Tothom coneix el conte de Caputxeta Vermella... o això és el que es creuen. Però tot està a punt de canviar perquè ningú ha vist fins ara el conte de la manera en què aquí es narra. Tot queda potes enlaire, reinventat com una comèdia absurda animada per ordinador. Finalment, es desvetlla, fruit d'una profunda investigació, la xocant veritat delictiva que s'oculta després de la llegenda. Per fi, coneixerem tota la història sobre com Caputxeta Vermella, l'avià, el llenyataire i el llop, acaben sent sospitosos en un cas que només pot resoldre el millor dels detectius.

A Xangai, el 1936, es barregen intrigues polítiques, refugiats de diverses nacionalitats, forces militars estrangeres i negocis internacionals. Enmig d'aquesta voràgine, Sofia, una bonica comtessa russa, es veu obligada a treballar de cambrera i ballarina. La Sofia coneix en Jackson, un diplomàtic que ha perdut la seva família.

When one of his missteps puts his family in jeopardy, Tarzan decides they would be better off without him.

Marc, in his 40s, is a professor of literature at the University of Lausanne. Still a bachelor — and still living with his sister Marianne in a huge, isolated chalet that they inherited when they were very young — he carries on one love affair after another with his students. Winter has almost ended when one of his most brilliant students, Barbara, suddenly disappears. Two days later, Marc meets Barbara’s mother, Anna, who wants to find out more about her vanished daughter.

L'esquirol Rocky i l'ant Bullwinkle han estat vivint durant uns anys dels diners que els donaven les successives reestrenes del seu famós programa de dibuixos animats. Però ara la cosa es complica quan els arxienemics d'en Rocky i en Bullwinkle, en Boris i la Natasha, i el seu líder temerari, en Líder Temerari, volen fer el salt al món real per conquerir-lo. Així, l'esquirol i l'ant hauran d'aturar el trio abans que aquests aconsegueixin sembrar el caos per tot arreu.